Godzilla vs Mozilla

I think everyone has heard of the monster lizard named Godzilla.

What about Mozilla?                    This is Godzilla: -----==>

He's not very nice, he likes to kill people and destroy things.








MOZILLA is very special in my opinion.

Mozilla is a company that is a *non-profit, for the good of the Web.  Thousands of people *volunteer to help Mozilla turn out their free products to make the internet better and safer.

Have you heard of Firefox from Mozilla?  FIREFOX is my favorite internet browser, which can be compared to others like "INTERNET EXPLORER" from Microsoft or "CHROME" from Google.

Over 450 Million people use Firefox every day.  It is completely free and Mozilla is constantly making it available in new languages.  I suggest that you use it in English for your own benefit and more English practice. If you like Firefox and the idea of a *community of users working to improve the internet, you can help make it better in several ways:

1st.  You can download and use it to improve your internet experience.

2nd.  You can download the newest Beta version and use it to see if you can do everything you need to be able to do.  If you can't then you can answer a few questions so they can make more improvements. Mozilla values their *community of volunteers highly.

3rd.  If you are a programer you can help with programing and testing.

If you never tried FIREFOX you can download it here: IT IS FREE


Download: Fast, Fun, Awesome

IF YOU ALREADY USE FIREFOX-- You can download the beta version here and become part of the Mozilla and Firefox community, helping to make the web better.

Download BetaThe other 450 Million users are helped every time one of us volunteers to use the beta version of Firefox.  That is how all of us can work together to improve the web for everyone. 
*Non-profit means a company which is set up to produce a product without making an income for the company.
* Volunteer means someone who works without getting paid. Volunteers make the world a better place by doing things that would be too expensive to hire workers to do. In my opinion that is why Mozilla products like Firefox are better than some of those from companies like Microsoft or Google where paid employees are used.  Without volunteers, MyEnglishClub could not exist in the form that we know.
*Community in this case means a group of people working together to make things better. You could call MyEnglishClub a community as well.  We are here with the same intent to work together and make things better.
We all owe thanks to the volunteers at MyEnglishClub and Mozilla for making the web a better place.
Take a minute to say thank you to all of them when you comment.
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  • Firefox is my favorite, Sir. Nice information, thanks to you for sharing!

    Thanks a bunch to all who are working behind!

  • @ Anele and Sandeep - Thanks for your comments on the browsers.  I too have Google Chrome on my Windows computers but end up using Firefox 95% of the time. I tried Chrome for a month or two but it seemed to slow down the old computer I use at work.

    I find Firefox faster on this computer and because I am using the beta version I get the latest improvements almost weekly.  Each web browser makes an official release like Internet Explorer 9 or some other number.  Then it stays on your computer until the next version is released.  By using the beta, I am part of the testing so I get all of the new improvements.  Speed tests are done on the official releases and not the beta releases. 

    By the time we can read a review on the tests between browsers my beta version has been changed many times. A few times this year (three or four maybe) Firefox crashed and had to be  restarted.  It doesn't delay me more than a few seconds because when it comes back my last session is restored and I continue working. The last time it crashed the same moment Apple sent me a notification that iTunes had a new version. 

    Mozilla sees this information and protects against it happening, so I get a new beta that corrects for the problem.  That way the next official release will have been completely tested before it is available for PC Magazine to review.  If you download the official releases you get something that doesn't change much.  I prefer to help with the testing and have all the latest speed and newest improvements.  I rarely see any problems because many thousands of us are using the beta and corrections are made quickly.

    You can actually download the latest beta if you click on the Firefox beta icon in my blog.  I wouldn't suggest it if I thought you wouldn't enjoy it.

  • Best browser for speed according to Year 2012: Firefox 189.4ms. Safari was next with 219.6ms, followed by IE9 (247.9ms), Opera (254.3ms) and Chrome (291.0ms). 

    In sort Firefox is best for add on plugin as well. I would recommend Firefox, even I use Google Chrome most of time because take memory efficient but Safari Seems to me sometimes effective. :)

  • Thanks Deuce and Mikaela.  I agree :) The other browsers have copied innovations from Firefox and they in turn copy good ideas from the others.  I like the beta versions of Firefox  because they always are ahead of the final release in improvements.

  • I love firefox!

  • I always prefer and use only Firefox. Thanks!

  • @ NIDA...There is something called foxfire which glows in the dark.  It is a type of fungal decay in rotting wood, found in North America.  There was also a wonderful series of books called Foxfire, which was a study of old primitive (before electricity) ways of doing things.  The series of books was put together by a group of students.

    As for Firefox, it may be the one and only use of that name.  Maybe we should search with Dogpile, Yahoo, Bing, or Google and see if we can find an earlier use of the name.

    @Tawfeeq, Expector Smith, Knight of the night and Hala J.M:  Thanks for your comments and I am glad this was informative.

    I started helping Firefox by using the beta versions a few years ago and they always worked well for me.  If there is a problem you can tell them, but for me it is the way I know that I always have the latest version of Firefox.

  • Thank you Mr. Bob ,I have already downloaded Mozilla from the link that you wrote it here .

    I t's wonderful!

  • Thanks for sharing!

  • What a nice introduction is! I like it . thank you for your useful post.

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