Listen To News: Mexico Considers Soda Pop Tax ~ 29 October 2013

Discussion Question: Is taxing unhealthy food or substances a good way to improve the health of citizens? Why or why not?

  In fact, the issue of consumption of  junk foods and unhealthy beverages is a serious problem today, and in my opinion some immediate provides should be taken. Increasingly, we see all over the world, many of the disastrous consequences of the excessive consumption of "the global culture foods" like high rates of diabetes and childhood obesity . I see the taxing on unhealthy foods and substances, not just like a good health policy to be taken by worldwide governments, but a bottom line to bring other public measures out.

  I  think from the increase of taxes, mainly on soft drinks, we could kick off  a reeducation plan about "over-consumption" of these beverages and other products, showing up its risks and consequences for a healthy life to the population at potential risk. The rise of taxes would be just a starting point for future health improvements in our societies.

  Of course, we'd have so many demonstrators against this measure, but it's always impossible to please most of people. In a polemic question like this, undoubtedly, we'll always have two opposite sides, but, anyway, I believe we should think of the menaced survive of the vast majority of population that currently face this epidemic.

  Taxing doesn't mean to remove the liberty of everybody to buy the same unhealthy foods that used to buy, but, means to put the consumer in a position of evaluating the risks  and consequences of its choices for its physical welfare, deciding if it's worth going on with the old harmful eating habits.

  That is, taxing makes consumers think over its own health, starting a process of awareness in its minds. At least, that's what I hope to happen, according to my assumptions.

  The elevation on the unhealthy food and substances taxing, it would be a foothold to start public health programs for reducing the diabetics and obese rates in several countries as well as forming a new mentality about the problem in affected populations.

Note: Leave me your comments, suggestions and corrections so that I can know I'm going ahead in English. Thank you all of you that takes part in my post!







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  • Hey, Well-wisher I think I'm interested in practicing some exercises in your book. I love challenges, main when it comes to the advanced English. In fact, I want to move forward towards advanced level in English.  If you want, pass the link on of your book.

  •  As for that, you're rioght I mad a mistake indeed, that I hadn't noticed till you make aware of it to me. Thanks! Consumenrs is plural, so, I must use properly their and not its - used in singular form subjects.

  •  Of course, Well-wisher! I suppose you refer to the "its" in : "for its physical welfare" and "showing up its risks" etc. So "its" is a possesive pronoun used in the third person of singular with subjects like animals, abstracts nouns and all non-human subjects I'd say. It's a possesive pronoun with the noun function, replacing it to avoid its repetition. It goes without saying possesive pronouns that kind,never comes before nouns, because its function it's just to refer back it in the sentence which it has already mentioned.

  •  Thanks a lot Well-wisher for your tips!

  • Ok, teacher!

  • I agree with many of your points! Even if the higher cost doesn't prevent people from buying unhealthy beverages and snacks, the debate itself may make people think about their health. 

    English Tip: The word "childish" is used to describe someone or something that is acting younger than his or her age (childish behaviour) or is suitable for a younger person (a childish book). In your sentence you need the word "childhood obesity". The word "childhood" refers to the time period when a person is a child. 

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