Listen To News: Tokyo To Host 2020 Olympics Games -  10 September 2013

Discussion Question: While people in Tokyo are overjoyed by the news, many Japanese residents who have been displaced by the Fukushima nuclear disaster think Japan's money and effort should be spent on the tsunami damage. What are your thoughts  on this argument?

  Great question to think over.  The tsunami-shaped massacre whereby Japan population went through in March 2011 is not forgotten in our minds yet. It was a  unpredictably horrible event that has left deep marks not only in Japanese society but also in the minds who  feels compassion for the human life in general.

  Thinking about Japan as a developed power becomes easier to consider it  an able country to host the Olympics Games in 2020. Maybe, we can think in a capitalist view : "Japan is a big economy,  where there are so much money, therefore they have all the ability and concern to overcome any kind of hurdle, even leave in the background the harmed population of Fukushima or deny the nuclear radiation effects also active in that region  in order to bring to the country a gratifying  large-sized event like the Olympics Games. After all, the Japaneses are determined in all what they do."

 On the other hand, I strongly believe, if a country don't go very well  in education, health, dwelling, security, politics and other areas, for sure, there's no point in bringing any leisure event to country.   Look at Brazil, for instance. Brazil that is going through serious social, economic and politic disturbances long time: mainly after the accept to host  the 2016 Olympics Games and 2014 World Cup is turning  into a demonstration field for better living conditions. That shows us exactly the opposite scenario that everybody wants to see amid important sporting proposals. Most of us expect to contemplate a happy, overjoyed country in whole at that time.

  Given that, we can't be seeing amid such  a great notice of sporting event hosting, how  the Olympics games hosting notice is,  a sad, insurgent society demanding its basic rights like the dignity of having acess to  health, educational, politic services or whatever be relegated by autorities.

  For me, Japan is surely a superb place  for worldwide events, but the present and future conditions in Fukushima are to give priority effective assistance to the displaced inhabitants of the contaminated area and put in practice   governamental policies so that  the affected population and environment can be seen detoxified from the powerful effects of the atomic radiation.

  First and foremost, Japan has to care about the nuclear incident consequences after thinking to host any event. Emphasizing: first, security, just after leisure activities for the  society. Human  welfare is imcomparable to any big proposal of  sporting event.

  The IOC ( International Olympic Committee) in charge of choosing the future places to host the Olympics games should taken into account  more severe criteria when pointing out Japan, such as the possibility of  impacts of radiation on the public that will atend the games what  could lead to a "global contamination" maybe.      Particulary, my personal choice would have been Spain. Spain exercises a strong influence in young boys to become  reknowed footballers in the future, mainly due to the Real Madrid worlwide football stars like Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo among others.  But a responsible option must consider other relevant aspects besides that, like security,  capacity to receive nicely tourists and so on.

  Japan is needing, more than never, a time to deal with the idea of support for the Fukushima  damaged human lives and environment and security for all the foreigners that visit this wonderful country every year.

Note: If you want, correct, suggest  or comment my text so that I can progress my writing in English. Thank you everyone  for your attention! Cheers!!

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  • Thanks Well-wisher, I appreciated so much your spelling advices for my writing. That's why I always put a  note at the end of  my posts, for, if possible, my readers can correct my unseen mistakes. In fact, I think most of my spelling errors can be regarded typos, because sometimes I type fast, but that, in fact, doesn't free me to make a real mistake on and off. Thanks for your words in your message. Grateful!

  • Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this news topic! It's fantastic to see MyEC bloggers using EC's Listen to News resource to practise writing. 

    Can you improve this sentence? 

    "It was a so terrible and unpredictable event...

    English Tip – You have made great use of transitional phrases throughout your writing! This one needs adjusting: 

    On the other way around hand

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