The term of my "Soul Mate"



            To me, the term ‘soul mate’ is used to describe the individual whom God put on this Earth just for me. Back in my home town, we used to say that when every person is born, only half of that person is there. Each soul was split into two halves in heaven and then sent down to rest in two separate bodies, one to inhabit a male and the other to dwell in a female. It was said that explain why sometimes we can feel that we are not complete, that there us a whole in our lives that we just cannot seem to fill. I do not know if this is really true or not but I do feel that there is someone out there for everyone. An exact match that I can connect with on every level, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and so forth, this person would have the ability to make me smile and lift my spirits even when I feel the worst. He will always be there to support me on whatever I do and to offer me guidance if I needed it. He will help me through whatever trials may comes my way. Most importantly, my soul mate would love unconditionally and to offer his affection without needing anything in return even though all of these things would be. I consider myself to be fortunate because I believe that I have found my soul mate. The man that shares my soul and his name is Tim.

Please share your meaning of a true "Soul Mate" in your own perspective :)

I would love to have your opinion in this blog in regards of different sex, religion, ethnicity etc.

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  •  Thanks Anele, I'm glad that we have the same similarities about "Soul Mate'


     Thanks Talibah for your compliment but I know that there are still some areas I'm not good at when it comes to structuring the sentences :)

  • @ Sarah & LEEAH, I also thank you for sharing your views about this blog.

    I am now learning something from your own perspective.


    I apperciate it for you both participation :)

  • Thanks Karl for your point of view and stopping by here. YES. I am a hundred percent agree on you for this. In general term of soulmate, it doesn't mean just an 'Opposite sex" because I know that there were gays adversities all over the world.


    And I know here in MYEC, in regards of our sex, religion, etcnicity, I may learn something from them that I didn't know before about this.

    Thanks again for your consideration.

  • "Soul mate" for me doesn't necessary mean that two people should be in opposite sex. It doesn't mean that your soul mate has to be your boyfriend or husband. It could be your best friend whom your love is unconditional and vice-versa.

    I maybe wrong but this just my own idea about "Soul mate."

    Thank your for letting me read your blog. More power!!!

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