Since I am learning the English language (1986) my world has expanded.  Recently I started an adventure voyage into the “TERRA INCOGNITA“. Let’s see if there are others in this cyber portal who are also on a similar voyage.

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  • Hehe you edited the word voyage there :D

    Well, what can I say. I cannot help you much for those new words, but I can wish you a good luck. So, good luck!! ^^



  • Adventure, indeed!  Thanks to you I looked up the definition of the word voyage and since it is defined as travel by water, my word choosing was poor and shall be upgraded to ADVENTURE. Thank you!

    As for your question: I am facing the task to integrate 41 new words into my active vocabulary and I do not have any proven method when it comes to “book learning” the English language. I wrapped my mind around  my visual maps displaying the 41 words, in four categories (noun, verb, adjective, adverb) and did manage to write 3 sentences thus far but wonder if there is a better way to do this?

  • A voyage into the terra incognita? That sounds more like an adventure rather than a voyage. So any interesting story about your adventure so far?
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