Immigrant Issues

Recently, immigrant has become a major worldwide issue. The U.S president Donald Trump has stated that he will make a long wall on the border between the U.S and Mexico, because the U.S is troubled by the illegal immigration. The UK decided to break away from the EU because they didn't want to accept immigrants. I have heard the German people have changed their tolerant opinions towards immigrants to intolerant ones after a terrorist attack at the Christmas Fair in 2016. The Italian prime minister claims that it isn't fair that only Italy needs to take on so many immigrants and other countries should also accept them.

Immigrants want to migrate to wealthier countries so that they can make their lives better. The countries that accept them also expect them to be good workers while they live there. However, some immigrants can not adapt themselves to their new country because of the different culture and language, and they tend to commit crimes. As a result, people in the countries that accept immigrants are afraid of the deterioration of security in their countries. Besides, they may be afraid that their cultures and jobs will be lost by immigrants. What do you think about immigrant issues?

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  • Hi, Fizzy. Thank you for your comment. Yes, some immigrants can not adapt themselves to their new country tend to commit crimes.

  • i am okay with the immigrants, there are lot in my country but i prefer they did not do the crime. 

    Lots of crime cases are from them .. 

  • Hello Arif,
    It was not my intention to hurt anyone with this saying. I think I've visited different places and cultures enough (not as a migrant) and I've behaved like locals expect me to do so I don't think I'm an hypocrite in this matter.
    Just as Tam replied, religion has nothing to do, simply some respect to the hosting society whatever it is, wherever it is.
    This is just my thought :)

  • Hello, arif saee. Thank you for sharing your thought. I think what you said is very difficult problem. How much should immigrants change themselves to adapt to the country that they move to? I think the change of their language is necessary. A respect for the culture is also necessary. However the change of their religion is not necessary and the negative things caused by human rights abuses like sexism and racism should not be accepted.

  • Dear Estanis

    Did you respect I would like to say that in my country hypocrites usually say this proverb that when you are in room do what the Romans do" to others. I mean when they intend to harm others by concealing their identities. So, we the people who practice faith and have no such intentions space our face along with our identity in the face of severe criticism. what is the universal problem is that the people visited to communicate with others having different outlook, be it Muslim, Hindu, Christians or whatever religion and cultural they belong to. 

  • Hi, Estanis. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I am interested in immigration policies in the EU, because I think Japan will face immigrant issues in the future. Yes, I agree with "when in Rome, do as Romans do" .

  • What do I think? I think that a rich country is not only measured by its economy but also by its interracial culture, by the diversity of its citizens, by its many and different traditions, customs... so what's the problem then? You mentioned it in your second paragraph in general terms.

    Today is the anniversary of the last big attacks in my country in the name of someone who is indifferent to me. If you ask it to any familiar of the 16 victims and 131 injured you can guess the answer. These and many other factors make that radical policies raise in the host countries so we might have several 'Trumps' in Europe in a near future sadly.

    I have a saying that you may agree; "when in Rome, do as romans do" 

  • Hello, Onee-chan. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  • Losing jobs and feeling insecure would be other problems, I would agree. But, if you mean immigrants in developed countries.... Developed countries' government should know well how to deal with it as they accept immigrants. I don't think it would be a great problem. We are living in the one world. So, I think humanity could be the reason.

  • The world changing can't be ignored, Tam. Whether it is war or disaster or just to make livings....There would be immigrants that would occupy other countries....just like what happened years, hundred years, and thousand years before. It's just massive nowadays as we can see. It also happens in my country.

    When immigrants come, by time the acculturation will occur. In my country, I was thought to sort every foreign culture. If it is good, then we can take it. If it is bad, do not even imitate it. 

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