How get ride of fever?

I know what you are thinking now? How English club is discussing about fever!

It is not a physical fever we are experiencing. It is a mental fever!

What is a mental fever?

It is a kind of feeling in our mind. If you have mental fever it will have a feeling that your are tired. It will be just a feeling or may be initiated by some incident. Immediately your mind will tell you are tired and you start feeling it. If you are feeling like this, your body will listen to the same and start acting on it. Finally you we will get fever. 

Whenever you get a feeling fever or mental fever, Please change your mod while doing the your favorite activity. Go out, Play, have food or watch movie. 

One thing remember, until your mind accept you have fever, you never going to have fever. 

I hope i conveyed the message to all with good understanding

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  • Esta, :D GWS

    What should I do, ap suku? I got Korean Seaguk Drama fever. :D

  • Dear Ap, not so long ago somebody wrote about blogorrhea, blogging like diarrhea that nothing comes to the sense of anyone who reads it, but just all waste. Now, we have a mental fever...I think we can have emotional cancer...and all disease will only take the context of "it's all/only in the mind". :D

  • I think I have a mental and physical fever as long as this summer lasts and I can't do my favourite activity right now to get rid of it :(
  • A nice post & so meaningful. Liked it. Thanks for sharing ap suku.
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