My opinion about the globalised English

  Definitely English is consolidated as a worldwide language. Good? Bad? Everyone seems to have a ready response to this issue. I strongly believe it is needed to have a language which can allow us keep a standardised communication among the different cultures of this big world.
   Just imagine if we had to learn a new language every time we wanted to go to a certain country either for pleasure or on business. How hard it would be!
   If on one hand, many persons can say the English is ruining the national identities by breaking the borders, on the other hand, "this world-wide language code" allowed and still allow a big exchange of valuable things.
   Through a communication grounded on a single language we can have big fluxes of scientific findings, researches in general, technologies, teaching, learning, people, money, products, services and everything you can imagine to put on this listing. At long last English as a global language has putted on the whole world on a illuminated stage where the knowledge is what worth more, after all, we're in the information era.
   Talking about my own personal experience with English I can firmly say it has opened a lot my horizons to knowledges restricted by the utilised language which I couldn't even imaginate I would be reading these days on articles, news, websites and any source of information useful or interesting to me.
   I recognise that the cultural influence is a simultaneous process when it has a homogenisation process, like this occured with the language spoken all over the world, but I think the adoption of English as a standard language is an element which we have to face unavoidably because the more humankind progresses in technology the more coalition is required in order to all societies can benefit itself from this new discoveries. Who doesn't spoken English today, fatally is excluded the best things this world can offer to us. At the same time, I believe too, the national cultures must be protected to the maximum so that we can have memories to tell to the forthcoming generations, this is so important as well, memories are our own history, they are ourselves!

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  • If there were only one language, we wouldn't have to learn foreign languages. That would be good for us (from different areas of the world) to communicate.

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