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Bellis Perennis

It is a common European species of daisy.
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  • Dear Ameur Thank you

  • wonderful!!!

  • Dear Min an Thank you for liking the photo

  • Dear Oporazita, Thank you for liking the photo

  • Dear Tanjin& Nimzaf, Thank you so much for liking the photo.

  • Dear Elen, I think Chamomile is the common name for several daisy - like plants of the family 'Asteraceae'. Chamomile tea is good if we got hay fever, inflammation, muscle spasm, insomnia, ulcers, gastrointestinal disorder, and hemorrhoids. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and liking. I appreciate that.

  • Daisies! My favorite kind of daisies! i have it every spring in my garden and we made tea from them. I think it is called chamomile but your title says Bellis Perennis. Anyway there is also the classical game with the petals "He loves me, he loves me not" :D

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