Writing here my deleted comment.

Hi there,
This blog is just to write again a comment I made in the blog: "Will banning on burka or niqab bring good change?" by arif saeed, but that it was deleted. Since my opinion (or, better say, 'fact') is not welcomed in that blog, I write it down here:

@Anah Sid was saying in a coment that: "(in) Pakistan, here we respect the minorities (...) We do not impose our laws on them. If we are a "FREE" nation we prove it by not oppressing them (...) No one impose their religion onto others. If others are free to be atheist, christian, hindu, gay, straight... "

And I replied that she forgot to mention that there's a Pakistan's blashphemy law that can even carry a death sentence for anyone who insults Islam, and that law "is overwhelmingly being used to persecute religious minorities and settle personal vendettas." I was also wondering if the Pakistan TV would allow anyone to talk freely about atheism or any theory of the non-existence of god without being persecuted, harassed or condemned later.

I also mentioned that to be 'gay' or 'straight' is not any belief or ideology, so it's nonsense to mix it in the context of that speech.

And that's all. I was just stating a fact. And this is not to say that I don't like Pakistan. Is just mentioning an unfair law they have; same as if I say that in my country we condemn the animal cruelty when we have bullfightings. I can't defend that 'cause is a fact, and is disgusting.

Well, so... while the (innacurate) speech of Anah Sid was welcomed and clapped, mine was deleted... Because it seems that not only in some countries the freedom of speech is not very welcomed.

As I said, I would never praise my own country no matter what, and actually, I'm always very hard with the politics of my country. I also know that probably, there're many muslims in Pakistan who disagree with a law like that. These muslims are the ones who I admire and respect.

(I've closed the comments 'cause maybe, in that way, this blog is not deleted or hidden too. But who knows...)

Thanks for reading.


On 19 March 2014 a Pakistani-English language newspaper conducted a poll of its readers that showed 68% of Pakistanis believe the blasphemy law should be repealed. This blog is dedicated to these brave guys:

(Anti-Pakistani blasphemy law protest)

Other recent news about this issue here.

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