The Chronicle Of Ninos - Chapter Two

Chapter 1 : My Name is Ninos

Chapter 2 : Viola! I am a Male Cat

Hello again the world of EC. I never thought I will write so soon. After all, chasing a ball of cotton thread and my tail are more enjoyable than writing. But then, my Mom Noas is a slave driver. She keeps on reminding me that I have to put my adventures into words. Pffft. Human beings! No one can understand them, really.

If you read my previous blog, you will notice that my Moms at first didn't know my gender. I don't know why they didn't realise it. I've shown my ferociouscity to them nearly every day. I will chase their feet, and I always jump on their shoulders. While I did these things, I will make sure my claws really shown. I know that my claws really sharp because they always yelp and sometimes yell at the top of their lung. Sometimes I even growl at them, but alas! Human beings really clueless.

Anyway, when they had to go back to their hometown to celebrate the Eid, a few months back, they decided to board me with an animal clinic. I was really happy. I thought here is the opportunity for me to meet other cats and you know, test my social skills. But, I think my Moms were being told with a bunch of lies, because, for three days, I was just put inside a cage. Most of those cats were too miserable and missing their families that most of them just cried and mewling pitifully. I had to admit that sometimes I missed my Moms too, after all, I'm just a kitten, but I didn't cry like most of them.

Did I told you that the vet lied to my Moms? Well, I think the vet also must told my Moms that I was sick or something, because my Moms agreed for the vet to stick a needle as big as  a log and as long as the train to my small body. I think the vet derived pleasure from hurting young kittens, and all animals in general.

When my Moms took me back three days later, I was glad. The assistant vet told my Moms to bring me back to see the vet in a month time. NO WAY!!!!! When my Moms asked the assistant about my age, she told them that I was about three to four months old. In the car, my Moms were laughing loudly when they opened my health book and realised that the vet wrote 'Male' under my gender. Really, if they are not that clueless, they should realised by that time that I'm an alpha male cat. Tsk tsk tsk. Sometimes I do pity them.

Now they realised that I'm a male cat, I hope they will stop buying girl toys for me. But then, you will never know what my Moms will do. After all, they are clueless.

Ok. Enough for now. I will tell you about my other adventures in other blogs. See you next time.

P/S : My Mom asked me to dedicate this blog to all ladies of EC, especially to all the Ladies Cat. When I asked my Mom their names, my Mom said, they know who they are. So ladies, you know who you are, and this one is for you.

Chapter 3 : Wake Up And Smell The Roses

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  • Lady Blessing, to tell you the truth, I think my Moms were a bit clueless about cats. That was why they didn't notice that I'm a male cat. Aww... I wish I could send you all those female toys, but I don't want to hurt my Moms feelings. So, sometimes I had to play with them too. :(

    As for 'viola', it is like an expression. Something like 'eureka'. Viola means when you have a light bulb moment. When you realised you understand something. :D :D

    Please say my sweet greetings to your cat. Lady cats means any ladies who love cats. So, since you have a female cat, you're a lady cat too. :D :D :D

  • Hiks hiks Lady Onee, I hope that experience taught you to be careful with your time, especially like I said before, when it involves food. 

    Well, thank God so far, I didn't see those ghostly creatures. I don't know what I will do if I ever see one. Maybe I will just give them a Ninja kick. :D :D :D

    Lady Onee, I have to tell you something. Please don't be angry with me. You're one weird lady. :D :D No one, ever, ever, ever enjoy to have a needle stick on their body. And no cat, no cat ever, ever, ever enjoy the experience. :-P

    EAT TOGETHER?!!!! Well, I don't mind my Mom gave them food, if they stopped from coming over, everyday. Now, they are thinking that this is their house too. No way! I need my space, big space. :-P

    Dear Lady Onee, I'm glad that we can learn together. You're such a nice and sweet lady. :-*

  • Hiks, I experienced once, I came late for attending the wedding party. You're right, I didn't have any food left to eat. :(((

    Ninos, people said a cat could see a ghost. When it was seeing a terrified ghost or a quarreling among ghosts (jinn), it will moan very strange and terrifying. No, I'm not afraid at all. BUT, I will be afraid to go alone in the dark. :p

    Hahaha, Ninooooooosss....You're too afraid of needle. Just enjoy it. :D :D

    So, you're jealous with your neighbor or wild cat. Please be generous like your Mom. What if you share your food with them? Eat TOGETHER....! :)))

    My pleasure, dear. It's A GREAT WRITING! and otherwise, you gave me some new words. We're learning together. :)

  • Hello Lady Onee-chan. My Mom always say, 'better late than never', but in case of a food party, I think it is better to be the first than later, otherwise you will not have any food left to eat. :D :D :D 

    Ghost? Ghost as in the white thingy that floating around at night and like to scare people? You're talking about that ghost, Lady Onee? Why do you want to talk about ghost? Are you not afraid, Lady Onee? 

    I can't yelp or yell at the vet. What if I do that and he decided to stick bigger and longer needle to me? After all, he loved to do that to all animals that were brought to the clinic. That was why I didn't even mewl at him. :( :(

    As for my social skills, hmm .. I can't be too friendly with other cats that like to come over to my Moms' house and begged some food. Sometimes I will stare and roar at them, just to let them know that my house is my territory. They should not try to be too friendly with my Moms even though my Moms will give them food.

    Like I said, my Moms were a bit clueless with regards to cats. On the other hands, I think sometimes my Moms gave me female toys just to annoy me. An alpha male cat means the leader of a pack. Since I'm the only male in the house, I firmly believed that the title of an alpha male cat is appropriate to me. :D :D

    Lady Onee, thank you so much for the corrections. I do appreciate it, especially since I'm still learning.

  • Hello Ninos, sorry for my belated comment. Sometimes, I hardly could understand cat's language. lol...

    Wow! You're so energetic and a smart blogger, as a kitten! I hope to read your story about seeing a ghost. I'm sure you know it, Ninos. :))

    Cupcup..., you felt unhappy in the animal clinic, but you didn't cry. Woww!! :)) If you missed your Mom, you should have yelped and yelled at the vet. :D A needle is good for you, dear Ninos. :p So, how is your social skill now...? You look so caring others. :))

    How could your Mom Noas didn't know that you're male cat and buy you female toys? You must have felt so annoyed. Btw, what is an alpha male cat?? You look so fascinate. :D

    Well, to Mr. Dara and Mr. Nimzaf. I, myself noticed that the fact many girls love cats, while men mostly don't care, even AFRAID. :D Once, I had a friend looked so cool exiting from the car. When a cat approached him, he immediately ran away like coward. lol....

    My little correction:

    What is ferociouscity? ferocity (noun), ferocious (adj)
    Human beings are really clueless.
    I thought here was the opportunity...
    I think the vet also must have told my Moms...

  • Lady Fizzy, what is that? Is that another cat language? :-P

  • Hahaha Lady Mary, I hope I was not like that while writing this blog. 

  • Hello again Lady Evangelina. Your comment made me smile. :) I think Sir Josef is like the spy of EC. He's lurking somewhere. :D ::D :D And he will catch the spammer bugs as well as naughty people that come to EC.

    I feel so honoured that you want to share a secret with me. I promise you that I won't tell anyone. Not even my Moms, well, maybe if my Moms tickle me too much, I have to tell them. Anyway, I think you're a very sharp lady, Lady Evangelina because your observation is correct. I think his profile picture is very dashing indeed. :D :D :D :D :D :D

  • nyan (=^-^=)o

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