Do you have enough time for yourself?

I want to start telling that I'm English student so I apologize if I have mistakes.

In fact, I'm been doing this to improve my English with your comments. :) Thanks.

I've been thinking about in myself and each of all things that make me happy. 

Money? Work? Sex? Stuff? Love? Music? Food? Friends? Family? Travels?

What do you think? What kind of things make you feel happy?


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  • Hola Jorge Ponce! Primero, queiro ser tu amigo! Gracias por compartir. Welcome to the club and I hope to be one of your friends.

  • It's kind of complex question t answer at one time Jorge. But, to be brief, i'd say that not just things can make you happy. Being happy involves  a lot of different factors, which are very particular and diverse from person to person.

  • If you want to be happy, try to make others happy!

  • Hey Jorge,

    I couldn't say which things 'make me happy' because for me, 'happiness' is a state of mind, a mentality... not a 'state of being/feeling' ("Happiness is not determined by what’s happening around you, but rather what’s happening inside you")

    Having said that, there are 'things' or 'situations' that can give you a nice feeling of joy, pleasure, a sense of well-being... I think that's what you mean with your question: Which things can make you feel amazing! :)

    I guess there are 'universal human being needs' that make us feel good with ourselves, and it's common to all of us (things related with affection (friends, family, love in general) identity (work, religion -if you're religious, spirituality) freedom, health...)

    But for me, the 'little things' are very important as well. I know it sounds like a cliché, but when you really appreciate the little things (someone's smile, a cup of tea, the sun showing up after the rain, a book, a movie, a song, someone's caress...) you've more chances to feel that awesome feeling of joy.

    Thanks for the topic. We all will improve our english :)

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