You can listen to the Audio version of the blog in the coming link:



To be truly happy, these two things are very helpful:

1-Expect less

2-Do more

Therefore, for the sake of my own happiness, I do not expect all members to answer all grammatical questions in "English Help" of MYEC Forum. However, I would like to mention how this most ignored section can help you learn English. 

"English Help" is a section in MYEC Forum that members can ask their grammatical problems in the form of  a question.  Therefore, one benefit of looking at these questions is to learn grammar very effectively. We might have read thousands of English grammar books and forget all what we read very easily. A very effective and effortless way to learn grammar is to look at these questions and see if we can answer them or not. The question and the answer will stick to the mind very well better than reading an English grammar book. You can also see some questions that never came to your mind while you were reading English grammar. For example, many months ago, Rajesh asked a question: "What is the difference between home and house?" This question was really interesting to me since I never paid attention to the difference between these two words and had no idea that a difference even existed.

There are ,of course, some questions that we can not answer due to the lack of our knowledge. However, with the help of search engines like Google, we can find the answers or at least try to find them. Looking for the answers and reading the descriptions once again can help us to remember the grammar point effectively. Therefore, these two process of looking at the questions and trying to find the answers are a very helpful way to learn English grammar.

Another benefit is that you can review your grammar only by looking at the questions and reading the answers. The answers are usually short and therefore, by reading them, you can review your grammar quickly. You can also see which one you know about and which one you should work on. 

Finally, if you are looking for a way to make others happy and to make the world a better place, take a look at "English Help". I am so sure our friends who have questions would appreciate your care and kindness and in return, you can make yourself happier than ever.





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  • Dear Nafis, you did a great job, as always. There are so many new things on EC that, for me who is not here so often, it's difficult to follow .... As I said years ago, of course, grammar is important but, for me what is the most important is to be able to communicate with people, no matter if we make mistakes or not. 
    Of course, if the English language is needed for our job, it's different and we should be careful about grammar.... otherwise, perfection is not what I am searching to for as long as people and I understand each other.

  • What makes you say that it's the most ignored section? I don't think so.

  • ohhh..nice blog. Thanks for your share.

    As for Grammar is very..very..very poor. I always make mistakes. But I don't care my friends laugh at me. I learn from my mistakes.

    I have never check this link (or sen my question to our Teachers here). Till now...I will send...

    I feel very, Can I ask you a question?

    Why do you use this word "correction" on your blog? hahaha..You're a Teacher. And look at your English..hhhh...I even need my dictionary while I read it.

    Hope you don't mind with my comment. As I said : my comment is always crazy as me

  • Ignored? I do love this section of EC! Actually, I also post "English Help" topics on EC,. Probably not on MyEC but on the forums. I've been an EC member for about 8 years and I really enjoy helping others. I'm not an English native speaker but I am a teacher of English graduated in Venezuela. 

    By the way, I love the Vocaroo method to record yourself in order for you to practice while listening to you. 

    Oh, I liked this expression you wrote above : " 1-Expect less and 2-Do more" . As clear as water. 


  • Dear Anele, you are totally right. I also realized it about MYEC forum. Before, members left more comments than right now. You know leaving comments is a good way to learn English and a good way to find a good friend. Hummm! I hope more members take part. 

  • Dear Tara, wow! That link is awesome. I can give it to the members who need it. Thanks a lot. EC is awesome!  

  • Nice post! And don't forget that EnglishClub has a "Grammar Help Desk". This forum has been available for many years. You can read through the archives or ask your own question. Our English grammar expert Alan will respond. 

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