Plants need water to grow.

When the water is abundant they grow more leaves and forget to produce fruits.

When the water is scarce they feel that they are going to die soon, they produce fruits to continue their generation. 


Just water your plants enough to keep their normal life!

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  • Hello Mr Night, thanks for appreciating my blog. You are right, if we have things more than enough the rest of it will be a waste and God does not love the wasteful (The Miraculous Quran 6.141)

    Have a happy life Mr Night!

  • Hi Ohnie, I'm glad you dropped a comment on my blog! Poor you, too busy doing a lot of things for other people forgetting to water you plants and let them die. Anyway we can not get everything we want, can we ? There is always something we have to sacrifice.

    Have a happy day always. Take care!

  • Mr Zulkifi, i really liked your blog, it has wisdom behind it, even though it is a fact. This can be applied in our daily life, if you have too much of a thing, you will have bad results. Enough is the way of survive, and satisfaction is for sure an endless treasure.



  • I always die indoor plants.

    I love them but I tend to forget to water them regularly.

    Bad me.

    I never knew about the plant instinct.

    How interesting!

  • Thank you Shabeen, I like your page and the song too.


  • Thank you Irina, I'm glad you like my blog.


  • @ Expector : Thank you very much my friend, it's my pleasure to have your comments.

    I do believe that plants or animals have wisdom, in their own ways of course. Several of them have been identified like the animal migrations, salmon life cycles, plants bending their stems toward sunlight and so on.

    Many on them further researches are still to be done.

    Hopefully our scientists will discover many more so that we can treat these non-human living things  wisely.

    @ Lucy : Your mom is right Lucy, your empathy, thoughts, feelings and words have some effects on the plants. So say nice things and your plants will show their best of their appearance.

    @ Valentine : Thanks a lot, nice of you to give a comment.

    @ Nida : You are right Nida, water lilies grow on water, cactus grows on the desert.

    @ Rose : That's right, it is not an easy learning.

    @ Juan Carlo : Thank you to you too.

  • Your plants sound just like humans with wisdom. Anyway, they are all living things on this planet.


    I love plants - they are so lovable:

    --They've noticed or experienced all the changes in the world just like us;

    --They might have feelings or wisdom - grow or wither with the season change or with disease; they even dance with wind joyfully or angrily; Some plants have thorns which could prevent them being eaten by animanls such as giraffe;

    --They seem to know everything, but never say anything - that's so cool;


  • Thanks for reminding, it is time to water my plants... I left :) lol

    Zulkifli, thank you for sharing!

  • I think watering the plants depends upon the type of the plant. Some plants need more quantity of water and others don't.
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