Blocking of links

Some of you are now aware that we are no longer allowed to post useful links in the main page.  This is becasue a few have been posting malicious links.  This has allowed the perpetrators to win and the majority have lost out on having this useful feature.  As you are aware I can often post a link to any questions regarding english or post a link to start a topic for discussion.

 Surely we can be treated as adults and a warning could have been posted on the home page.  Also there is plenty of download and protect our computers from malaware.

The attitude of the moderator was very poor who did not offer any advice on how we could protest or offer advice of how English Club members to be able to still offer this service safely.  For example allowing trusted members only to post links or the be able to post links in private only.

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  • Loll hi, 1st syu do you know tht your name reminds me of scooby dooby doo?:D:D:D I'm sorry I will keep calling ppl as I'm doing ....I can't write more than 3 letter under doc prescription unless in very rare cases _-_

  • Sorry, it didn't show completely :/

    Here you go...

    term of endearment is a word or phrase used to address and/or describe a person, animal or inanimate object for which the speaker feels love or affection. Terms of endearment are used for a variety of reasons, such as parents addressing their children and lovers addressing each other.

  • No :D 

    Please go on :D You still haven't mentioned few names that my friends made for me :D

    Oh, anyways, I found this. Maybe you would like to read.

    And from that link I found this

    Here, let me just copy it for you

    A term of endearment is a word or phrase used to address and/or des...

  • Syubidupapap (this time I use the miracle of "copy and paste" )

    Your name can be chopped into too many sounds  






    wow... don't let me go on please   :D  :-P

  • No, I know, right? :D

    People always complain about how long my name to type!! :D Until they cut my name into the shortest form and the sweetest sound they can :D

  • Kenshin

    tsk tsk tsk to your boss

  • Daylight

    Oh goshhhh .... I will miss my Kittycat  :(   :D LOL

  • Syubidupapap (wow.. do you how long I tried to type your name fully? I command you to use shorter nick, please  :-P)

    I can laugh now, but it was hard at that time. :D hahahahahaha

    Well, all my siblings have nicks totally different from their names  :D and I even called my youngest sister with some unflattering nick which actually very flattering and affectionate for her  :D 

    Thanks.... muahssssss to you too  :-*

  • Oh Kenshin, the analogy you are using... is a stupid one :D

    It is really different with No's case lol.

  • Noa :D :D 

    I just can't stop laughing here :D

    Thank God, my mom let me to call my bro with another nick which I made specially for him other than his officially nickname :D


    muahahahahahah.... xD

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