The Chronicle Of Ninos - Chapter One

Chapter One : My Name is Ninos

Hello world of EC. I want to start a blog post chronicling my life living with my two Moms. This is because one of my Moms, Noas, admitted to me that her brain has frozen. Well, I was shocked at first, until she explained to me that she has no idea what to write because she is always too busy nowadays, and don't have the luxury of time to think and write. Pffttt! Human. I told her, stop thinking too much and just write, even if it is just gibberish. 

Anyway, this is about me, and not my Moms. So let me start first by introducing myself. My name is Milo Ninos a/k Serai. What a mouthful of name, right? You may call me Ninos Osh Osh, by the way. Let me explain the meaning of my name. Though it's mouthful, I think I am proud that my Moms give me that name.

I think it's easily understood why I'm called 'Milo'. As you can see, my fur is very special. It's colour is really indescribable, and the nearest colour to describe it is Milo. As for Ninos, this is a bit mind boggling to explain. It's a bit convoluted, but please bear with me. When my Mom found me, the first thing she gave me was a cup of fresh milk. At the box of the fresh milk was a photo of Mickey Mouse. You see, the fresh milk was meant for her nephew, Jeje. And in Jeje's world, Mickey Mouse is Ninos. Kid! You can't really understand their logic, right? Anyway because of that, my Mom gave me this 'Ninos' to me. So, my name is like 'Milk Milo' which perfectly suits me because of this beautiful colour of my fur. Though I think I prefer if it is 'Milo Latte' which sounds more exotic. Alas! My Moms really don't have too much imagination.

Then, 'a/k' is actually some sort of an acronym. It is 'anak kepada'. It is a Malay word which means 'child of'. At first, my Moms wanted to put it as 'a/p', an acronym of 'anak perempuan' which means 'daughter of'. But because they can't determine my gender, did I mention before that my Moms really a bunch of clueless human beings, so they decided to put the safe option of 'a/k'. 'Serai' is also a Malay word which means 'lemongrass'. So my full name means, 'Milk Milo the child of Lemongrass'. 

At first when I fully understood the full meaning of my name, I was shocked and sad. How could I came from a lemongrass? Am I not a fully ferocious cat? Then my Mom told me that, one day, after she came back from work, she heard a loud mewl, which I beg to differ, I think it was a loud growl. Anyway, when she heard me, she was curious. Then she felt compelled to come and look. There I was, mewling (growling), inside a bush of lemongrass. It seemed my real Mom had abandoned me.

She took a pity of me, and took me in. I think I just let her adopted me. And the rest is history, or more like, that was the start of my new life with my Moms.

Anyway, this is my first part of my blog. I will tell you my other adventures in other blogs. I just hope you won't die out of curiousity. After all, I am just a kitten. I can't spend my waking hours just writing. The wide world is waiting for me. See you next time.

P/s : It's really irritating when I'm done writing, my Mom reminds me that this blog is dedicated to the beautiful Evangelina. When I asked her, the reason of such dedication, she said Evangelina will understand. Hmmm. So, Miss Evangelina, I hope you can understand, because I surely cannot.

Chapter 2 : Viola! I am a Male Cat

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  • You're welcome Ninos! And thank you as well for the bow! Send my best to your mom! Take care noas!:)

  • Dear Mrs. Alice E, my Mom only gave me the idea, it's me who wrote it. I was so dedicate in writing it that some of the keys of my Mom's keyboard became loose. :D :D :D I'm glad to know another cat lady in EC. I do wonder though, did Sir Josef realised that some of EC members are from feline types? :D :D

    I have to admit that in giving me this name, my Mom is making my life more interesting, maybe more interesting than chasing my tail, but then maybe not. I told my Mom about the bow that you gave and asked her what colour is it so that I can play with the bow. But she told me it was not a bow bow, but rather the act of bowing. So now, I am giving you a bow too, on behalf of my Mom. :) :)

  • Dear Ninos, how thoughtful of your mom Noas to write a blog about you!  From one cat to another let me just say that your mom must be one sharp lady to have scrupulously given you a perfect name!  It is often our names that adds interest! So, a bow to your mom! :)

  • Madame Onee-chan, bigger hugs to you, though I have to admit I asked my Moms to hold hands together so that they can give you big hugs. I'm always nice to my Mom, though sometimes I think she got annoyed with me especially if I chased her feet. But since I really believed that she was a cat woman in her former life, so she can't be too angry with me. :) :-P :-P

  • Hahaha......Ninooooos............big hug for youu......!! :D

    Be always nice to your Mom! I hope she was not a cat in her past life. LOL........ 

  • Hello again to the beautiful Miss Evangelina. My Mom says her big hello too. It was a big hello because she was yawning while saying that. I think she is always sleepy. Maybe she was a cat in her past life. 

    I'm honoured that you wanted to come back and read all the comments in here and appreciating my replies. What can I say. Maybe I was a stand-up comedian in my former life. I'm glad I can bring some smiles to your beautiful face. This world needs more smiling people rather than grumpy faces, especially in the morning.

    So, thank you for spreading the smiles all around. Take care now. :) :) :)

  • Fizzy (replying with an English accent too), my other Mom will make sure I take my bath every weekend. She even make sure I have a hot bath. Unfortunately, my fur is a bit special. It looks a bit dirty, but in actual fact it's as clean as my Mom Noas' car. LOL 

  • Milo(with english accent)'s moms should clean/shower milo a little bit as milo looks dirty.. 

  • Onee-chan, my Mom told me that you're one of her dearest neighbour. I'm glad to know you. I need more friends especially a smart friend like you. What can I say! Cats are born to be clever. I won't be surprised if one of these days, cats will rule humans, and humans will become cats' slaves. But! Wait! Wait! Wait!. Humans are cats' slaves. :) :) There you go.

  • I think cats are more clever nowadays. It's exceptional for a cat being a blogger among us. You've trained well by your mom, Ninos. LOL

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