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  • Noor sister,

    May Allah rest her soul in peace!
    You know everyone of us need such pray that Allah may rest our soul in peace. I used it this sense. :)

    Why I said so? Actually, we all are virtual friends who have no source of communication except EC. So the regular members if suddenly disappear, there may happen anything we remain completely unaware the accrual position of absentees.

    Thank for your questions.

    Thank you for your concern.
  • Senere sis,

    Glad to know you are alive : Thank you for the comment.
  • Dear Brother! This word is new to short poem...hahaha, but so nice.

     Stil I am alive brother, to read your nice poem and blog. wish you all the best.

  • My dearest sister, I wrote for famous cat blogger, noas who is not among us since long. May Allah rest her soul in peace! Ameen! We have no personal gain from each others but what we can do is to remember our good members with positive words.

    Thank you for the challenge.
  • Ohhh whattt....:D You made me remember the poem you made for Why should it be mentioned twice...? :D

    Still, you're the master for this. Are you sure that you're pescatarian....?? kkkk.... The words you made are really combined simply very well. Hats off to you,my dear bro... ^_^

  • You're my friend like sister.

    I threw my thoughts into poetic style.
  •        My friend, be honest with me, did you write this poem????.....Please.....Don't say yes!!!!Please......Any way, if you have hot dish, pass it for us, it is better than cold one. My friend, I don't mean to tease you off, but you accustomed us to have a hot deletions meal every time we get into your house, isn't the blog the blogger's house??? My friend, unfortunately, this time we are still hungry.

          My friend, several times you called me, my sister. So, I behaved just as one of yours. God bless you. All my respect for you.     

  • Rajib, I just tried to bring smile on my readers' face. I feel glad to see you smiling :)
  • Risty, for consult with Mr. Google again. Hopefully, it will reply you. I wrote it randomly just for fun.
  • Hi  Just Learner,

    That word have matched is a nice way. And the poem is funny also .

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