Listening without Judging

This story is about a typical couple that is having problems of communication and what happened when they talked about it.

Diego and Priscilla.

A month had passed since they started a romantic relationship. Diego truly loved Priscilla and she started to feel something special for him, they decided to become a couple because they always had had a good and supportive friendship and they got along well together.

One day, Diego called Priscilla and after a few minutes, Diego felt that Priscilla wasn't doing well, the nature of their conversation was odd and aloof, nothing special to say in that conversation, it was like suddenly they would had lost trust in each other. There was some silence while they were on the phone. When they hung up, they felt that something was happening and that it wasn't good. Diego felt so confused and over the course of ten days he stopped calling Priscilla and Priscilla did the same with Diego, no more phone calls, no more messages, nothing at all.

Their relationship was going through a period that many experts categorize as a state of"limbo".

Over that period of ten days, Diego and Priscilla were dealing with difficult emotions, they were upset, confused and thinking about their future together as a couple, but what should they have done in that situation?

Diego and Priscilla didn't want to lose their relationship, but they were not able to make the first step to make contact. In fact, they had fear and they didn't know what to do.

After the lapse of ten days, Priscilla sent a message to Diego, she was worried about him and she wanted to know what happened to him. Diego responded quickly to her message, because he really wanted to talk to her and find a solution to his anxiety and make amends with her.

They made an appointment, in a café that was halfway between his and her house, (a neutral zone).

They talked and talked for a long time. After three and a half hours of talking, they felt happy again because they opened up and shared what was on their hearts and talked about what they really wanted in their relationship, they were able to dispel any kind of doubts between themselves and they talked about their own fears and their true feelings.

Diego said - I am sorry for having put you through some tough times and for made you suffer so much. Then Priscilla said - I am sorry for my immature and childish behavior.

After that, the couple realized the importance of having open communication with constructive dialog, they would find many solutions to their problems, and they could wind up on good terms if they listened to each other. Both said; The power of listening without judging is amazing.

The end.


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  • I totally agree with you, dear Student. We shouldn't waste time in fighting and arguing. We should enjoy the life.

  • Hello Svitlana! Thank you so much for your comment, I think you hit the nail on the head! Many couples make their problems bigger than they're. even when there's nothing wrong! Many couples are drama addicts...

    Life is so short, then it's not worth staying in any toxic relationship.

    Best regards!


  • I alway say people must talk to each other. Silence kills any relationship.
    Sometimes the reason of misunderstanding can be so simple but people always make a mountain out of a molehill.
    Thank you, dear Student, for this nice instructive story.

  • Hello Onee-chan. Thank you very much for reading this blog and for your comments.

    About gadgets, that's a good question! From my perspective, electronic gadgets are just tools that could help us to improve our communication skills, the use or abuse of them is the other side of the coin.

    The story of Diego and Priscilla was real. That was the story of my best friends who actually have a long distance relationship because of their jobs, now the only way to communicate to each other is by smartphones, using VoIP (V(oice) o(ver) IP) services. I think the gadgets (smartphones) helped them to keep in touch any time, the problem was their fears of losing their sense of liberty and individuality and also their fears of commitment and being cheated thanks to past experiences.

    I'm going to write a new blog, it's about couples. I hope you like it. :)

    Best regards and thank you very much again for your support.


  • Hello Roman, Thank you for your commentt.:)

    I think it was a happy ending.

    Best regards

  • Wow, Student! You wrote a very important message.

    These days, there may be many couples have problems in communication. Do you think gadget is one of the causes? Surely, love should remain until couple grow old. :)

    Thanks for sharing.

  • Hi Student!

    Good that they coped with it! :)

  • Hi Mishaikh! Yes I agree with you, communication is vital. Honesty and clarifying what they (the couple) really want in their relationship could be important too.By the way, this is a very interesting topic.

    Best regards and have a wonderful day! :)

  • Very well put @Student. Yes its truly a fact that communication plays vital role in putting the couples on right frequency to understand each other.

    Good blog.  Keep writing.

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