Learning Never Stops

As life goes on and we ascend the ladder of age, a lot of the time we think ourselves either too experienced or too long in the tooth to learn new things or new ways of doing old things.  But knowledge has no age or ending and while we are still walking on the well-trodden path of ours, the world has not seized to spin-changes in eternity.  So, why do we spate or alienate ourselves from something as natural as change and the process of learning?  Why do we deliberately sabotage ourselves and stunt our growth?  Why do we then blame everything else around us for the things that they happen to us?  Do we not then make a self-fulfilling prophecy for ourselves?

These are all rhetorical but self-searching questions.  We need to ask these from ourselves on a regular basis lest we think ourselves above the elements of change and externalities.  This issue deals with ways to make the process of self-understanding and discovery smoother and more understandable.  May it be someone who is starting a new or someone who has been at it for a long time.  There is always something new or unique to learn a new perspective or an innovative technique that not only stimulates the fertile mind but also saves time and brings further ripples of change in the world. 


Idea has been taken from an article in a local magazine

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  • I am Sorry Sewar.  I tried two times to post your name correctly using my cell phone but you see I was failed. 

    Thanks, Sewar anyway, I am glad you found my blog motivating.

  •      My friend, my name is Sewar not Seear. God bless you. 

  •          Wow my friend.........Just few days ago, my husband and I were discussing such idea. My husband prefers reading books over going out side to learn new skill. His point view is; we can learn a lot from books.  But I am really against this theory. Actually, I like my skills improved by professionals. So, I always have been in art classes. Yes, I am young now, but I don't imagine my self out of such classes no matter what my age will be!!!!  My best for you my friend and thanks for such a nice topic. 


  • Thanks, Marshaa for your kind appreciation.
  • Great one.. knowledge never betray. ...thanks for sharing dear Mishaikh. You are an awesome writer always...
  • Thanks Elf for stopping by and posting your view point on the topic.
  • Yup, Agree with You..  Learning never stop..

    we always have something to learn in each step of life.. if we stop learning then (I think) somehow we stop living.. :P

    thanks for sharing Your nice thoughts..

  • Good to see you, too, Mishaikh. You're most welcome. :)
  • Thank you very much, onee. Good to see you on my site after quite a gap.
  • Agree with you, Mishaikh.

    Whatever our age, learning never stops. I'd say if we stop learning, our brain will be dull. Just like our stomach, it needs eating everyday, so our brain does. It need knowledge. :)
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