Inhale, Exhale

It's a fabulous sunny Sunday, but Minion Bob's been tirelessly looking for his brothers, Kevin and Stuart. "I wonder where could they be?". He started climbing from one tree after the other, but he failed to find them. He saw those tangy but scrumptious blueberries scattered on the ground and began wolfing them down. "Delish!" After a few minutes, he's stuffed!

While he's cleaning himself, he noticed a thick smoke billowing at the corner of a nearby cave. The smoke engulfed the entire island in no time. "What the heck! It smells awful, eh!". He saw a group of people burning those piles of garbage and dead trees.

Bob ran quickly away from the fumes before he could get choked to death. He's quite furious and disappointed the way those blokes had acted on the matter. "I wish I could burn their heads to a toast", he murmured angrily. He could still vividly remember the fateful day of the previous planet he'd been to. "Planet Booboo, oh it disappeared as it was swallowed by a fireball- a zero matter that's responsible for wiping out the planet's entire population". "Luckily, my kin and I were able to escape ahead of time". It is believed severe pollution and global warming have caused its disappearance.

Could pollution be the reason why this earth is getting warmer? There's too much air pollution nowadays because of fumes emitted by vehicles; smoking, garbage-burning and factory wastes. Does living here on earth becoming unbearable? Furthermore, Bob understood that air pollution is one of the leading causes of respiratory diseases such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, and the dreadful - lung cancer which affect hundreds of millions of people around the globe.

Bob felt sleepy so he lied down on a hammock and when he woke up, the sky had turned dark blue. "I think it's going to rain any moment now", he predicted. The poor minion hid in a vacant nipa hut and started figuring out how on earth he could find his bros. He got startled by a thunderstorm. "What a weird weather!". "Why it's becoming changeable?", he asked himself. The downpour lasted for hours.

He couldn't go out and search for his kin because there's flood everywhere. "Is this the effect of climate change?". He also couldn't help thinking of possible scenarios that might happen in the future. "What would happen to humans if the atmosphere becomes totally polluted in the future?". "Could you imagine buying a tank of clean air for your own crib?"."Oh, how about if earth is filled with water". Seventy percent of the earth is composed of water, right?". He realized mother nature will continue to evolve for thousands of years, but all living creatures might struggle to live with its natural disasters. Earth will keep on going unless it disappears too.

"It's no fun hanging out here anymore". "Shall I look for a better place again?", he quietly whispered. "I hope it's never too late for people to change its nasty ways of treating nature for the sake of the next generation".

"I'm feeling potty thinking all of these things now". "I'm also itching to see my bros and continue the real adventure that I'm wishing for". It's getting late and Bob was really tired. Moreover, the floods haven't subsided yet. He went back to his hammock and tried to get more sleep.

Too bad he didn't notice Stuart was waving at him across the river. When would they finally meet up? Stay tuned...

Note: This blog is purely fictional. I made the story up for English writing purposes only, and has nothing to do with the actual minion stories. All rights reserved to the minion toys I've used on my blogs.

Here are the other links in case you haven't read the other minion blog adventures;

A Minion's Story

Stuart's Halloween

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  • Thank you Camel, Onee-chan, Adaline, Nimzaf, Molamane, Shoba, Abiba, Batuhan, Noona, Setareh, Evangelina, Sir Dara and to all who took the time to read and leave comments on my blogs.

    You motivated and inspired me in so many ways to come up with blogs that are worth reading! 



  • Hi, Seeker!

    Thank you for the awesome comment. I appreciate it very much.



  • Hey, Onee-chan!

    Thank you very much for stopping by to compliment my blog. I'm glad that you liked this one. I hope I'll have more time to check out other writings from our fellow bloggers including yours. By the way, I really admire your commitment to EC!

    All of us are responsible to pollution. It's just a matter of doing our fare share through simple and helpful habit such as segregating our garbage and disposing it properly as well as recycling things rather than throwing them right away. 

    Have a nice new week!

    Robbie :)

  • Hello, Adaline!

    I'm very pleased for your kind remarks to my blog. Your encouragement motivates me to come up with an interesting story. A bunch of thanks!

    God speed,

    Robbie :)

  • Dear Evangelina!

    Oh, what a compliment! You're quite right. Bob's adventure should suppose to be a funny one. But as I was writing a draft, I couldn't help myself including a serious matter. Anyway, the important thing is that I was able to provide a moral story for this blog. :)

    A million thanks for taking the time to comment, read and like this blog. Have a fantastic weekend!


  • Hi, Molemane!

    You're welcome! I'm grateful you found this story interesting. Thanks a lot for the comment!

    Have a nice time browsing MyEC!


  • Hello, Abiba!

    Thank you for the lovely comment! I'm glad you liked this blog. I've realized how storytelling can be quite challenging and fun at the same time.

    See you around,

    Robbie :)

  • Hello, Setareh!

    Your comment is quite flattering! I'm afraid I must say 'thank you' again! The best way to learn a new word is to practice it in our writing or by using it with our own example. I love including new words and phrases in my blog because I could easily remember them. 

    Happy blogging,

    Robbie :)

  • Hi, Sir Dara!

    Thank you for commenting! I think every country is doing its best to preserve nature as much as it can. But many people are still careless and uncooperative. Have a great weekend!


  • Hi Robbie,

    It's been a while I didn't read your post. I like your English writing. I always learn something from there. Some words I know but rarely use it, you wrote them here. Thanks for writing. :)

    It's true that the atmosphere now is being a critical matter. You know I told my students so often that Carbon Dioxide cause the air pollution. But, when they see me use my motorbike to go to the nearby place, they would admonish me. LOL....................

    Very nice blog, Robbie! :)

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