Hello readers, this week I've been thinking about an example of courage, discipline that could keep me motivated to learn more and more the English language. You know, I think often times, I'm just wasting study time without no way of discipline, organisation and mainly no  effective outcome in my daily routine of the independent language studies, then, why not we have an inspiration in the harsh discipline of the spartan warriors for boosting the studying habits?

(photo source:  livescience.com/18700-ancient-helmet-greek-warrior)

 Sparta is a society  strongly known for its hard  millitary  life. Loyalty to the state and to the millitary service were mandatory at that time. The society of Sparta had the height of its millitary power after deceiving of the rival state-city Athens in the Peloponnesian War between 431 and 404 BC. Aged 7 the spartan little boys got into "Agoge" system, featured by millitar training, socialisation programs and  educational services all offered by Spartan state. It was stressed for the young warrior boys : DUTY, DISCIPLINE and ENDURANCE. It's about these three words applied to the English learning world  I want to talk in this post.

 The duty of spartans can be thought as your study in the target language. Duty, for me, as a learner, means, ground, foundation, groundwork which you can build up wonderful monuments, great achievements. So, if you want to develop one of these "monuments of language" on your own foundation, you must build up a solid one before. Study is at the end, the means for you reach any goal you want your life. So, listen, read and write as much as you can  so that you can have a good knowledge. It's completely fun to do that!  I enjoy so much spend my time reading, writing and speaking in other language. After all, we are what we do continuously! Everyone that is  a fluent speaker of English today, times ago was a mere learner, but, for sure, a commited one.

  Discipline is a word which I can say that I hadn't while ago in my learning and today I know what is its value and weight in my process of learning . Currently, I'm trying hard to put it in practice so often as I can. It's a highly important concept for all of us learners. Without discipline we are only a fake of true learners. True learners love so much learn, they concern themselves with where, how and what they will learn daily, in order to make the most of us their abilities. With no organisation you don't reach any goal you had planned  in your mind, you're  simply wasting your time and energy in unnecessary things. At the end of a unruly learning day you notice how much you are tired , even though, without effective results.

  Endurance is one of that words which is " Easier said than done" in my view. I confess, at times, I can even get a little bit unmotivated but, I cannot let just a difficult moment along the journey  do I lose my focus and what I built up in terms of skills so far. Endurance is strengthened with time and patience. Endurance goes fortifying itself like an athlete works out your muscles on a gym everyday. So, give a time for your self-confidence grow and strenghten until the time you can proceed to another level.

  So guys, these are some of my thoughts for today in this post. I hope you can follow my "spartan advices" in a sucessful learning. Bye bye !

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  • An interesting concept of learning the English language, though I must admit I'm not the kind of "discipline" learner. I just enjoy learning it, and did not put any "concrete structure" in learning English. But I guess different people have their own ways in learning and achieving something.

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