Practice maketh a man perfect.

Practice maketh a man perfect. 

The proverb says acquiring knowledge only through books cannot help man in the longer run. When we want to learn swimming we don’t do it by reading books on swimming. We can learn swimming only by getting into the water and practicing it. Perfection can be achieved only through proper practice. 

A person like an electrician or automobile mechanic or somebody who is an expert in servicing electronic goods learns the mechanism thoroughly through practice alone. Many times we see such mechanics are far more knowledgeable than people who have a proper degree in the respective fields. 

Similarly actors, cooks and artists are people who achieve fame through their constant work and practice. Mere reading will not make a perfect student. A student who practices what he has studied repeatedly can score marks and gains a good rank. Children are naturally instinctive and in childhood they try to imitate the sound made by elders and slowly learn to talk. 

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  • Ok, you are editing the comments which is BAD because:

    I have no way of checking to see if I had any mistakes so I can correct them. I also have no way to delete the comment if I want to say something differently.  If you are not going to play by the rules that most members follow please at least post a warning to us.

  • I agree that practice is the best way to gain perfection in most thing.  i will also argue that some things are best learned by reading. I don't know any mechanics who work on modern autos (with their computer control systems and advanced electronics) that do not spend time checking a written manual for each type of car.

    Long ago we could learn to set the engine speed and engine dwell by ear. I could make those pre-1970 cars work well using pretty simple tools. A mechanic today needs tools that didn't even exist a few years ago.

    But yes, I agree that practice makes perfect when learning a language and many other things. I am happy to leave your first comment!

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