The one thing I have found out about being a moderator is that it is anything but an easy task.  I try to follow the rules as closely as I can while also trying to allow that everyone that enters the chat room has a native language that is not English.  I understand that it is so easy to revert back to one's own language at times and that it is natural.  I understand that sometimes it is a matter of respect for someone to say hello to you or good bye to you in your own language.........and at these times.......I try to know what those ways are.  The issue is I cannot know all languages and if you use a word I do not know then yes I delete it.  I think it is fair to say that when we post in the main room of EC, any that are there chatting or in the list should be able to know what you have said.  If they do not know Urdu, or Arabic or Spanish, or Polish or whatever your native language that is actually confusing and misleading.  Plus it takes away from what this site was created for.  PVT could be used for speaking to someone in your own language if you choose to do that.  

This being said, many are taking it as an affront when I delete a word or sentence in another language.  It isn't.  I just do it quietly and move on.  It is not personal.  It is the rule only.  I have had it said to me that I allow some to speak in their language.  I do not always see it or some will give an explanation that this is a song which is easily checked or whatever.  I have had some say, I don't know how to say a word in English may I say it in my own language to see if someone can help me with it.  I try to understand this for I know some translators, such as google, do not always give a good translation.  Sometimes if someone is there that can translate for you I will suggest doing it in private.  The bottom line is I am not deleting to insult you.

The next issue is topics of conversations.  Many come into this room from different cultures.  We must all respect that.  Some topics can be insulting or argumentative to some and not to others.  If that topic begins to escalate, I am going to request that you change it.  

I am going to also delete vulgar or offensive language.  This room must be comfortable for all that come here to learn.  It is not a room to bully or offend anyone.   

I am not going to argue with you.  It is not reasonable for me to do so.  

I will not allow you to curse at me.  There is no tolerance for that.

Being a moderator is to try to insure you have a nice experience in the main chat.  Yes there are a few rules to follow such as to be nice and English Only........and I will bend over backwards to try and help and understand you when you are there.  There are limits however, and I must abide by them the best that I can.  You may not always appreciate my decision and I apologize.

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  • you were already a Moderator since the beginning , it isn't the badge that differentiates much but the attitude to listen to people and participate with them , Thanks for your contribution in making this place amazing . 

  • Thumbs up to you Paula you're doing fine :))
  • Thank you all so much for your kind words!!!!!!......HUGGGGGGGGGGG

  • Yes, and thanks a lot for being around! Keep up your good work.

  • I wanted to write something but Rys already said all and even more... Anyway, Thank you Paula.

  • wow Rys thank you so much!!!!!!


  • Howdy there, folks,

      Ma'am, you need not apologise nor have you to be well acqainted with the diverse clutures and rites pevailing in the whole wrold, moreover, as a chat moderator you are obliged to keep the chat rolling on neutral torritory, so to say, avoiding all local territoral, holy script wordings or sect oriented disputes as it will only lead to the escalation of verbal agression, not solely in english wordings.

       The primary obligation of ALL the EC chat room users is to use ONLY  ENGLISH, to which they have out of their own will pledged to abide, and the moderators have the right to comply with this to the full sense and meaning of rule.

      To my humble opinion, those who do not agree with the decision of the moderator should under no circumstances insult the moderator nor challenge the decision. I know that for some gender segregated communities it is hard for the male to accept being scolded, not to mention punished, by a female, but that's how the cookie crumbles in the EC chat room. If such a ruling does not suit somebody, the door is open, nobody's going to be imprisoned here.

       Ma'am, you are the most amiable person I have ever met, not only here in MyEnglishClub, and you seem to be a very well balanced person, I have never seen you fly off your handle. You are doing a great job in the chat room, many of the chatters have received all the help and support you could give them, so, Ma'am, please keep up what you have been doing so fine this far.

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