My Difficulties in the English Learning

  Hello everyone, this post I want to try to answer the following question elaborated by me: What do you have more difficulty to learn in a foreign language? I challenge you think over about this question at the end of my post.

  That's a good question to be answered, at least, a single time in the life of every learner. Perfect topic! I confess I face and I'll still face many difficulties along my learning life. After all, languages are like mutant beings, they always have something new to introduce to us.

  First and foremost, If you're a good learner you will try hard to beat any hurdle that crosses your path, whatever that hurdle can be the hardest one that you have ever seen.

  In my case, I've already been a self-taught for 2 years now, so, hurdles can be even more "strong" or "agressive" when you're willing to be away from any means of support like a teacher. You just can count on your own abilities to unfold that tricky topic of the studied language.

  Even though that, I do my best for getting over any trouble on the way. My mental strenghts are completely focused on learning. If you don't understand something, ask someone. It costs nothing! I'm a learner, and learners should take the most of their learning experience. For me, that should be the learner's obligation, a mandatory if it really wants to move forward in a different language of yours. Always ask for help and give help to others learners.

  We have to accept as well, we're imperfect learners as well as we're imperfect humans. We cannot know everything at one go! We will always make mistakes, but trying to enhance forever, this is the most important! I'm not a robot, but a living creature craving to learn correctly as much as possible.

  Considered everything that, I'm resigned with my mistakes here and there. They definitely take part in the process of assimilation of the new skills.

  For sure, along time I will be able to improve a bunch of mistakes I usually make today. That is, I will decrease the frequency of them in my speaking and reading. I hope so!!!

  At the beginning of my learning experience, I used to make silly mistakes, like the conjugation of the verb "to be" and the addition of the "s" to the third persons (he,she,it) of the affirmative form of the Simple Present.

  In the present days, after 2 years of study I  have hard times with other aspects of language: usage of prepositions, Present Perfect ( simple form and continuous/progressive form), phrasal verbs, listening and above all speaking, my worst knowledge among all that  which I quoted  here. At times, It looks like I don't know how to pronounce no word in English. That's quite weird!! I need urgently devote myself to the practical conversation. Maybe, a frequent conversation will lead me to fix  better in my mind the acquired skills I have.

  Listening follows the same scheme: the more you listen up the better you become in it! I always read that in the  teacher's articles  written all over the Web.

  So my friend these are my "hurdles" ( I always try not cope with them as hurdles, but natural events) to be beaten. Reading a lot, listening more and speaking too much, after all we learn a second language so that we can become someday fluent!

  Thanks for taking your time for reading my post. If you want to, drop me a suggestion and/or correction about my writing performance here. Goodbye, See you!!!


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  • Great !
    Keep it up...
    Actually, in the answer of the first mentioned Q, I have to say that I've got lots of problems in my listening. I do not like watching TV nor movies and I find it boring, too boring to listen a podcast or sth like this.
    I dono what to do... but I really like improving that within a native guy talking with him for long hours...
  • I like your blog ,Your energy for writing such as great blog .

    Yes you are right practicing is the way that you can even without any teacher improve your english .but about my problem I alway shave problem to keep  mind the words and Grammar also :)"

    Thanks for sharing such a nice blog !

  • Practise makes perfect. So hopefully with a lot of practise, the less mistakes that we, learners" going to make.

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