among and between


1.  We say that somebody/something is between two or more clearly separate people or things. 

     We use among when somebody/something is in a group, a crowd or a mass of people or things, which we do not see separately.



    - She was standing between Alice and Mary.

    - She was standing among a crowd of children.


    - Our house is between the wood, the river and the village.

    - His house is hidden among the trees.


2.  We use between to say that there are things (or groups of things) on two sides.

    - a little valley between high mountains.

    - I saw something between the wheels of the car.


3.  We say divide between and share between before singular nouns.

Before plural nouns, we can say between or among.


    - He divided his money between his wife, his daughter and his sister.

    - I shared the food between/among all my friends.


The following are links to sites where you can do exercises pertaining to between and among:


 TIP 8                                                                                                  TIP 10

Note: The tips in this series are picked from various sources!


~* GS *~

March 19, 2013

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