A Game that is Mine

Hi Everybody,Sometimes when I feel annoyed, I take an English word and I start deriving the maximum of words out of its letters. Here you are an example: let's take the word "Listen". So, the words I can get from are: list, ten, is, let, enlist, lie, lies, it, in. mmm what else , sin, sent...Try it and tell me what is your opinion. More, it is your turn to provide something to help activate this beloved club. Some of my friends appreciated the game and told me that it is a good way to remember vocabulary and asked me to share it with you.I hope you enjoy it.
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  • insubordinate: in, subordinate, sub, ate, sob, dean, bore, bored, red, net, read, nato, bear, rub, rob, sure, insure, bid, beat, bit, nose, ardent, no, duo, duos, innate, ornate, orient, sin, none, one, on, nation, note, notion, nadir, dirt, rid,
    Can you find more
    New word:Administration
  • Librarian: bail,ban,banal,bar,barn,bin,blain,brain,lain,lair,nail,rail,rain,ran,rib,in,il:-)

    New word:insubordinate
  • Vacabulary: ray, blur, rub, car, bay, lab.. (It's hard word.)

    PS. does Vacabulary means same thing as Vocabulary? :)

    Recrimination: crime, mini, nation, inter, name, contra, cream, rec, recon, Rome, trim, note, amino, to, re, mi, ti, ta.. :) Can u find more?

    New word: librarian
  • mastermind: rent ,pear,
    lovesick: love, sick, lie, lick, silk, slice, ice, vice,
    can you find more
  • Lovesick:love,sick,lie,like,live,lives,lock,veil,vice,vie,vile,vise,voice,clove,close, oil,coil,coke,cove.
    New word:recrimination
  • mastermind: sat, mast, tend, trend, stand, term, rim, inter, dent. Can't find more now.

    Development: develop, love, enveloped, eloped, demo, me, lope, veto, vote, toe, poem, not, Tom, temp, vent, mend, eve, pen, poem, volt, poet, tempo, novel, end,

    New word: Lovesick

    PS. Ha-ha. Do we have keywords for a story.
    (Listen, understand, underscore, constructor, mastermind, Development, Lovesick).
  • That is the result I concluded with when I started the game. I found new words that I have never heard before.
    Thank you Hardi
    master, mind, mid, dim, end, and, seminar, same, mist, earn, ear, dear, east, sea, tears, tea, eat, meat, team, mean, main, mine, me,
    can you add more?

    New Word: Development
  • trust, rot, son, corn, cost, torn, nor, cut, count, rotor, rust, snort.

    new word mastermind
  • sore, decor, cone, rode, son, undo, sender, scorer, soc, Norse, render, nerd, coder, code, nurse, sun, sounder, rounder, rescuer, so, ore, enders, node, ere, round, don, curse, dune, nude, nor, redo, con, cos, deco, sen.

    Well there I got some words I didn't know they exists before. I just thought maybe they exists. And since the spellcheckers didn't underline them, I keep them. :P Well it underlined ender, but according wikipedia it seems to exist.

    New word: constructor
  • No one is interested! ok, I will do it myself.
    under, score, rescue, deer,core,do,done, err, send,resend,end, see,
    Can You find any other words?
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