Sharifa Bahri (SkoonAlBahr)'s Posts (176)

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter “C” and has 8 letters long.


  • They always c_ _ _ _ _ _ _d to learn some from their aunt.
  • Couldn’t you c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ a meeting between them? I think they’d be ideally suited.
  • Somehow she c_ _ _ _ _ _ _d to get tickets for the concert.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is a verb means “to arrange a situation or event, or arrange for something to happen, using clever planning”.


Here, you can listen and see other examples for the word "contrive".

If you want to discuss about this word "contrive", please go to the discussion of this word in our group here!

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Hello my lovely friends. How are you? I hope you are super fine and Very Much Alive as me. I would like to introduce our winner of July's word challenge in A New Word Daily group. According to Our July's Scoreboard ...


Adnan jan = 7

Syubi = 5

Kaoru = 5

Oksana = 5

jane de villi = 4

Javier = 3

Montse = 3

Rabab = 2

nida = 2

anele = 2

feanoa = 2

amal hope forever = 1

Anna = 1

Saif Khan = 1

Addel = 1

Aang Anwaruddin = 1

sweet nikki = 1

april = 1

vahid morady = 1

lilidodo = 1


The winner is Adnan jan. Let’s congratulate our winner of this month. Congratulations Adnan!

Good luck for others, I do appreciate your participations.
Skoon ...

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter “C” and has 6 or 7 letters long.


  • Affectation of c_ _ _ _ _ _ is common enough these days.
  • C_ _ _ _ _ _ is a rare thing among women when it comes to talking of the men.
  • I believe that my c_ _ _ _ _ _ was a surprise; perhaps it seemed a defiance.
  • "We really don't know what to do about it, " she said with surprising c_ _ _ _ _ _.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is a noun means “the quality of being honest and telling the truth, especially about a difficult or embarrassing subject”.

The word of the day’s synonyms are “honesty, openness and sincerity”.


Here, you can listen and see other examples for the word "candour/candor".

If you want to discuss about this word "candour/candor", please go to the discussion of this word in our group here!

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter “A” and has 10 letters long.


  • "Do you know Daphne?" "No, I'm afraid we're not a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _."
  • I am not personally a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with the gentleman in question.
  • Were you a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with a friend of mine, Daniel Green?
  • We would like to get better a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is an adjective means “knowing or being familiar with a person”.


Here, you can listen and see other examples for the word "acquainted".

If you want to discuss about this word "acquainted", please go to the discussion of this word in our group here!

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter “S” and has 6 letters long.


  • Surrounding houses were s_ _ _ _ _ed  by heat from the blast.
  • The meat had s_ _ _ _ _ed.
  • A desolate, s_ _ _ _ _ed landscape.
  • It is a s_ _ _ _ _ing hot day today.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is a noun/verb means “burn the surface of (something) with flame or heat”.


P.S. Thank you Javier for today's word. :)


Here, you can listen and see other examples for the word "scorch".

If you want to discuss about this word "scorch", please go to the discussion of this word in our group here!

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter "H" and has 12 letters long.


  • Do I need my  H_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   for drying your hands?
  • When I was a child I used to make a cap with my H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in shiny days.
  • I don't know why you don’t use H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _s at all!
  • Probably I'll bring a H_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  to my weeping mother.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is a noun means “a square of cotton or other material for wiping one's nose".


P.S. Thank you Javier for today's word. :)



Here, you can listen and see other examples for the word "handkerchief". 

If you want to discuss about this word "handkerchief", please go to the discussion of this word in our group here!

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter “L” and has 8 letters long.


  • We are having a veritable plague of l_ _ _ _ _ _ _s.
  • L_ _ _ _ _ _ _s  don't eat spider mites.
  • We can't open the window without the room becoming full of l_ _ _ _ _ _ _s.
  • There are several l_ _ _ _ _ _ _  types that sometimes come in a red-on-black variant.
  • L_ _ _ _ _ _ _s are said to bring luck.
  • One of you has obviously stolen all my l_ _ _ _ _ _ _s; I've not seen one all year.
  • I was shocked a few years ago to discover that l_ _ _ _ _ _ _s DO bite!


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is a noun means “a small red beetle which is round and has black spots”.


P.S. Thank you Oksana for today's word. :)


Here, you can listen and see other examples for the word "ladybird".

If you want to discuss about this word "ladybird", please go to the discussion of this word in our group here!

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter “P” and has 5 letters long.


  • The berries were p_ _ _ _   and sweet.
  • Stew the dried fruits gently until they p_ _ _ _   up.
  • He p_ _ _ _ed  his bag on the table.
  • She sat down p_ _ _ _   on the bed.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day can be an adjective and a verb means “having/to have a full rounded shape”.

The word of the day’s synonym is “fat”, and it’s antonym is “thin”.



P.S. Thank you Javier for today's word. :)


Here, you can listen and see other examples for the word "plump".

If you want to discuss about this word "plump", please go to the discussion of this word in our group here!

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter “D” and has 8 letters long.


  • You need to be more d_ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  • Have you heard her d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ reply.
  • You must be d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ and persistent to succeed in this competitive field.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is an adjective means “able and having the power to make decisions quickly and confidently, or showing this quality”.

The word of the day’s synonyms are “conclusive, definitive, and determinative”.


Here, you can listen and see other examples for the word "decisive".

If you want to discuss about this word "decisive", please go to the discussion of this word in our group here!

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter “N” and has 8 letters long.


  • I seldom see many if any of these qualities in n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ hunters.
  • It was nicely enlightening to see a reaction from a true n_ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  • “Excuse me, I think I was here first,” the n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ claims.
  • My advice to the n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ collector is be curious.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is a noun means “someone who has recently become involved in an activity and is still learning about it”.

The word of the day’s synonym is “beginner”.


Here, you can listen and see other examples for the word "neophyte".

If you want to discuss about this word "neophyte", please go to the discussion of this word in our group here!

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter “V” and has 7 letters long.


  • The company has made a v_ _ _ _ _ _ attempt in the last two years to make itself more efficient.
  • He is v_ _ _ _ _ _ unafraid of all the monsters of the earthly dream.
  • My husband had died last summer after a long v_ _ _ _ _ _ struggle with cancer.
  • The ships of the city made a v_ _ _ _ _ _ effort in the early summer to break loose and attack the Macedonian fleet.
  • He has enslaved you by trickery, you who were great strong v_ _ _ _ _ _.
  • Does he continue to be that v_ _ _ _ _ _ trustee of the American people, or does he start shooting angles that get him through the next election?


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is an adjective means “very brave or bravely determined, especially when things are difficult or the situation gives no cause for hope”.


Here, you can listen and see other examples for the word "valiant".

If you want to discuss about this word "valiant", please go to the discussion of this word in our group here!

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter “S” and has 8 letters long.


  • I put on some nice s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ music.
  • Her words had a s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ effect.
  • I like listening to her s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ voice.
  • His casual, relaxed manner was very s_ _ _ _ _ _ _.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is an adjective means “making you feel calm”.


Here, you can listen and see other examples for the word "soothing".

If you want to discuss about this word "soothing", please go to the discussion of this word in our group here!

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter “C” and has 6 letters long.


  • She accused her husband of being a c_ _ _ _ _.
  • The soldiers who ran as soon as the first shots were fired were branded as c_ _ _ _ _s.
  • C_ _ _ _ _s die many times before their deaths.
  • Soldiers feared to be called c_ _ _ _ _s for not having the enough courage to step up and fight with dignity.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is a noun means “a person who is too eager to avoid danger, difficulty or pain; one who shows ignoble fear in the face of danger or pain”.


Here, you can listen and see other examples for the word "coward".

If you want to discuss about this word "coward", please go to the discussion of this word in our group here!

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Hi my friends! Here we get started again our word challenge. So, let’s go!


NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter “I” and has 9 letters long.


  • I wish everyone would stop i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ing and just leave me alone.
  • It's their problem and I'm not going to i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  • Drug problems frequently i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _d with his work.
  • Smoking and drinking i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with your body’s ability to process oxygen.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is a verb means “to involve yourself in a situation when it does not concern you and your involvement is not wanted or is not helpful”.



Here, you can listen and see other examples for the word "interfere".

If you want to discuss about this word "interfere", please go to the discussion of this word in our group here!

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Hello my lovely friends. How are you? First of all, I apologize for all of you that I couldn't announce the winner of April earlier nor the words of May. I am really sorry, but it was exams.
Now, I would like to introduce our winner of April word's challenge in A New Word Daily group. According to Our April's Scoreboard ...

Syubi = 10 

elena = 9

Adnan jan = 8

Monika = 7

Oksana = 6

Fresh = 5

deuce666 = 5

Maryna = 5

Narendra shukla = 5

Rabab = 4

Smiling moon = 4

Aang Anwaruddin = 4

Sahar = 3

Abd Al-ghafoor ajjour = 3

surya prakash = 2

vahid morady = 2

Jenny = 2

Arnau Estanyol = 2

nijar = 1

jhun = 1

AhMeD ElSeBaY = 1

idealist = 1

das solhou = 1

feaona = 1

Pocoyo Prufrock = 1

Special Stranger = 1

The winner is Syubi. Let’s congratulate our winner of this month. Congratulations Syubi!

Good luck for others, I do appreciate your participations.
Skoon ...

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter “S” and has 8 letters long.


  • After months of s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ at sea it felt strange to be in company.
  • He enjoyed his moments of s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ before the pressures of the day began.
  • Imagine long golden beaches where you can wander in s_ _ _ _ _ _ _.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is a noun means “the situation of being alone without other people”.


Here, you can listen and see other examples for the word "solitude".

If you want to discuss about this word "solitude", please go to the discussion of this word in our group here!

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter “S” and has 7 letters long.


  • I s_ _ _ _ _ _ they were right.
  • Do women really share such stupid jokes? We s_ _ _ _ _ _ not.
  • We had no reason to s_ _ _ _ _ _ that he might try to kill himself.
  • "Do you think she'll have told them?" "I s_ _ _ _ _ _ so."


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is a verb means “to think or believe something to be true or probable”.


Here, you can listen and see other examples for the word "suspect".

If you want to discuss about this word "suspect", please go to the discussion of this word in our group here!

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter “B” and has 7 letters long.


  • At this price the car is a b_ _ _ _ _ _.
  • Fresh salmon is a b_ _ _ _ _ _at the supermarket this week.
  • This coat was half-price – a real b_ _ _ _ _ _.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is a noun means “something on sale at a lower price than its true value”.


Here, you can listen and see other examples for the word "bargain".

If you want to discuss about this word "bargain", please go to the discussion of this word in our group here!

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter “I” and has 8 letters long.


  • Their attitude i_ _ _ _ _ _ _s me.
  • Perhaps they were i_ _ _ _ _ _ _d by the sound of crying.
  • After a while her behavior really began to i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ me.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is a verb means “to make angry or annoyed”.


Here, you can listen and see other examples for the word "irritate".

If you want to discuss about this word "irritate", please go to the discussion of this word in our group here!

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NOTE: This blog for who wants to join our challenge in A New Word Daily's group. If you are interested and wants to know more about this challenge, please read this blog first!



The word of the day begins with the letter “E” and has 6 letters long.


  • The company e_ _ _ _ _d heavy financial losses.
  • We had to e_ _ _ _ _ a nine-hour delay at the airport.
  • They had to e_ _ _ _ _ in solitude because not even the doctors could get near them.


Can you guess the word of the day?

The word of the day is a verb means “to suffer or experience something difficult, unpleasant or painful”.


Here, you can listen and see other examples for the word "endure".

If you want to discuss about this word "endure", please go to the discussion of this word in our group here!

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