Without title

Time flies...
You told me that sentence millions times. Always you added: darling, enjoy your life, don't hesitate to do whatever you want, just decide and move forward, try to be one of the most educated and richest women in the world, prove yourself. As an answer I just tapped on your big belly several times like I played a drum, beat rhythmically and then both of us laughed.
You lived in a small town far from my city, far from me, I know, I know it's a big excuse but I don't have any other thing to say. You know, I tried and loved to meet you at least once a week but my damn schedule didn't let me to do that. It's about one month you are not living far from me because nowadays you are living too far from me. I don't know anything about your current home but I want to imagine you in God's beautiful garden known as paradise. It's my fantasy and I'm free to imagine you as a handsome young man exactly like what you were at your wedding day, of course without that lovely big belly. I read in our holly book that everything is perfect in paradise and I believe in God's words. I'm sure whatever he said is an undeniable fact so paradise shouldn't be like here. There should be no anger, no proud, no poverty, no age. Lucky you for being there, so near to God and poor me for being here and too far from you more than ever :-(
My unique grandpa, listen: I'm not the iron lady, I'm not Margaret Thatcher to be one of the most powerful, educated or rich women in the world but I promise you to do my best to achieve my goals. I'll try to decide precisely and move forward during my life. Just promise me come to my dreams even once in a year. As always be generous and don't pay off my ignorance in this case. Yea, you were right, time flies grandpa.  I'll always miss you. Miss the flavor of pastils you put them in my mouth. Im sure never ever ever no pastil will taste like ones you bought for me :-( I'll miss to kiss your chubby cheeks.
Grandpa, wherever you are just take care of yourself. :-*
Your Fafali granddaughter, Fahime.
(A big sorry and bigger thanks to all of my nice sises and bros for caring about me in my absence, specially: my lovely Sises; Sima, Sera, Ha, Sakshi and Sewar. Adorable friends; Mohammed, Asif, Granny and bookie. Finally my great bros: Ahmad and Mamad. It's obvious I'm not as active and smart as my purple sis, Noor. She continued writing in her EC even when she was not in a good condition. The only thing I did in my 30days absence was to giving my EC user and password to my friend to come online frequently. I did it because I was afraid my EC account will be deleted in a long absence)
Thanks in advance for reading this blog and again sorry for being late.
Don't forget to pray for my grandpa to rest in peace.

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  • Dear Julia

    Thank you very much for your nice words. God bless you.

  • Friend. i haven't any words for condolence. Cuz my English is not good enough.  May God rest your Grandpa’s soul in peace.

  • Thanks very much dear Mohammed. I missed you all, too. You are right. It's a law of our lives. I must accept it. BTW, thanks for being here and being such a kind Mohammed.

  • My dear Robbie, thanks so for leaving your warm words here. Actually, I'm so happy for being here with all of my dear bros and sises again.

  • I'm terribly sorry for losing your loved one. My prayers for you and your dearest grandpa. Take good care and welcome back to our club, my cute Sister.

  • Dear Expector

    As always, it's my honor to read your comment on my blog. Thanks dear for leaving your nice words here.

  • My dear Sakshi. How lucky I am to read these wonderful and warm comments by my lovely EC friends. Dear, a million thanks for being such a great friend and letting me to enjoy reading your warm words everywhere in MYEC. A big hug back to you from me and my family. :-*

  • Dear Y.N

    I can feel your kind heart even from this far distance! Believe me. There's no need to add any word to your comment. Thanks dear for this lovely butterfly. I like it so much.

  • We can feel your love for your grandpa,and appreciate you miss your beloved grandpa so much!

  • My adorable WMW, each word of your comment just shows your endless kindness. How lucky I am to be here and have a great person like you as a friend. I treasure our friendship. Thanks for your sympathy darling and thanks so so so much for your warm hug. It made me, really made my day.

    Thanks for being such a lovely person and being here. It's all EC members' BIG luck to have you.

    :-* :-* :-* Millions kisses back to you.

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