Friendship and love's day.

Today in my country, we are celebrating love and friendship's day. It is not a national holiday but it is a very common spread feast. Many people consider this day as a commercial day, when companies and enterprises want us to buy things for our beloves and it can be true. However, having special people in your live it is just an amazing opportunity that God gives us and we have to take advantage of that. 


I have lots of friends and my family is very special for me so, this day it's made for share with them, let them know that I love them and that I really appreciate what they've done for me. My family has always been there for me and my friends have been a support and have always had helping hand when I need them. 


Today, I hope they're having a great day and I made a recording on the Karaoke group so take a listen and comment.


Happy love and friendship's day.

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  • Happy friendship day, Carlos!

    I would like to wish you a nice Friendship Day!

    Friendship Scraps
    Orkut Friendship scraps, graphics and quotes

  • It sounds like Valentine's Day! Hope you enjoyed every minute of it!
  • Happy love and friendship's day, Carlos!


    make them special for you and you are special to them, thanks for sharing!

    you are lucky man surrounded by people who love you

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