Discussion Question: Do you think these types  of man-made barriers will protect the Netherlands from future storm surges resulting from global warming?

   Looking at the question in a positive mood, I believe the human technology is evolving everyday. On this side, I think whilst the technology improvement human ability is in progress to overcome the incredible strenghts nature has, men  has the power in its hands to control the natural effects provoked by own devastation.

 Being more practical,  I believe the human abilities cannot always beat the nature forces, because they are bigger and stronger, in the end, they are superior forces, the forces of our  creation that no living being has never been able to face up to sucesfully so far.

 This way, men cannot always protect the Netherlands from future storm surges, because they are unstoppable strenghts, and any technology device that is invented  to fight against them is subject to flaws.

 In my humble opinion, men can even  try to create devices to hold back momentarily the forces of storm surges but, at the end, they  will always win this battle, because they are trying to rebalance the Earth's natural environment destabilized by humankind due to so much valueless economic progress just  on behalf of wilder profit.

 Earth has its own means for keeeping the planet in healthy conditions, this include storms, floods, dries and extreme colds that we see these days in the worlwide newspapers  . It's more important men understands why the planet is suffering with so many natural disasters raising awareness to the crucial role of preservation  instead of trying to hold back vainly its devastating reactions.

 Definitely, men doesn't has all the power to rule forevermore storm surges in the Netherlands, but it has a limited power because one day storm surges will surely take on its place, after all, these forces are just the result of our  inconsequent actions as humankind.

Note: Let me your comments, corrections and suggestions here below, I'm thankful for you take time to read my post. See you!!


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