Donation: Money given to any charitable institution.

Fee: Payment for some services.

Dowry: Gifts given in a marriage (especially to a bride).

Alimony: Payment made against a divorce.

 Debt: Money you owe.

 Tax: Governmental charges in different form.

 Duty: Governmental charges levied against import of commodities.

 Fines: Charges in consideration of punishment.

 Pension: Retirement compensation.

 Salary: A fixed amount of money you get against service as an employee.

 Wages: Payment you receive as a daily/hourly worker.

 Allowances: Any benefit you receive besides a fixed salary.

 Pocket money: Kids receive from parents.

 Loan: Money borrowed from banks and other financial institutions.

 Ransom: Demands from a kidnapper.

 Bribe: Illegal demand in the name of service.

HushMoney:  bribe to keep someone silent about something, especially to keep the  

receiver exposing scandal.

I have a question for you, too: "when a husband gives money to his wife, what is it called"?



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  • Thanks Dara and saba for your precious comment.

  • Bahut acha hain, Mishaikh sahib! Very educational. It is very strange, I had never given any money to the other wives. I did once. It was a necklace of gold and a ring. The first wife was given a necklace. The second one was given a ring. Don't ask me about the third one because as the moment financially I am absolutely broken. My pocket is rusty. Thanks for sharing nice vocabularies.  

  • Thanks, it is informative.
  • ELF-Noor

    Thanks for your appreciation.

  • This is really interesting as well as informative blog..


    I liked it.

  • Thanks Again Rose.

    Thanks a lot NotAclue.  I am happy you find this blog useful.

  • Hello, Mishaikh.

    Thanks a lot for your detailed explanations and your special words that are addressed directly to me.
    Although I know many things about your society, I learned this first time when  Rosemary commented on your blog.
    With my comment I did not want to judge, I just wanted to express my surprise.

    The last sentence you have written in your personal section to me bears witness to a good marriage and partnership between you and your wife.
    I am happy for you.
    I do not know you personally but all your posts here show a clear picture of you. So I did not expect anything else from you.

    Be blessed and your dears, too.

  • wow! thanks for some new vocabularies! 


    The money given by a husband to his wife is called MAINTENANCE (It is also legally used, because commonly it is considered that the it is the obligation/responsibility of the husband to run the house, and to run/maintain a house is commonly the responsibility of the wife (not essentially monetary but on the other part).  So for this purpose the money given by a husband to his wife is considered as the money for the maintenance of the house.

    Maintenance Money is considered for house expenditures (HOUSE HOLDS), alternatively “maintenance of the house”.

    It may be money to throw a party or give gifts, means maintenance of relationships.

    It may also contain amount to be expend on self by the wife (PIN MONEY) alternatively means “self-maintenance” (by the wife).

    To pay institutions’ fees, means to maintain children’s education.

    This money may also be expended for “maintenance of the house vehicles”.

    In the whole every penny given to a wife for HOUSEHOLDS is called the MAINTENANCE.

    I think it is cleared to you all now.  But there may be other words like PIN MONEY or HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITUREs.  I have got the word “maintenance” to finalize our game of word.

    I am most grateful to all the participants especially Rose Iris Will who has shown a vivid interest in the game.



    It is not obligatory for a wife in my society (religiously or otherwise) to expend her money (earned and or she has inherited from her parents) for maintenance of her house, but with her WILLINGNESS.  Like my wife, who had been the major earner in my house, and she willingly expended (still doing in USA) her earned money to maintain our house, cars, and especially for the education of our kids.  My two kids had been educated in very expensive and colleges/universities, which was not possible singly in my income.  I never felt inferior before my wife, neither she ever felt herself superior than me.


  • I have forgotten to say also the following:

    Here is maintenance not only the obligation of men.
    If a man needs help and he cannot care for himself, also a woman has to give money to him.

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