Is Money the basis of pleasant life?

Is Money the basis of pleasant life?

Money here is meant wealth, material wealth like property, jewelry, currency notes and so on. To elaborate our discussions it is necessary to assess what is a pleasant life. Some may say that possessing of all the material comforts of luxurious living, having a good house and modern households, cars for traveling, good food for eating, high education for children and every such sort of facilities is the basis of pleasant life. If pleasant life actually means availability of all these material things then these cannot be obtained without money. But the fact is this that possession of wealth can or cannot make a person’s life pleasant. This is because being happy very much depends on a person’s wish to be happy and how he is passing his life, that is within the norms of life which Allah has instructed or free of all bindings. One can have all the wealth in the world and choose a life free of all bindings then he will entrap himself in all the problems which will make his life unpleasant.

To have a pleasant and satisfying life we should take the guidance from teachings from God. To earn money is not prohibited, but God has given us guidance how to spend money. and it is in several places in the Quran that one should adopt normalcy even in spending money. Neither he should be extravagant nor niggard. Do expend the money where it is necessary, even to obtain the comforts of life for self and for family and on the other hand stop his hand where it is not essential. Following the instructions of Allah and his Prophet (PBUH) in every act of life is the real pleasure. Otherwise, the evil of wealth will overcome.

The unnecessary desire of wealth makes one's heart very hard and he does not differentiate what is good and what is evil. Such lust for wealth makes him selfish. The allures of being rich lead him to the criminal ways to earn a lot of money, without a sense that a lot of money is not necessary for having a pleasant life, instead, it makes a person proud. He thinks of others as inferior. But with all the wealth if a person leads a life according to the teaching of Allah and his Prophet, then it gives real pleasure not only here in this world but also in the hereafter.   

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  • Thanks Elf for your time to read and comment.
  • Agree with you,
    Money can not bring happiness, its true Money is important for living life But money is not Everything..
  • Very true! And also I think that very rich people are not happy because of lack of the dreams... They only exist after achieving or completing all of their dreams. Thank you for sharing! And thank you for sharing that previous  blog about Oskar Wield's "The Nightingale and the Rose"!

  • Thank Onee (mod) for your comment and appreciation.
  • Dear Mishaikh,

    There is no satisfaction if we focus only on collecting money and wealth. Sometimes, it can kill ourselves. I like the last paragraph description. 

    Sure, money is not the basis of pleasant life. It just helps. Just like we need to eat to get healthy, we need to earn money for living. The more wealth we have the more responsibility to help the others. That's my opinion. :)

  • Thanks Eva for elaboration on the topic.
  • Mishaikh,

    Here we say something like this:

    “ Money is the goal that sanctify the means” - Ends justify and means.

    I believe having enough money to live in a nice and comfortable way, must be something every human on this earth somehow would prefer.

    One can buy almost everything for money, even humans can be bought. The only thing as can not be bought for money is health, time, life.

    A human can do everything what may be in their power, through around with as much money as one like, but eventually one will go short.

    Because there are just some things that are out of the reach of human hands to control.
  • Thanks Dara for all your appreciations.

  • Yah muhaie yaad dilaata hain mera blog, (paisa aur khushee). Money interferes  in many things. Unfortunately, nowadays, it is just the speaker of everybody. In Arabic we have a saying, (money talks) It can be the weapon for those who want to fight. It is the eloquence for those who want to be eloquent or fluent. 

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