Femto Lasik laser: My experience (Part 1)

Last summer, I decided to do laser operation for my myopia. Until now I faced it with contact lenses. In fact, I have myopia from 15 years old. I wore glasses for 1,5 years and since then I was wearing only contact lenses. I had in the back of my head the laser but I didn’t know in which age of my life I would do it. It was something that I wasn’t thinking it for many years. But this year after the urging of my mother, I decided to do it.

On October, I went to a doctor to collect information about the whole process and the methods of the laser. After 2-3 days I went again to test my eyes in two machines (oh yeah, I saw this all time classic colorful aerostat :D) and he found my myopia 2 degrees at the left eye and 2,5 degrees at the right eye and he also found that I have astigmatism, I think 1 degree. I didn’t know that I have astigmatism, lol. He told me that everything is normal and that we will use the recent technology method, the Femto Lasik method. Also he told me that I must not wear lenses at least for 2 weeks before the operation, but only glasses.

So, what is Femto Lasik method? It is a method by which is used the Femtosecond Laser. The name of the laser came from the number of pulses per second by which works the particular laser. It is applied in the first stage of the operation and they are used tiny, lightning fast laser pulses, which creates a flap. To explain it with simple words, the Femptosecond laser is a laser that replaces the application of the blade. After that, the surgeon can proceed to the second stage of the operation which is the correction of the myopia with the main laser.

Not to tell more, I ask you to see the videos below and you will understand how it works.



The operation was executed on November 2th, in the Laser and Eye Center, in Thessaloniki city. Some other doctors would do the operation, but my doctor would be inside with me. So, we went together, with his car, in the noon. When we arrived, a receptionist asked my identity, and we went upstairs with a doctor to check my eyes. (Here, I have to say that all stuff of the center, doctors, nurses and receptionists, were very friendly and polite. That was something positive that was kept in my mind). Downstairs, while my doctor went to get ready, I was sitting in the lobby and having nothing else to do, I was observing the other people who were waiting, an aquarium with fishes, the walls, and finally after 15 minutes about, a nurse called my name and I followed him to a room. There, he gave me specific green surgical shirt, surgical cap to cover my hair and surgical bags to cover my shoes. He led me to the surgery room where was my doctor and two other doctors (women). The room was white and clean. There was a bench with a lot of things on it and two beds with a laser machine above of each bed. It didn’t look like a surgery room, it was friendly too :D

They asked me to put my back bag down on the floor, not to touch anything and to lie down to the one bed. The nurse wiped my eyes with Betadine and put anesthetic drops in them. They were telling me almost everything that they were doing to me. The one doctor stuck my eyelashes on my skin with specific paper stickers. After a while, she put in my right eye the eyelid speculum which is used to keep it open. They brought the machine too much close to my eyes and they asked me to look up and not to move my eyes. Then they applied the Femto laser. I didn’t feel anything. It lasted less than 30 seconds. They put many drops for hydration and they did the same process to the other eye. My doctor was encouraging me by telling me that I am going very well and to count till 20 and it will be finish. I think it finished at 25, I stopped counting at 20. :D

After that I lay down in the other bed with the main laser machine. Keeping my eyes closed as they asked me, we were waiting for the machine to warm up for about 5 minutes. When it was ready they put again the paper stickers and the speculum. They opened the flap with a tool, they put drops and they brought the machine very close to my eye. They turned off the lights and they asked me to look at the green light inside the machine and not to move my eyes. The one doctor was talking to me: «Look at the green light, now it will become red, now yellow, red again, green». Indeed, the light was changing colors. She told me to keep on looking at the green light. But my eye blurred and I lost the light. I tried, finally, I found it and I stayed unmoving. After 10 seconds, maybe less, it finished. The lights were turned on. They put many eye drops to my eye and they put the flap back to its place. They put many drops again and they did the same things to the other eye.

When it finished, my doctor told me: «We finished Elen, you went it very well». Hearing these words, my hands automatically relaxed and I realized how stressed I was, as till that moment I was clenching them. After 1-2 minutes they cleaned my eyes from the Betadine and they told me not to touch my eyes at all. I took my back bag and I went to the room before the lobby where my doctor told me to wait for him.

I am sorry for the so big blog. I tried to make it as small as possible. I deleted many details but I wanted to write step by step what exactly happened, from the beginning till the end. If you didn't get bored or tired, there is a second part that I will upload soon. :)

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  • AG :D   If I hadn't said so much, my blog wouldn't be so informative and special :D :D

    The details that I deleted are things like when I was putting on the surgical cap, I wanted to put elastic hair to tie my hair but the nurse told me that it is not allowed. It is not allowed anything on my head except the cap because it will affect the position of the head when I will lie down in the bed. Other detail is when we were waiting for the second machine to warm up, I didn't tell that the doctors left from the room (I don't know why, probably to make a few minutes break :D) and we were only me and my doctor. I didn't know yet that we were waiting for the machine to warm up and I was like "what it is going on now??". My doctor, seems read my mind and explained me.

    Thanks for your comment :)

  • Oh my God.. Just why do girls like to speak too much!! I am wondering about the other details that you removed them while you were trying to make it AS SMALL AS POSSIBLE :D
    Well... Anyways.. Let's flip the page to the second part, then I will tell you my opinion :D

  • Hahahaha, Mary. This guy looks like they sit him in an electric chair. :D It is not so bad like you think. :) Doctors talk to you and make you relax.

    I also had this worry, that when I have to stay unmoving, my eyes will get dry and I will want to blink them but doctor explained me that there is no worry because they will put me constantly drops and my eyes will be hydrated. Now, you, if you are reactive person and you do the opposite of what they tell you, that is another thing :D :D

    Let me show you how I imagine you.


    The poor machine and doctors :D :D

    If you really want to do it, yes keep on thinking it and I hope one day you will stop have it in your mind as a horror movie, haha :D :D

  • Elen, I was holding my breath during your explanation of the surgery, as if they were doing that to me! hahaha... ugh, if it was me, when the doctor said "don't move your eyes" the first thing I'd want to do would be to move them and blink compulsively! So I don't know if I could go through this kind of surgery! :S

    I use contact lenses since I was 15 years old and every time I think about this surgery, I can't help but picturing myself as the main character of the Clockwork Orange and that makes me to refuse about it :S


    Anyway, thanks a lot for sharing your experience! You made it look a not so hard experience that was done very fast so... I'll keep thinkin' about it ;)

  • Hello Noaslpls, yes, it was successful, thank you.

    The truth is that when I was writing this blog I thought about you. Because you had told me that you afraid of it. Maybe I would be afraid too if I hadn't some persons in my enviroment who did the same and told me that there is nothing to afraid. One reason that I wrote it, is to make the people who think to do the laser understand how it is and then maybe they are not afraid so much :)

    Do not let the fear of a 15 minutes routine surgery deter to have super vision and feel free for the rest of your life! 

  • First and foremost, I'm glad that the surgery was successful. Second, your blog is not long at all. I love reading the minute details. I've been thinking of taking the lasic but been putting it off for years now. I hope I have the courage like you and go through it.

  • Dear Evangelina,

    yes, I gave a cheerful way in my writing because there was a friendly and a little funny atmosphere. Let me tell you an incident. Before they apply the Femto laser, while I had my eyes closed and I was hearing them talking, my doctor said with a little strict way:"Elen, don't clench your eyes". "I don't clench them", I said. And he replied: "Oh, ok then". And the other doctor laughed :D

    Details like that, I wanted to write them but as I said, I tried to make the blog as small as possible. By the way, yes, if it is interesting for someone, he will find the time one day to read it. Thank you for your these encouraging words :)

    The truth is that I went to two doctors to ask about laser. The other was good too, but this doctor gained my trust and I felt secure from the first moment. And the doctors who did the operation were very good also.

    My vision now is absolutely perfect!! In the morning, when I go to the work, I see from far away the signs of the stores, and I see them soooo clear!! It is unbelievable!!

    Do not worry Evangelina, only the thought that you wanted to wish me, it is enough! I am touched now :))

    About glasses, no, I don't miss them at all. They weren't that fashion glasses that makes you look nice and wise. I prefered contact lenses.

    I will upload the second part tomorrow. Thank you very much for your comment!

  • Hello NotAClue, oh, you make me feel better with your words :) I have to say thank you for that :)

    I hope that will be no reason to wear glasses one day, but if you need and decide to do such operation, then you know now, how it is.

    My eyes are fine now, I see perfect clearly, but still they get tired if I stay much time in front of the computer. Only the first days that I wasn't very carefuly, I had a little problem. I write about it in the second part. Thank you for reading and commenting :))

  • Risty, I am very well now. My eyes are well, just they are still get tired when I haven't sleep in the noon, after work, or when I am long time in front of the computer.

    It is not easy for no one to take a decision to do an operation. Just some operations are simple. This is a routine operation. I think there is no reason to be afraid so much :)

    I thank you, for your comment :)

  • Dear Elen, how are you now? how're your eyes? you know, maybe I can manage an operation but my eyes would be the least case. You are brave Elen. Thanks for sharing this. I'm sorry I can't correct your blog, :( I'm not a reliable grammarian.hahaha :D

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