blesie's Posts (6)

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The term of my "Soul Mate"



            To me, the term ‘soul mate’ is used to describe the individual whom God put on this Earth just for me. Back in my home town, we used to say that when every person is born, only half of that person is there. Each soul was split into two halves in heaven and then sent down to rest in two separate bodies, one to inhabit a male and the other to dwell in a female. It was said that explain why sometimes we can feel that we are not complete, that there us a whole in our lives that we just cannot seem to fill. I do not know if this is really true or not but I do feel that there is someone out there for everyone. An exact match that I can connect with on every level, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and so forth, this person would have the ability to make me smile and lift my spirits even when I feel the worst. He will always be there to support me on whatever I do and to offer me guidance if I needed it. He will help me through whatever trials may comes my way. Most importantly, my soul mate would love unconditionally and to offer his affection without needing anything in return even though all of these things would be. I consider myself to be fortunate because I believe that I have found my soul mate. The man that shares my soul and his name is Tim.

Please share your meaning of a true "Soul Mate" in your own perspective :)

I would love to have your opinion in this blog in regards of different sex, religion, ethnicity etc.

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The Element of my Life


     If I could choose one of the most important elements in my life, I will choose my family. The reason why I choose my family is because I do not know that I would not be who I am right now. This means that my life might turn another way and it could be more scary and risky because of the values that I might not have learned by not being part of my family. However, my family led me to live life fruitfully. I deem my family as a part of me because they gave me courage, strength, and inspiration in whatever I do to make myself a better person.

            My family is my courage because they gave me the confidence to go back to school. My family challenged me to set goals to attain life that I want. For example, after having a baby, I realize that life is not easy especially without some form of higher education. I wanted to go back to school but I was scared because it was completely different. Different country, tradition, and language were too difficult to learn. However, my family wake me up to the reality that if I live with my fear, then I would never get anything done with my life.

            When I finally decided on going back to school, my family’s support gave me the strength to pursue my goals. In spite of my weaknesses, my family kept me up to fight the fear that I would not make it through to the next day. The most important thing that I learned from my family is not to give up if failure comes my way. My faith takes me through the trials, and someday the trials will be replaced with success.

            The support of my whole family gave me the courage and strength that I needed, but they are also my inspiration. They inspire me by being there to lean on me when things get tough. Having move to another country makes it harder for me and my family as we can only communicate by phone. However, my family taught me to trust and believe in myself that I can do everything and handle anything that life throws my way.

            All in all, their encouragement and energy has guided me towards my dreams and fulfilled my every need. I have already overcome several obstacles in my life, and I will not let anything keep me from reaching my goals. My family has been there for me since the very beginning and they will continue being there to support and encourage me every step of the way.



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I spoke to Daisy, Nibs, Hamburger, and Kitty. They were also at Gingey’s house when the candy was stolen. They are Gingey’s friends. They all told me their alibi and since you were there at his house, though they weren’t there when you came, they didn’t say any story against you.

Now I don’t want you to play games with me because I will tell you right now, if I find out that you’re lying to me, the punishment will be double the charge. (staring at me with anticipation while tapping his pen on the table) Banchee: Listen to me Mr. Detective I’ve told you, I didn’t steal Gingey’s candy! If the neighbor saw me in his house the day when the candy was stolen was because I had to get my key from Gingey’s desk for my locker at school.

Ok the neighbor accused me because I had that stuff all over my mouth when I came out from Gingey’s house and I admit that. But did the neighbor see me had that stuff already before I came in. NO! So how would he think that I stole Gingey’s candy?

Ok so what was that stuff all over your mouth then? ( Mr. Detective was giving me a weird look, he seems like he's not buying my alibi) Detective, we made a Ginger Bread house at school today. It’s a traditional thing that we always do every Christmas at school. You know that right? Of course we had to put Icing cover over it before we can put all varieties of candy like hard skittles, circle gummies with sugar coating, twizzlers and more! But before I could put all the candies to my Ginger bread house, I left my candies at the locker and Gingey left my key at his house by the desk. So I was in a hurry and didn’t bother to wash my hand. I didn’t realize all of the sudden it was all over in my mouth.

How Gingey got your key? Well he borrowed it a few days ago to put his stuff in my locker because he left or misplace his locker key somewhere. Do you know that he keeps forgetting stuff? I feel bad for Gingey that’s why I am here. I want to help so we can solve this case but you never know maybe he forgot where the last time he put his candy.

However, Gingey told me that Scooby (other classmate) was in his house before I came and I know that he was there because I saw his foot/shoe print by the porch all the way to the drive way. And on top of that, I saw a piece of candy in Gingeys driveway. On that time, I didn’t know that Gingey’s candy was stolen so I didn’t given it a thought. Now that I am thinking, the candy that was in the driveway, despite of all the snow on the ground, wasn’t covered with snow!

Though, I remembered one thing that Scooby couldn’t eat candy. His teeth are very sensitive. Therefore, he might not be the one who stole Gingey’s candy.

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Broken Tire...

What happen if you’re driving in the middle of nowhere and your tire is broken? What would you do? Are you going to call the cops or a car repair service and get it towed? If you have an extra tire & tools in the back of your trunk, are you going to change and fix it? If so, what is the sequence of changing a tire?

Perhaps some of us on EC want to know the sequence of changing the tire. I am one of them. If I can fix it myself, that would save me a couple hundred dollars in my pocket. Some person that has skills of changing a tire might like want to spend green rather than fixing it themselves. Maybe some of you know how to change tires, please share those skills to us 
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My Alter Ego

Reading this blog makes me think of someone special who became a part of my life. Her name was Precyl. We knew each other since we were very little and naive; she was my neighbor. We actually used to hate each other and had quite a few fist-fights. But when we reached into 6th grade we became a very good friend. The reason why Precyl was and still my alter ego because the fact that she’s kind to me, and that she’s the person I could ever trust with and generally we have had the same things in common.
First of all, her kindness to me was extremely hard to find for a friend. Whenever I felt sad or not in the mood, she would be the first person to know even if I tried not to express my feelings to her. She would be the first person that can alter my temper because of her silliness. There were times that I could be so feisty of her, but she would still stay calm and spoke softly tried to get my mood swings disappeared. I realized that I was very lucky to have a friend like her.
For me, give my trust to a person is the hardest thing to do. But when Precyl came into my life, our relationship grew every day where it came to the point that she knew everything about my life. She would be the first person I talked to either it would be a personal life or something that was not important. I was oblivious that my best friend knew more than what my parents know. I didn’t realize that I was given her my 100 percent trust.
Precyl and I had lots of similarities just about everything; for example we both love fashion clothes, we always gone shopping together and bought clothes that we both really like. It was kind of beneficial to us that we use the same type of fashion clothes so we could borrow to each other. Also, we both had the same like when it comes to food especially Filipino sweet delicacy food. Needless to say, we felt like we were a twin.

Precyl was one of a kind person to find. Even though she left me when she was diagnosed with Leukemia, our friendship will stay in my heart forever. Her memory will never be forgotten. I believe that Precyl was send from above to me. If it was not of her love, advice and companionship, I probably would never accomplish the aim that we both dreamed before. She was and still my truly best friend and I would not trade her for anything, and the memories that once we’d shared.

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Writing Challenge #12

My English dream school, that I would like to be a part of, is where English teachers are very supportive with the students. It doesnt matter to me where is the school located from, but i may find one closes to where I live. I like it when my teacher demonstrates a unique style of easy learning English. I think that it is a great idea to create some learning type of games where students are more involved without getting bored easily. In addition to that, the English school would have some type of English group for special needs like students that has a lower understanding or some type of disabilities.The hours starts at 8 to 12 pm which most of us find these hours as our energy peaks throught out the day. There will be snacks at 9:30 and launch before 12:00.It would be great to have a class where everyone is helping out. Teachers and students would have create some type of program online to encourage the young and older people all over the world who are afraid to learn English. It’s just like similar to English dot com where they help thousands of people all around the globe. The school cost is base for lower income family and sometimes free for those who don’t have income. However, students would have to create a fundraiser to provide first-class establishment for the school. When it comes to the school policy, students must respect teachers and staffs authoritative rules; otherwise, he/she would kick out of the program.On the other hand, if I owned a school and I have tons of money in the bank, I would like to build more schools in different country for homeless people like Philippines and Africa. In some country like Philippines, a lot of children are left behind of school. They don’t have money to pay for public school nor do they have enough money to buy food. In the Philippines, older people are embarrassed to their selves to go back to school because they are so left behind. I would like to build a school for elderly people who would like to continue their education. Finally, I believed that English is the most important subject to learn and a lifetime treasure.
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