Arif's Posts (122)

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Dear members

Another bad side of my beloved country.

An experience of years being among heterogeneous people and behavior of western people has greatly convinced me to review my fun blog which was written describing the repulsive attitude of western wife. Whereas, such kind of wife is found in majority in my country, especially in my home city, Karachi. These are thankless wives, who are suffered from complex inferiority and make their husband involve in corruption and other evils. Generally, People know that my country has a high rate of corruption, but they don't know that these modern wives, having limitless desires, are the root of the corruption. So, choose wife wisely. :)

The best criticism is the self-criticism but in a funny way. So, please read it with a smile :)


Modest  husband  Modern wife
He   is   bread  she  is  knife

Expensive dresses most she like
For  he  sells   his  motorbike

Working  all  day  he is  tired
Then She orders to cradle child

When  she  is  angry  he  smiles
When   he  is  angry  she  bites

He sacrificed  to keep her safe
Over  trifles, a  punch  she gave

She snatches the salary  he earns
He  asks  for a  penny  she frowns


Reading story of his sorrowful life 
The  tears roll down everyone's eyes

Innocent  husband   cruel   wife 
yet  he  is  wrong  she is right

 Poet  confused  to take whose sides
The society calls  it women  rights

Modest  husband  modern  wife
He  is  bread   she  is   knife

Poet       Arif Saeed.



Thank you so much for reading 

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 Hello friends

I would like to share it once again with intention to let my new fellow know some negative sides of my beloved Country. As I have seen many people aggrandizing their country and cultures as if it is inhabited by angels :D 

I posted this blog on on May 23, 2013

While surfing, I have come across this image, the idea came in mind to write a poem that may depict the situation as shown on this photo.

With my motherland all my emotion

Corruption broke the  bone of  nation
Government  takes  no  stern  action
Unfair wealth of whom in  aggregation
yet with my motherland all my emotion

Sindhi, Balochi, Punjabi and  Pathan
They all are good, but not one nation
Division of them causing  destruction 
yet with my motherland all my emotion

Islam  condemns all  discrimination
To serve mankind is clear instruction
Non-compliance leads to deterioration
Yet with my motherland all my emotion


So, need  your  attention 

to  share candid  opinion

that  makes  satisfaction

 is  actually  my intention 

Thank you in advance 

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