Marilyn Chaput's Posts (1)

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Writing articles for money is easy. But how much you make from your efforts depends on how long it takes you to write each article. To maximize your earnings, you need to minimize your time investment.

Here are 6 tips to faster, easier article writing:

1.Know what you want out of each article before you write it. If your main objective is to convey expertise, you would probably opt for a longer, more detailed article. If instead you’re article is one of a number of lead-generators to place in various article directories, it might be best to write short, concise articles. Both types of articles can serve you, but each has a different purpose. Whatever the method, strive to convey quality information in a way that’s easy for your readers to grasp.

2. Map out your articles before writing. You could potentially proceed in a hundred different directions from the same basic content. That’s why you should choose a specific path early on. Planning can be done in seconds and it will spare you inevitable frustration later. Start with a keyword, topic, or potential title. Capture it by jotting it down. Even experts from say that is important. You need to seize the concept or idea you want to share before it escapes you. What first comes to mind when you think about your proposed topic or when you read the title? Get it down on paper (or on your computer) and use it as your launch pad.


3. Divide the topic into chunks. Breaking it down into pieces makes the writing easy. Start by estimating the total size of your article. How long will your introduction be? What about a conclusion? How many points will you include? Break it down and what seems like a large and difficult task becomes easily manageable.

4. Emphasize your core message. When mapping out your article, identify the BIG idea you want to discuss and ensure that every supporting idea relates to this core concept. If you begin writing your article without first mapping and determining its scope, you’ll eventually fizzle out. You might start off with a bang, but eventually you’ll hit it dead end or you’ll drift off in a different direction. Stay true to your main message.

5. Plan your supporting points. After choosing your topic, decide on the key points you want to make. Doing this in advance sets you up to write your article faster. Instantly, you’ll have a starting point and your overall scope defined, so you’ll stay on track. Your planning provides a guaranteed road map that will get you to the finish line faster.

6. Use your voice to speak your article into reality. Create your articles by talking them into existence rather than typing gives you the advantage of increased efficiency. It’s easier to keep up with your thoughts as you speak, rather than be trying to capture it all by typing or handwriting your content. All you need is a microphone and free software available online. After writing 3-5 articles, you can have them transcribed.


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