Do Less and Accomplish More

My diary

January 7th 2011



Which one improvement can I make to impact my English studies the most? My answer is writing and my reasons come as follows:

1- Almost most universities and companies in Canada test writing ability. It is not important if you have PhD or you are a doctor, an engineer, a lawyer, etc, you must pass the writing test relatively well.


 2-Writing is a good way to review all new vocabularies. To write well, I have to know many vocabularies. Making a list of all new words and using them in a sentence is somehow useful. But, it does not guarantee to memorize them very well. Moreover, if not used, words would be forgotten. So, to recall new words, I have to use them as much as I can and this is not done without writing. As said, “Use it or lose it.” 

 3-Writing in English is not as boring as making a list of vocabularies with a sentence using the new words. After a while, your flash cards would be piled up and you do not even know how to organize them. But, by writing on the Microsoft word, you can use less paper and have enough space to keep them organized. More importantly, when I write, I barely forget a word. And, when I speak English, words automatically jump into my head.

 4-I have to read more. By reading, I review all the words that I just learned and learn more new vocabularies. According to linguistic experiments, a word should be used and seen as nearly as 20 times so that it remains in the long-term memory. Since, I see words in a context, I do not have to struggle to memorize them. I effortlessly keep them in my mind.

 5-Vocabularies help improve listening skill.

 6-One good technique that helps to speak fluently is writing. Most English learners ask how they can improve their speaking skill. Writing and speaking is so alike. In writing, you write in the way you speak. The only difference is that you only change some informal words into formal ones. So, writing helps you improve your speaking ability. Interestingly enough, one practice for speaking section of TOEFL test is to first write down what you are going to speak and then, to read it out loud. When test takers have done this many times, they can record their voice and speak without looking at their written text. By doing so, they improve their speaking skill.


 7-I have to think logically and to know English rules since the organization of writing has special order. Every word or sentence should be chosen carefully. I should spend most of my time on the organization of my writing, brainstorming and mapping than what I am going to write about. So, logical thinking is a great part of a good writing as well as having the good sense of grammar. I have had a good grammar basis but I learned grammar mostly by reading and writing.

 8-I pay much more attention to the sentence structures while I read a text and try to use the same structure in my writing as well.

 9-English learners read and speak more than they write. We can speak or read every day but we can barely find a chance to sit and write about a subject. Writing is not satisfying because the final result is childlike. Therefore, we give it up.


10- English learners should be more disciplined and organized to write. You can read your book, magazine and newspaper wherever you would like. But, to write, you should find a place, have a notebook or a computer, find a good and interesting topic, have enough knowledge or experience and finally, courage. So, it is a much more complicated task.

11- English learners should write as quickly as he/she can. Imagine you are working in a company or you are in a class, you do not have the extraordinary amount of time to write. You should think quickly and decide what you are going to write. So, writing for fun differs mostly from writing for professional and academic works.


 12-To practice dictation, synonyms and antonyms, punctuation, writing is a good way.


 13-English learners would like to be good at writing but, they do not take any action towards it. To be good at writing, we should practice writing.

In short, it is said that do less and accomplish more. By only focusing on writing, I improve other skills such as listening, speaking, reading, dictation, word forms, synonyms, grammars, etc. In addition to that, writing is the most difficult skill. Most English learners have problem in this area and most firms and universities pay much more attention to this part. Therefore, writing is so significant.


Be fun and free,


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  • Dear Walid, yes, you are right. I also noticed it after leaving you a comment. So, I am so sorry for the mistake! Thanks for reading the blog, take care
  • Exactly dear Zahra...
  • Thanks dear Nafis for the explanation ...Got the point ...Once we are on the path of doing less (doing more efficiently), we accomplish more ...Yet to accomplish the best, that's the matter of practicing more and more ...

    Thanks ...


  • Dear Zahra, what I mean by saying "Do less and accomplish more" is that by practicing writing you automatically practice other skills like listening, reading, vocabularies, dictations and so on. If you do not have time every day to work on your listening or reading, etc, just try to write a paragraph then, you will be amazed how well you will be improved. Since writing show you how much you do not know and on which areas you should work. But, definitely, you write a lot to be perfect on it which means "practice makes perfect." In other words, practice writing has a big impact on other areas of English including listening, speaking, reading, etc. So, you only practice writing but you will be good at other parts too. So, you do less but you accomplish more.
  • Dear Valentine, I got your point. That's so sweet of you thinking like that. Take great care,
  • I enjoy reading your blogs ...Thanks a lot for sharing with us ...

    "Use it or lose it " ...I love it ...thanks for sharing ...

    I have a question ..."Do less and accomplish more" ... Can you elaborate it a little bit more ?

    Does doing differ from accomplishing ?

    You know I always hate the students who are a book worm and do lots of tests,solve lots of examples and study sooooo much ...Maybe I envy them ...But I hate it ...And I also hate those teachers who instead of giving the students new problems just copy and paste repeated questions which such book worms without thinking can solve them ...

    This is my problem ...Maybe I have to be a bookworm too although it wasn't my way throughout my study life ...I always like to just read the book or the notebook and go to take the exam ...I know this is laziness but it works if studied with enough care and thought ...

    Hmm...My comment is more like a sheet of nagging !!!! Anyway, I think I can not continue my before procedure anymore since many times the book or notebook is not clear enough ...

    And if doing less is better then what's practice makes perfect !

    I guess as I like to give validity to my laziness I interpreted your saying this way !!!!


    Anyway, thanks dear for sharing your writings with us ...

    Have a beautiful time...

    PS-I love your blog's ending ...Be fun and free nice 


  • Dear Nafis I wanted to say that owing to your blog members of My English club will think that writing if you want to improve your english skills it is important and interesting and begin to write and leave comments here more active
  • Dear valentine, thanks a lot for reading the blog. I didn't realize what you mean by saying that there are arguments about writing a blog and leaving a comment. Would you please explain it more? Take great care,
  • Dear Monika, I think you are already organized and determined. Your presence here is a good evidence for that. I am so proud of you because it's really difficult to be here as you take care of your children and family. Thanks a lot for your compliment and for reading the blog. This blog turned out long instead of being brief. I couldn't help not sharing all I knew about it. I'm so sorry. Next one will be shorter! take great care,
  • Dear Anele, what a nice message! our minds need reading to avoid dullness! And, I found out writing is also great for mind too because it challenges the mind a lot. Thanks a lot for reading the blog and for the nice comment. Take great care,
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