Luci's Posts (229)

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Eva's writing challenge :-p

One of those worst days of your life. Last snow is gone and mud is just everywhere around. Exactly that one day, when nothing is black nor white, everything is just grey. Day, when u wish after waking up, it was still night and you could have slept for ages. During such day everything is blurred, in fact you don't wanna see the reality, so you better pretend to be blind. Your yin and yang aren't in harmony anymore and taste of the orange mousse gets on your nerves. If only it was chocolate mousse instead, if only this coffee was without milk. Everything is annoying. Nothing is good enough. Even your tears full of the salt are spicy like black papper because your eyes can't stand them anymore.
You wish to overcome it somehow, you wish this darkness in you would be killed by brightness... brightness that would give you energy to smile soon once more again...

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Love Formula

Love, love, love! I can feel you everywhere I go - in the movies, in the songs, in the novels, in the paintings, in the poems... You inspire us, you make us creative, you somehow unintentionally force us to share, what we feel because at times, we just want to scream to the whole world, we found you and we are the happiest person on the Earth.

Both genders percieve you differently. The women tend to be more sensitive and talkative, they prefer sharing meanwhile some tough men might consider talking about you emberassing or waste of time. Dear love, just tell us.. Is there any secret formula? Something like...

= C(hemistry) + A(dmiration) + U(nderstanding)

It is awesome to dream of you, love. To imagine, to wait and feel excited about being flooded by you. On the contrarery to fly too high might be dangerous, so let's get down from the sky, guys and let me share a list of the interesting words, phrases and idioms about love :p Nice shower, right? :D So here we go...

1. To be lovey-dovey - those, usually the teenagers, who show love in the public like everlasting kissing and hugging.
A couple of the teens at the tram station got on my nerves, they were so lovey-dovey!

2. Puppy love - immature love
My six years old son fell in love with one girl in the kindergarten, it is so cute to watch such puppy love.

3. To be an item - if two people are in love and have romantic relationship. 
Peter and Jane are on item, even though nobody at work knew about it.

4.To be on the rocks - to go through some problems in the relationships, to fight, argue etc.
Honestly speaking we are on the rocks nowadays because he doesn't want to buy a new apartment I fell in love with!

5. Match made in heaven - a relationship,which is simply the perfect because  those two complement each other.
I think there is a high chance we will grow old together because we are without doubt a match made in heaven.

So that is all, guys and I would be glad if you add your own love formula, so that we could create the best one ;)

                                Happy Valentine's to those who celebrate it!

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Hello my friends,

what about to take another Writing Challenge? Let's make ourself smarter in kind of an interesting way because I am coming up with my this awesome idea :-) You might know, where your friends, you met here come from and where the country is situated in the map.. but what about to get to know something more about their country?

I think, it would be great to share, what your country is famous for. Be it something traditional or something you would surprise others with, just try to write a blog on this topic, no matter if it is going to be an invention, a person, a tradition, a brand, just simply share something, what you consider great and what made your country famous in the world.

So, don't be lazy, hurry up and give it a title:

Writing Challenge: What made my country famous in the world?

Here is my blog:

Like some of you know, I come from Czech republic, which is central European country. Even though this country is small, I think we came up with many interesting things, so let me firstly share some inventions:

1. Can you imagine your cup of tea or coffee without suggar? If not, I bet you might use CUBE SUGGAR. Believe it or not but this invention comes from my country. Once upon a time in 19th century a wife of a guy called Jakub Kryštof Rad complained about being injured while trying to chop up big suggar loaf. He was thinking and thinking and later came up with…

2. Is your vision bad? Do you use the CONTACT LENS? Well, the contact lens were invented by Czech man, his name was Otto Wichterle. What is the most interesting about it? He invented them during the communist era (20th century) and didn't make fortune with it at all. Our government immediately sold this awesome invention to the USA and inventor got just few dollars, which is pretty sad.

3. Are you terrorist? In this case you might know SEMTEX. Unfortunately, we also came up with some bad inventions that killed people around the world and I am pretty ashamed of it. Semtex is plastic explosive that was developed by chemist Stanislav Brebera and was firstly used in Vietnam to help communistic Viet Cong during the Vietnam War.

4. What about the word ROBOT? It is a Czech word that was firstly used by a Czech novelist Karel Čapek in his play called RUR (Rosuum's Universal Robots). The root of this word is robota – hard work and logically somebody who works manually hard and his work is stereotype works like ROBOT - without using brain.

I guess enough, so let me bother you with some Czech popular brands, I hope you might know at least one of them :-D

1. SKODA – if you use a car, you might come across this brand, which is popular all around the world. Skoda originally comes from the Czech republic and is still produced here, even though nowadays it is owned by the Volkswagen group.

2. BATA – are you fashionable? Do you like wearing comfortable shoes? I hope you know this brand that comes from the city called Zlín situated in the Czech republic. In fact, this brand is named after its founder Tomáš Baťa – who ran his business in 1894.

3. PILSNER URQUEL, BUDWEISER – I guess if you like beer, you might have tasted them and I bet you found those beers really awesomeeeeeeeeee because Czech beer is simply the best in the world :-D

4. AVG – almost everybody uses nowadays Internet, so maybe you might be familiar with antivirus called AVG. It was formed by the Czech engineers, who later decided to sell it, so that is why now its seat is in Netherlands, Amsterdam :-/

So, these are in short my interesting points I wanted to share about Czech republic. I hope, you learned something new and I am looking forward to reading your blogs!

The pictures were taken from:

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Sweet dreaming

It was dark late night, an open window invited inside the specious bedroom cold fresh air, which was giving her little bit of energy. She was tired, nevertheless her tiredness wasn't anything annoying, but sweet mixed feeling of being exhausted, sleepy and happy in one. In fact she was eagerly waiting for the only one - to disappear somewhere, no matter where. She closed her eyes without slight idea, which game will her mind choose to play tonight. She felt her soul was nearly free and that was the first signal, that was the starter of it all. She was leaving resignedly and peacefully the reality, meanwhile her whole room started turninng into the shape of the blue slowly rotating ellipsoide. Almost everything disappeared, including her wardrobe, lamp, mirror, window. She found herself in the middle of this all, laying on her cosy, white bed. Her problems started to disappear, her worries died, everything was releasing out of her brain into the blue rotating space. She saw firstly just some randomly written words in the air but later she realized these are sentences, sentences that make sense because these were her own sentences. She was reading parts of her sad monologues, disappointing conversations, misunderstood phrases she repeated over and over again to make them understandable. All these words composed to the sentences were there freely dancing in the air, avoiding each other, as if they played some secret game without the rules. She felt relaxed, her negative thoughts were out of her mind flying somewhere in the air and after a long time she had a smile on her face. She caught herself being happy, in fact happiness flooded her body and exactly at the same time the bright light illuminated the whole rotating ellipsoide. She couldn't see anything, she could only absorb the beauty of careless moment, when nothing was bothering nor occupying her mind. Yes, she was fully enjoying it and wanted to stay at this state of mind forever or... at least as long as it was possible, until it all starts slowly fading away…

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Doctors Without Borders - Brave Heroes

I am always impressed by people, who are able to pack their stuff and help others, no matter what is going on behind the scene - if civil conflict, natural disaster or war. I would say that Doctors without borders are one of them. Strong, brave, patient, flexible and with the golden heart. Such abilities can be considered abilities of the real heroes because there aren't so many people, who would risk their own life to rescue lives of unknown people just in the name of humanity. I do admire each and every doctor, who decided to join this organization and proved by actions that good people are still alive.

They help many people in many countries, unfortunately their help is needed in more than 60 countries, for instance in Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, also in Mediterraean sea (to help the refugees with the organization Greenpeace), Central African Republic or Nigeria and many other countries all around the world. I do believe their work is pretty tough because many times their hospitals are under attacks and to work in such conditions must be very exhausting. Maybe you have heard about the hospital in Kunduz (Afghanistan), where many patients, doctors died, just thanks to Americans, who attacked without any reason this hospital. Such air strike had of course tragic impact on local people because suddenly they found themself  in terrible situation without any medical help, without anything what would help to rescue their lives.

One of those doctors is a Czech doctor Tomáš Šebek [Toma:sh Shebek], who became here in my country almost the celebrity, the role-model to young potential doctors. Some days ago he was awarded with the special prize by Czech Medical Academy as the bravest doctor abroad. A 38 years old guy, who is simply himself, who doesn't pretend anything became popular thanks to his open-minded attitude. It made me laugh when I was reading inerview with him and he replied something like: „I hate when people say I must be very nice person to do such work, in fact I cant stand if they think like this about me!“ He has been to four Doctors without borders missions, twice in Haiti and twice in Afghanistan. He has published two books so far and I think writing helps him to get rid of the stress, to escape from such terrible, scary reality he finds himself in. After reading some of his blogs, I have to admit that many things shocked me and I do believe that from such people you get better and more trustworthy information in comparison with what media provide and feed us with.

If you want to check Doctors without borders or you have never heard of this organization, here is the link, I would like to share: 

The pictures were taken from the website Doctors without borders and from:

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A cute baby girl, a little girl, a teenager chick, a woman, a mom a granny. A circle of life, a life proces that has been repeating for thousands years. Even now at this moment many of them are dying while others are being born or fighting against something what bothers them. Anyway, let´s focus on a WOMAN.

How do you see a woman? As somebody who is here always for you to support you? As somebody who is always able to give you full service starting with cosy clean house ending with making tasty dinner? As somebody who hugged you, kissed you and spent the nights with you when you were sick? Or as somebody who is just after money and doesn't care about anything else? Million questions and of course million stories and views on percieving a woman and her role in the society.

Despite the facts such as, where we come from, what is our culture or religion, I would say there is one thing all have in common. Many, many and again many women around us lack something... hmmm... What is it??? Money? Love? Education? Not at all. In my opinion it is... APPRECIATION. As for the partnership so many men feel like: "Ohhh, of course she knows I love her, it is obvious, since she is my wife." Honestly speaking such attitude is pretty sick because a woman needs actions, not just to live life full of guessing and untold thoughts, these won't make her happy or satisfied. With knowing, things she is doing for others are appreciated, she feels it is worth it, it gives her motivation, inner energy to make people around her happy, which vice versa makes her happy either!

Some might opose that to appreciate a woman one needs extra money etc. but I wouldn't say so. Even the simple things like flower from the meadow, nicely said thank you with smile on the face, a poem, little help... these are irreplaceable gestures that touch almost every woman's heart and make her feel loved, no matter if she is mom, sister, friend or wife. Besides this all nice I have mentioned I am aware of those, who prefer money and I hope that you guys are smart enough to recognize them and avoid them.

To sum it up, I would say that a woman would just like to get back something from this all she gave you...

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The Question: Why should I be Ms EC? (my own created question)

The Answer: This is the most frequent question all the beauty queens have been asked: "Tell us, why should you be chosen over the other candidates?" Due to the fact that nobody has ever asked me, finally here on EC I got an opportunity. Lady Anne, thank you sooo much, you made my dream come true!!! I hope, you won't hate me after reading this blog :D So.. let me start my modest speech.

Ladies and gentlemen... especially my awesome fans. I know there are thousands of you hidden, I know many of you are shy to support me in the public, that's why I hardly see just six of you somewhere in the last row. Nevermind my invisible fans are those, who give me the strength and energy to stand here and share my crazy, meaningless... ooooppss... meaningful thoughts with you all!

It has been a long journey. Firstly, I had to tear up and burn my marriage certificate to become once more again Miss. Secondly, I have sacrified so much! I had to starve, couldn't open the fridge at nights like I was used to. I suffered a lot and hopefuly after almost one year it happened! I meassured myself and saw magic number 99 instead of 100. Wooow, what a progress, I mean to lose one kilo in one year is something, what proves my strong will power. Definately one of the reasons, why you should vote for me!

Now let me share some of my promises, I will fulfill, if you choose ME:

I promise, I would wear English club T-shirt 24/7, since I am devoted EC fan. No matter, how dirty or stinky it will be, I would be honoured to wear it! I hope, Mr. Josef can get for me XL size. I would do my best to represent English club, I would talk about English Club everywhere! I know, I will lose many friends, it will be after some time pretty annoying for them but..nothing can stop me. I would suggest our founder Mr. Josef to be a sponsor of my journey around the world because my secret wish is to meet EC moderators and him in person too! If i had enough time, I would of course visit some of my crazy EC friends..just let me add.. only those, who voted for me, it is logical.
I would spread humour on this website because people are lately so serious and it drives me crazy. I would organize a big party for all EC members in my apartment. Just bring as much food as possible, get here on your own expenses and don't forget to buy some luxurious gifts for your Miss EC! And the last but not least ..the most important point ... I would help people with English. When it comes to the listening, I would record my awful voice with weird slavic accent and would force you to listen to me reading horror stories every night! As for the writing, you would get daily challenges to describe, how awesome and beautiful I am. What about the reading part? Well… you will read this my blog several times, till I can't hear any mistake in your pronounciation and.. the last one - talking ..we will discuss, how much money you can donate on my account. You know food, the cosmetics, clothes and everything around is getting more and more expensive, so try to understand it, please.
Well, I think this is all I wanted to say, I hope, I convinced you to vote for me because as you can see I am without doubt  the best candidate. My figure is now in the best shape, I am intelligent, loyal to EC and very helpful person!

Don't make the worst mistake of your life to vote for somebody else for Luci!

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Time is flying damn fast! The end of the year 2015 has come. So my question is: "What to do with it?" Just let it be and go with the flow OR to sum up everything good, bad, learn from own mistakes and start the New Year with the optimistic mood? We make New Year's resolutions, some of us follow them but most of us stop after one or two weeks and get back to the old track, yeah many of us fail...

To analyze, believe things will get changed with the start of the New Year is something like unwritten habbit, most of us do. How can we succeed then?? As for me, I consider the most important STRONG WILL POWER, MOTIVATION and ability to BELIEVE that you can make it, to BELIEVE in yourself. These are three keywords and I think without them we wouldn't be able to achieve our goals. Don't you think so???

So guys...  before you make your New Year's resolutions, think long and hard, if your will power is strong enough and if you mean it, otherwise don't torture your mind with the things you are not 100% sure about because then you will just get disappointed and of course that is what nobody wants. If you want to change something, do it right now, if you are ready, if not... better wait till the time "grows", everything is up to us and our WILL to do it :-) Wish you all GOOD LUCK as for your New Year's resolutions!

Dear friends and enemies :-D

Wish you once more again awesome year 2016

full of love, good health, happiness, tolerance

 and fulfilled dreams :)

Picture was taken from:

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I have been thinking for quiete a long time, which word I should choose, which word would the best represent my resoulutions. Of course, one thing is to make a wish, the second one to follow it, right? :-D Well.. I have decided to change myself little bit. Yes, I am talking about my character, nature - whatever we call it. Let's see, if I succeed or fail :-p

My word of the year 2016 is : P A T I E N C E

Why this word? You know, I am a very impatient person and it causes me the problems and complicates my life. It is hard to say, if it is a part of my character and I am able to control it or if I am  an emotional freak, who is controlled by own emotions and can't say NO! Anyway, I have to give it a try, otherwise I will never come to know, where the truth lies.

I will have to be patient from so many reasons. You know, my son will start attending the school and to do the homeworks with him will be a big test of my nerves. I also have to be patient at work with the clients because some of them are sort of slow thinking people. I have to be patient with my mom because at times it isn't easy with her at all. I have to be patient with my friends because thanks to my impatience, I am able to make wrong conclusions. I just hate waiting. There are so many of other examples, however do believe me that right now I won't think longer about them becauseeeeee.... I am not patient enough! YES, I will start soon but NOT NOW :-D

Dear friends, I wish you all HAPPY year 2016 full of LOVE, GOOD HEALTH, TOLERANCE and... PATIENCE!



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We all have own name and it is something, what identifies us. Anyway, do you know that in some countries people celebrate a Name Day? I mean like we celebrate own Birthday but just not in such grand style. A Name Day... maybe a word some of you might have no idea what it stands for, right? No worries guys, since we are here from the different cultures, various countries it is awesome we can exchange our traditions, so here I am with my blog about a Name Day.

A Name Day is mostly celebrated in many European countries but even in some countries of Latin America. If we go back to the history – a Name Day is related to the religion. In the past, as for the catolic or the ortodox religion, there existed many Saints. Just imagine Calendar. Each day of this Calendar had its own name – name of the Saint, for instance Saint Peter, Saint Francis etc. Usually, one day after death of that one Saint person people celebrated his/her Name Day.

However, this is history, nowadays our Calendar has been edited a lot and many names were added, no matter if they have something in common with the Saints or not. Weird? Hard to say, maybe as time was passing by, people were disappointed that their name wasn't in the Calendar, so they just added it there.

Today is December 13th and you can guess, what name is written in the Calendar… haha, you are right.. it is Lucie (Lucia) – my name. As for the Saint Lucia, there are many stories about her. In my country she used to visit households, appeared all of a sudden and was stometimes scary. In Sweden Saint Lucia is celebrated more than in my country. It goes together with the dark, which even here in the Czech republic is lately at 4 pm. Lucia is in fact a symbol of the light, so that is why in Sweden Saint Lucia is picturized with the candles on her head.

Now you are asking… how do they celebrate it? Well.. some people don't celebrate it at all, others meet with the closest family members, wish happy Name Day and give some little gifts – such as chocholate or the flowers.

Of course, that in European calendear we can hardly find some exotic names. When I told about the Name Day to some of my friends – usually I was asked.. ohhh when is my Name Day? :-D So, no matter if today is my Name Day or not, I just wanted to post this blog because I realized it is not common all around the world and it might be a bit interesting...

P.S. For the cat lovers I would like to point out that there exists also the calendar with the cats names and dog lovers don't need to be sad because there is also possible to buy a calendar including the dogs names...

This is me - Santa Lucia.. ehmmmm ok ok, I should color my hair because I am not blond at all :-D soo maybe next year even with the candles on my head!

The pic was taken from:

As you can see here - each and every day - there is one, two or even more names since it includes cat's names.. (no matter it is from the year 2011, I just liked this cat :-)

The Pic was taken from:

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Can you take criticism?

Nobody is perfect and everybody makes mistakes. Well, I hope we all can agree on this. Anyway, what do you think: "How to face criticism without being hurt? Is it possible?" We can say without doubt that criticism activates our emotions. It is pretty individual because some people feel sad or useless, others pretend they don't care etc. I think that the way we percieve it also goes hand in hand with our self-esteem. People with low self-confidence might get totally destroyed by one negative sentence, whereas those with too bit ego won't make a buzz about some negative words, might laugh at them and forget it all in few minutes.

In my opinion criticism should force us to think. Of course, it depends on, who is the critic. If a person we disagree with, then it will just turn into the conflict. However, parents or older respected people are wiser, more experienced and their criticism is a way different. We somehow feel, they mean it in a good way, no matter if we agree or disagree with them.

As for criticism and work, it is a special chapter itself :-) Not every boss is an angel, however if we are criticized over and over again, the boss sees just the negatives, never praises us, in this case we either will collapse, or will get used to it and won't take it so seriously, or we will leave. If a boss knows, how to talk with their employees, is able to do both – criticize them (however not in a way to make stupid idiots of them in front of others) but also praise them, in this case such boss isn't angel but "God" :-D

What about our friends or partners? Do they criticize us or do they better stay aside? I would say that you can recognize people, who care very easily. They won't just flatter you but they will also sincerely tell you, what they don't like in you. We all react differently and reactions on the criticism are various from being offended, start crying or admit that the second one is right and learn from it. Depends on, how mature we are, how open-minded we are and what attitude towards life and others we have.

To sum it up, I don't think there is a recipe, how to deal with the criticism. In fact, you won't ever be loved by everybody and there will be always people, who will criticize you, however it is about your own attitude, own perception and state of mind, which is able to make conclusions such as what is right and what is wrong, what is worth thinking and what is not...

The pictures were taken from:

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Happiness in my family (new baby)

Three days ago I became an aunt! My sister gave a birth and has a beautiful babygirl, who is biracial (half black and half white). She was born three weeks early and her name is Sofie, even though her name will be April :) Confusing ..I know ..but name April isn't officially allowed here to use, so my sister is now waiting for the approval letter written by one special lady and on the basis of it, officers can rename her. I wish I could see her as soon as possible, however right now I am "enjoying" flu, so I have to wait little bit. At such moments I am happy for the inventions like the smartphones with the camera, otherwise I wouldn't have a chance to see her at all!

Of course, this happy family event sort of forced me to stop and think. I mean to see a newbie recalled and activated my own memories. I was thinking, how I felt when my both kids were born and no wonder nostalgia flooded my heart. It is hard to express this awesome, unforgottable feeling of seeing and holding own baby for the first time. To me it was something like a mixture of love, happiness and responsibility. As for love, it is so special, unique bond, mom immediately falls in love with her baby and at this moment nothing else around her is as important as her new love. Despite all I asked myself: "Where are my newbies??" They are gone, my toddlers are also gone. Time is flying so fast, next year my son will start attending school and I still see him sometimes as that one little innocent baby, especially when I watch him sleeping.

As for me I think we should time to time stop for a while, enjoy own memories, check the pictures and recall all those moments, no matter, if it is about babies, parents, friends or those, who already aren't here among us because they all have one in common, they are without doubt essential part of our life...

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Today I decided to check the blogs here on my EC and came across a blog written by Lady Noor about 28 dead kids, who were killed in Mosul. Heart-touching blog with the pictures of injuried kids, dead ones - I think out of the context, something that has nothing to do with the attack in the school, she described in her blog. Of course, devil-bad one was tagged FRANCE - understand WEST and this blog was written in the name of how disgusting is the reaction of France. 

I am not here to judge what France is doing but I feel sick of reading something, what was written on the basis of HOAX!!! We have freedom, we can write what we want but before we start writing about something, we should check the source and not spread topic we just find good enough to blacken something or somebody. 

The worst about is that such things just create hatred, one will read it, another one will read it and ooooopssss.. people will believe it and will spread it, even though this news is fake. That is what can happen, it is like chain reaction and I am really worried, where the world is heading to, since some people create such conflicts by posting blogs like this...


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Have you also noticed a new trend of this hectic era? Why to spend time outside in the nature? People lost their minds and prefer hanging around at the malls on the weekends. You can see the teenagers, families with the kids, or single ladies. I doubt, if there exists a word for this special human kind (maybe shopaholic but I find it a bit different). My word might be rude because it is a mixture of the words Mall and Idiot, however I really despise this habbit, so that's why I spiced it up by my anger :)

Malldiot [ˈmɑːldijət], Noun
- a person, who spends almost every weekend at the malls and considers it their lifestyle.

Sentence example:
Willson's family is full of the malldiots because their own kids don't remember a weekend they spent in the forest.

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Try to express yourself clearly

Are you sure you can express yourself clearly, so that everybody would understand your points? Don't you think time to time you tend to underestimate the power of own words, that may be a bit confusing to other readers? I guess, these might be for some of you pretty annoying questions but lately I realized it is very important to make sense and to express the things properly. So.. here I go with my blog dedicated to this topic. 

To write a sentence, no matter if it is blogging, a love letter or last will might be sometimes pretty challenging. The author should be patient when it comes to using the right words, should use bright mind and should try to come up with the clear points. Easy, right? However, it may just look like piece of cake, whereas the reality usually differs and slaps us sometimes across the face. To feel not understood just because we took something for granted and didn't bother ourself to explain the things properly, to read the questions such as: "What did you mean by this or that? " These are without doubt warning signals, which should make us think about our expressive abilities.

Ehmm... still here? Reading my blog? Good.. because it means ... either I made you reading it and was able to draw your attention (expressed myself clearly) or you are insane psycho, who reads everything and eventually doesn't know what it all was about :D

Anyway, let's move on to my question also related to the expressing yourself. Tell me: What can deffinately guarantee that people will be interested in reading your posts?

Thinking about it, I came to three important points:
1. interesting, good idea - topic,
2. clearly expressed points,
3. ability to express the things emotionally.

As for being emotional, I bet you boys/men are now a bit sceptical but I am convinced that even desire or obsession to share something is an emotional issue, don't you think so? Your own emotions you put into your writing make it more interesting, more spicy. I personally think that properly used words can make miracles and do believe me that on the contrarery the worst enemy, that can ruin everything is... time. Firstly, I hardly believe that just to sit and write something within ten minutes can be considered great work because usually such texts give impression of chaotic and confusing bullshits. Secondly, believe it or not talking from own experience, it took me even three days to write some of my  emotional blogs or poems. Why so long? I do believe a good idea should grow in mind like a flower and it is really awesome process. I hardly can say to myself: "Ok, Luci, right now immediately express everything!" Of course, it is possible but again talking from own experience I know that later in some hours, suddenly a great idea I didn't realize before would pop up in my mind and I would definately regret not sharing it. So, to sum it up... being impatient can totally ruin our writing :)

The last thing I would like to share is that to read a blog, text or paper and be critical is pretty easy but to write it and show that you are good enough, capable of being understood by other readers, it is sort of art to me, so give it a try and don't hesitate to show us your abilities :-) Good luck!


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Lost in the emotional infinity

Lost in the emotional infinity

I can hear the same amazing song over and over again in my head. Be it real or fantasy, it feels like I will never have enough. I wish the only one get lost in this touchy melody, to stay locked inside of it forever.

As if I just found myself in the emotional heaven. My soul is released from all the negative thoughts and my body intensively starts absorbing each and every beautiful emotion coming from my mind.

Suddenly all the colours seem to be more colourful, tones more intense, air more fresh and time is just a word without the meaning. Surrounded by such beauty, which imprisoned my fragile soul in its paradise makes me feel like staying forever. 

I don't need to dream, I just feel, feel the evil beauty crazily playing with my mind.

Why does it feel so awesome? In fact, I don't care about the answer, I don't want to think nor analyze.

Right now I am here in this state of mind enjoying a unique feeling of being lost in my emotional infinity...

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Beyond the mirror

It was a mysterious, cold midnight and she was standing in front of her mirror, watching herself and wondering, who of them is real, if that one silhouette in the mirror or her physical existence in front of it. Suddenly, this person in the mirror turned around and gave her gesture to follow her, which she found exciting and tempting, so she took her chance and disappeared within one second completely from this world.

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Hello everyone, 

I was asked by Tara Benwell - our admin to turn my blog post Letter to Europe into this month's Writing Challenge. So... what is the task?

Write a letter to your country, give it the title Writing Challenge: Letter to..... (add name of your country, for example Letter to Czech republic) and post it as soon as possible because we all are looking forward to reading it! Don't forget to proofread it to avoid the mistakes and if you want some inspiration, read my blog bellow ;-) ohhhh.. and one more thing, as usual, post your link with the blog here among the comments (I hope it won't be messy), so that Tara could check them all...

Have fun and enjoy this month's Writing Challenge!

My dearest Europe,

you are my homeland, you are my love. Thinking back, I wasn't so much aware of it and exactly like others I took many things for granted. You are a peaceful place one can spend their life in and enjoy it. Your historical herritage is undescribable and magnificiant, so no wonder you are being called "Old contintent". So many famous, important people were born in you such as great philosophers, mathematicians, doctors, writers, scientist, musicians, painters, kings etc. And it just proves you are civilized place, where people can develope their skills, can be understood and have many opportunities to show the whole world their talent and abilities.

Anyway, dear Europe, I know that nothing is as awesome as it looks like and you had to suffer a lot during the World War 2, especially your inhabitants and the countries that were attacked. However, you made it, you became once more again powerful and peaceful place and stood up from the ruins.

My Europe, I know life is not easy and nowadays the situation is a bit complicated. You are under the big pressure and things are not certain because so many people would like to live in you to change their lives, to try their luck but the question is: "How to compromise?" It is very sensitive issue but not that hard and it looks like we all simply go with the flow. In fact, the numbers of the immigrants entering your soil are being increased day by day, hour by hour and honestly I feel really sad about this situation. On one hand desperate people coming from the countries demaged by war or places one can hardly live in but with naive imagination about "awesome" life in you my dear Europe and... on the other hand insolvable situation when it comes to the cultural, religious conlflict and the life style in general.

Well, my dear Europe, nothing is for free and that is why we work hard, yes ...your inhabitants work hard to get some good life, future, they study to get good education, they are not illiterate and follow some unwritten rules, follow your culture because they were born in you. So do believe me, Europe that I feel like crying to see the immigrants sleeping in Croatian cemetery between the graves. I feel like crying to watch the video from Belgium, where immigrants scream at local women on the street rude words just because they are not covered. I feel like crying to read from reputated journalist, who spent time with the immigrants on their journey that they waste food they were given or scream at local women offering them food in Hungary: "Where is your man? You can't be alone on the street!" Of course, every action has its reaction but it is distusting and impossible for me to tolerate or excuse attacks of Hungarian cameraman or racist attacks in Germany against the immigrants.

I am not racist, Europe, I love people, no matter if they are black, white, yellow or green, anyway what I can't overlook is disrespect towards you, your culture and your inhabitants. This is the only one thing which hurts me. I wish one day people would show tolerance, respect and humbleness towards each other, towards country they moved in because only like this they can live together without the problems. However, I am not naive and to build up this all is a question of many, many next generations. So my dearest, lovely Europe… let's see what will win, if humanity or fights…



P.S. This blog is not here to start some fights because I myself believe that humanity might one day win. It is here just to show my view and express, what one innocent inhabitant of Europe feels...

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Dream with me...

I am closing my eyes and immersing myself into the deep ocean. Falling down to a place where I am alone.. only me, myself not disturbed. Here it is real me, not influenced by anybody and anything. I might be lost or down but such dreaming gives me new hope. Hope, which fullfils my body with the invisible drops of energy and gently caress my tired face to assure me that I am not alone. Dreams are my sweet companions, who are always more than welcome.  Sometimes I desperately wish to relax, to escape from the sick reality and experience the undescribable moments only my crazy mind can offer. No matter, if on the top of the highest mountain of the Universe or deep down in the sea....what matters is the mixture of my this awesome feeling, peaceful calm mind and absolut harmony. At such moment I would love to reach so many places! I would love to do so many things! All these visions and ideas, all those untold secrets are waiting for the only one second within I close my eyes and turn on my imagination. Suddenly impossible becomes possible, unreal turns to real. In my fantasy I can reach end of Earth. I can find myself at the place, where the rainbow starts its journey over the sky. I can see sunrise on the left and sunset on the right at the same time. I can play with the rain drops and show them the right direction. I can make the leaves fall dowm from the trees with one blow. I can fly close to the sky and feel totally free.

I can....finally open my eyes and enjoy again reality after leaving my awesome fictive world.

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To find the true, genuine and real purpose of life might be for some people boring, tirining or exhausting journey, whereas for others an awesome, super-duper and wonderful opportunity to live life on the maximum with knowing that one day they won't regret. Of course, you all are just humans - people and you make stupid, silly and dull mistakes but to sit scared, frightened and terrified in the corner of the room and wait for the special occasion is just something what only passive and indolant of you can do!

Sooo.. don't hesitate to take action before it is too late because one day everything will be killed, destroyed and demolished! :-D Don't you believe? You know, in fact I am not one of you. I am a unique, extraordinary and exceptional fortune-teller, who was chosen  and to tell you the truth.... this planet Earth or how you guys call it, is just one insignificant and unessential piece of big puzzle named never-ending, infinite UNIVERSE. 

Picture was taken from:

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