Let me say sorry...

"Saying sorry saves your life" a blog by my dear friend Mukesh. Thanks a lot my darling for this nice blog. Everyone should follow this. Sure,"Saying sorry doesn't change our past but it can change the future". By the way I'm not here for describing your blog but for using for golden word "Sorry" so, let me say sorry.


Before few days ago I had a chat with one of my friend. Oh, really, I made her sad. I don't know why some words came in my mind which made her sad. Now she is angry with me but lol... I can say she still like me and will be back soon to chat with me. Oh, really, I love her.

So sorry my dear friend please forget that, now, I'll try my best to never use such words again. I'm really so sorry...and now, I am with hope you'll forgive me soon and will be back soon.

                                        To all my EC teachers and friends.

Sorry to all of you if till now any of my words, you didn't like or hurt you. I'm here not only for learning English but also for learning manners and many more things from you all. I never like to use some bad words which you don't like or should not be use for polite conversation but may be because of I'm not very good in English so, it comes out.


Thanks a million to all EC teachers and friends I learnt many things from you all and I will. Please keep me correcting everywhere...

A special sorry to my dear sister Anele. Why ? May be, you could remember one of my card on your page.



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  • Dear Thuong... thanks for your comment. I hope she will be back to me...

    Thanks dear Jenny for nice words.

    Lol...Phuon.. yes, I love her.

    Thanks a lot dear Hala J.M. I appreciate your precious words.


  • True friends should always forgive each other and listen to the reasons....we all make mistakes ,sometimes we are sad and nervous so we rush without thinking carefully...and hurt others.So our friends should understand us like we should too.Thank you




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