In today's Sarcastic, Mean Cruel world.. people have become more and more insensitive and disrespectful to an extent. The verbal abuse has become more common.. but still there are people like me who have tender heart and feelings, and are easily offended. Such a suffering is very painful and requires special treatment to heal the wounds of a broken heart. Many people are not open and don't admit there suffering. Many seek help but don't have the courage to cry for help. Only some have the ability to cure themselves and get back to their normal routine. So I would like suggestions, ideas, anything as to how to get through to others and help them revive..


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  • Thanx guys for your such heartening comments...
  • People who have tender hearts and feelings,they don't have to continue to feel the pains. Start being happy again :)

  • Got to believe to yourself that you can always see the rainbow after the rain.
  • thank you all for your input..

    we indeed need friends .. we need to pick up ourselves.. but what about those who try to hide themselves.. the ones who keep their pains inside.. and it affects them badly..u may not know them heart to heart but still on the outside .. if you can feel they are in a spot of bother what to do then..??

  • wow amazing topic, you see you are always unique !!

    i will relate to it !

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