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  • I have read a nice question on Line .the question is”Is it worse never to find the love of your life, or to find it and not being able to be with her?

    I think the hard thing is , when find love and not being able to be with her .This is the worse and the sad point of love .When he realizes that she does not belong to him and he tries to get rid her but he feels helpless . Suffering of stormy emotions which conflicts inside him , he is torn  away between mind and heart each one tries to convince him .

    Your nice comment always delights my dark heart .

  • Beverly Stout ,It’s a pleasure to see your comment on my post . Thank you very much dear.

  • So beautiful~ Both the words and the background are amazing. The anguish is well expressed.

  • you can easily sense the amount of excitement of mine as soon as you add your comment on my page. Thank you very much dear friend for sparing your precious time to read it!
    I feel my lines are just output of inner and boring thoughts …but your precious comment makes it a worthy poem indeed .
    Many thanks dear

  • It's a wonderful poem Tawfeeq ,the depth of the words and the wonderful images reflect your poetic sense .You described your feeling in a thoughtful way with the correct choice of the words !

    Thank you for sharing ! Keep up your great writing !


  • Yasemine;
    Writing your feeling is a kind of a treatment , or let me say , writing is like a breathing of a fresh air ,not writing is like a lack of breathing, I use it as a tool of out lit for my inner feeling .I feel that some time, I should open my heart and write anything poem , post , comment to have some support from my close friends like you . When I feel sad I harry to my PC ,scurry for a safe haven .So I write just to express myself and communicate with you .
    Thank you for praising my writing you are also a very good at English Yasemine, hearing such a complement from a very educated pretty girl makes my so proud of myself.

  • Asma,

    Thank you dear for sharing me your nice comment . Really I feel happy to see you here.

  • Dear Tawfeeq,

    In fact, I don't like poems. For me, the poem must be really good or written by one of estimable poets so that I will read it. But, without a doubt I read your poems, they are very heartfelt and very well written. Beside writing down your feelings so tender, your English is really good, too. I am sure it is not easy to put your feelings into writing using a second language. That's why I respect you a lot...

  • Tawfeeq,

    Very nice poem,creative and thoughtful.I enjoyed reading it :)

  • Anele ,no doubt , all your explanations are right .Maybe your fully understanding for this poem makes you a very creative designer of it . Well done Anele . Wow it is an amazing design.

    The blue color expresses the poet’s gloomy environment .The splinters of smashed mirror is a sign which refers to a bad omen of this lover , who can’t get rid her shadow .The lover’s image on splintered mirror… I like it ..the smoke of burning letters which is puffed powerfully to challenge the lover himself ,reminding him of her favorite perfume . The victorious’ picture on an uphill is so nice too .She expresses her joy arrogantly .She celebrates her victory on him .She stands above his head……Why not , she defeats her strong lover. The lover’s psychological case is pictured amazingly . He sits sadly ….He is helpless , feels abulia …..every line in this poem is depicted by suitable color and skilled hand .

    Really I feel proud of you Anele . The most important thing is your name underneath my poem . It would grant undying life to these poor lines .Your fabulous design transforms my poor lines to a worthy poem .I look at your design many times , and in every time , I feel as if I look at it for the first time .
    You comment makes me so happy :

    Only you can quench my desire

    Only you can satisfy a soul so poor

    Draw closer and beside me you retire

    Share your victory that you once bore.

    …oh.. your lines are so impressive ….I have never seen such sweet lines. Maybe I feel that, because you create them as an extension to my poem..Millions thanks

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