Janet Anthony's Posts (5)

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I think the worst white page syndrome I ever had was when I started writing the college essay. I just didn’t want to sound like everybody else! It turned myself into knots for weeks to find the right way to get started.

In the end, I think I compared me gaining knowledge like the rising sun. Yep, I went that way. Man, I have no idea how I got into the college of my choice. Like that hasn’t been written ten thousand and two times before. What would have helped is if I would have known what some of the worst clichés out there were. Then I might have been able to come up with something truly original.

Well, it’s too late for me. But we might still be able to help you out. Here are some of the biggest clichés you definitely should avoid. 

Your entire family history

They’re not reading the essay to hear about your family. They’re reading the essay to learn about you. So don’t tell them about everybody else! No, that doesn’t mean that you can’t use an example of something a family member has done to inspire you and that has led you to take the direction that you’ve chosen. That’s cool because in a way you’re talking about you.

But stick to that example! Don’t talk about what your little sister likes to eat for breakfast. Don’t talk about how your mom does yoga every morning. They just don’t want to hear about that.

Talking about what an inspirational quote means to you

Yes, you can start your essay with a quote from somebody famous. But leave the quote on its own. You can be sure that the person reading your college essay will be able to figure out why it’s there. In fact, there’s a good chance that if you don’t try to explain it, they’ll draw more from it than you can ever put into it yourself.

It’s like the monster you haven’t yet seen in a movie. It’s often scarier than when it finally appears on the real screen. That’s because people’ imaginations are often far more capable than we can be explicit. So use that to your advantage. Leave the quote on its own and talk about other stuff.

How much you learned helping people

Yes, of course, you want to talk about how much you learned. The problem is, you’re still young and you haven’t actually learned that much yet. And so, often when you write about how much you learned, you come off sounding like you haven’t learned much at all, you’re still self-centered and you really need to grow up some more.

That’s exactly what you don’t want them to find out about you.

So instead, talk about what you did, how you feel you helped people and maybe a little bit about how much that means to you.  

You didn’t have it together when you were younger, but now you do

Newsflash, you’re still young. You know when your five-year-old brother sounds so naïve when he says ‘when I was younger’ well that’s how you sound when you’re 17 and talking about a few years ago. All you’re going to be able to do is elicit groans.

You still have all of life ahead of you to learn a heck of a lot of lessons. And that’s great. That’s why you’re going to college. The thing is, don’t talk about how wise you already think you are. Yes, I’m sure that you’re much older than you look. But even if you’re five years older mentally than you are physical, still, doesn’t make you half the age of whoever is reading your college essay.

And whatever you might think, age does make you wiser (as well as jaded, admittedly, but that’s another strike against you when you play the ‘I know a lot’ card) so don’t play the ‘oh, I’ve got it so much more together now that I’m not a sophomore anymore’ as that won’t get you admitted, let alone a essay scholarship. 

You try to sound like an expert writing an opinion piece

Yes, I’m sure you read a lot of newspaper articles and yes, it’s often a nice style. Don’t copy it. You’re going to sound like a conceited prick (yes, even if you’re a woman). The people that write opinion pieces for the newspaper have a lot of experience and have proven themselves in their field. That’s why people want to hear their opinions. Writing services help you with your writing, choose the most trustworthy - Alltopreviews.com

You’re somebody that has just finished high school. People aren’t jumping to hear your expert opinion on anything. So don’t act like it. Here’s an important thing to remember in college essay writing as well as everywhere else. Never act like you’re smarter than you are. There is no reason for it and it just makes you sound arrogant. In fact, there is research that shows that the more intelligent you try to sound, the stupider you actually sound

You go that step too far

Yes, of course, you want to stand out. The goal, however, is to stand out so that you get admitted not so that the people in the college admittance office have a good laugh at your expense and put your horror story up on their corkboard.

Don’t tell embarrassing information about yourself unless you’re a 100% sure that doing so will let you show yourself in a better light by the end of the essay. Even then, you might very well want to avoid it. It rarely goes well to tell people how you peed in yourself or were brought home by the cops without any pants on. 

Last words

It is tough to write a good college essay. It is hard to stand out. Sometimes it makes you do silly things. Hopefully, you’ll no longer do any of the silly things that I’ve outlined above. Of course, there are still plenty of ways to screw up.

I suggest that before you try out an idea, you definitely the idea by some people first. In that way, you can get their feedback. Don’t worry if one person trashes it while everybody else says it’s a good idea. Some people are always against good ideas. That’s just life. But if everybody but one person says it’s crap, no matter how good that one person says the idea is and how good of a friend they are, it’s probably time to think of another idea. 

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Some people decide to use university to have fun, hang out and sample the different flavors that life has to offer. More power to them, I say. Others, however, decide to use it to more professional ends. They use it to kick start their career.

And that too I can understand. After all, there really is no better place to start out your career than a university. After university, you’ll have to deal with being seen as young and inexperienced. And that is something you can only change by growing older and getting a bit more experience. That isn’t the case as Uni, however. For there the vast majority is around your age and you’re far more likely to get the credit you’re due.

And then, when you’ve kick started your career and hit the ground running, it will be that much harder for people to dismiss you.

The question, then, is how do you do that?

Work in a lab

If your goal is to stay in academia, you can certainly do worse than start off working in a professor’s lab. Particularly if you get along well with the professor, this is a great opportunity to both get a head start in learning how to do research, as well as build those connections that you’ll need to translate your education into an actual occupation.

One thing that you have to make sure of is that you don’t get star blinded. Some famous scientists are absolute horrors to work for. For that reason, before you decide to work in a lab, make sure that you get the full heads up about what it is like there. Some labs are fantastic opportunities to learn the ropes and get to know the people. Other labs are little more than slave labor. Fortunately, a few well-placed questions will get you the answers you are looking for.

Get some internships

A lot of people frown on internships. They see it as the new apprenticeships, which are only available to people that actually have money. Be that as it may (and there is some truth to that), they’re still a fantastic opportunity to learn the ropes in your chosen profession and, if you can make a good impression, can mean the difference between having to look on the open market for a job and having one offered to you by the people you work for.

If you are going to do an internship, make sure you take it seriously. It is better to take one internship and do a stellar job at it than do a bunch of internships and not shine in any of them. In the former case, you might actually get a job offer or at least a stellar letter of recommendation. In the latter case, however, the only real benefit you’ll get is a bit of experience and a line on your CV.


Particularly if you want to go into something service or socially oriented, volunteering is a great way to gain both experiences with people, enhance your empathy and get a real leg up when you do decide to apply.

Heck, you might even find that the place you volunteer at will offer you a position that pays if you’re committed enough and willing to put in the hours. And it always looks great on a CV when you manage to work your way up the employment ladder.

Don’t quite know where to start? Then try this list of the best student volunteer opportunities for upcoming holidays.

Start a Blog

Here I’m not just talking about any blog – I’m talking about something that is dedicated to the field that you’re actually hoping to pursue when you’re done. A personal blog will only serve you with your friends and family, while a blog that’s dedicated to your future field will allow you to learn a great deal about your field and – if you come across professionally enough – might even position you as an authority. That’s a great thing to have in your corner when you’re applying for jobs.

A few things to note: Make sure that your blog is specialized enough. The big boys already have all the broad categories covered and they’ve got serious budgets to write outstanding content. It’s going to be hard to compete with them. If you find the right niche, however, then you won’t have as much competition.

Concentrate on quality over quantity. If you manage to keep your blog going for a few years, then it doesn’t matter if you post once a week or twice. Nobody is going to read all that anyway. Instead, focus on making each entry as high-quality as possible. If you have a lack of inspiration you may use writing services asking for help.  That is something they will notice. And high-quality articles are far more likely to position you as an authority.

Last words

And that’s only a few possibilities. There are plenty more. In large part, it’s just a matter of getting involved, pushing a little bit beyond your comfort zone and getting out there. When you’re meeting people – particularly if they’re busy in a professional capacity – and you’re willing to ask a lot of questions (like, ‘can I work here?’) a lot more doors might open than you expected.

The thing to realize is that life doesn’t give you anything. You’ve got to be willing to go out there and take it. At first, that might seem a bit depressing. But then you’ll realize if it gave everybody something than most of us wouldn’t get much. If on the other hand, you have to go out there and take it, well, since most people don’t do that, that means there is far more left over for those of us that are willing to try.

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A highly popular and valuable language to learn, the ability to speak fluid English can help you find a better job while allowing you the advantages of being able to communicate with other English speakers. 

However, while there are tremendous benefits to speaking English, it’s also one of the toughest languages to learn.  And if you do decide to take on the challenge of learning the language, you’ll be far better off if you understand the challenges before you begin.

Here are the five biggest challenges to overcome when learning English.

1. The Vocabulary

With one of the most expansive vocabularies, understanding the verb variations and how to apply the correct tense in a given situation can get pretty tricky for those learning the English language.  And while misusing vocabulary isn’t necessarily a deal-breaker when it comes to successful communicating, it’s highly noticeable to native speakers and can weaken the point you’re trying to get across. 

2. Grammar

Complex and difficult to learn, English grammar is a challenge to absorb and use properly.  And although there are plenty of great books on grammar, it can take a lot of practice before you’re able to effectively implement them into your speaking. 

While it can be tedious to master, having correct grammar is vital for clear communication.  Poor grammar can not only confuse who you’re talking to but alter the meaning of what you’re trying to say.  Fortunately, there are some great tools you can use if you need some extra grammatical help:

  • Grammar Girl – Grammar Girl’s “Quick and Dirty Tips” provides quick lessons to help with the grammatical confusion.
  • Gramma-Monster – A free course that covers punctuation, various aspects of speech, and often made grammatical mistakes.
  • Writing Daddy – If you have to write a paper for either work or school and you’re concerned about your grammar, using a professional writing service like WritingDaddy is a great way to go!
  • VerbaLearn – This one’s actually for your vocabulary, but VerbaLearn is a great free online studying site that is perfect for learning vocabulary and phrases.  The site offers lessons through video, audio, and even games and flashcards.
  • ESL Monkeys – Providing a list of free online tools and resources that include quizzes, language lessons, and podcasts, ESL Monkeys is a go-to site for those learning English. 

3. Pronunciation

While native English speakers get to learn the trickier nuances of pronunciation when they’re in grade school, it can be pretty tough for those new to the language to grasp many of the stranger subtleties (not pronouncing the “k” in “knight” or the “d” in “Wednesday).  To complicate things even more, there are a number of languages that don’t teach certain phonetic sounds that are used in English, and if your native language is one of those, the mastering pronunciation of a number of English words will be that much more difficult. 

4. Slang and Colloquialisms

Between the complex grammar and vast vocabulary, English language students already have plenty to learn.  However, often times classes don’t offer any instruction into the use of the slang words that are frequently used in ordinary day-to-day conversations.  In fact, it’s not uncommon for slang words to dominate conversations which can lead to a difficult time for those only learning to speak English from a formal perspective. 

5. Variations

As mentioned above, the different ways English is used can make communicating for those learning the language difficult when trying to converse with others.  The confusion of formal vs informal language can lead to speaking informally in situations where formal is more appropriate or even vice versa.  On top of that, the variations between written and spoken language can make things even more difficult with students spelling words phonetically (how it sounds when they say them)  instead of spelling them properly. 


While learning English can be difficult, the rewards of speaking it can be quite beneficial.  By focusing on the tougher aspects that I’ve laid out above, you’ll be able to better prepare yourself for the challenge and with enough determination and practice, become proficient at speaking it. 

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For a lot of students, college is a sort of laboratory for them to get the first-time experience with budgeting their money.  And while a few hundred bucks might seem like a lot on the first of the month, those classic college expenses like books, student fees, food, rent, plus numerous other activities that tend to pop up in the collegiate world can drain you of your finances surprisingly fast. 

Fortunately, there is a number of great online money making options for you to earn a few extra bucks to help you through the month: 

1)  Take Part In A Focus Group

Companies are constantly seeking consumers to take part in online focus groups in order to study consumers attitudes and shopping behaviors.  With compensation that can reach as high as $100/hr or other forms of payment such as corporate schwag or gift cards, participating in these groups can actually be quite lucrative.  Additionally, companies are often in particular demand of college students since they’re a fairly limited demographic.  Keep in mind, though, if you’re going to get involved with a group, you’ll be expected to be reliable, which means logging in on time and staying for the duration of the session. 

2)  Profit From Your Schoolwork

Although the concept of selling your essays or other assignments through an online site might sound shady due to the potential of students purchasing work to present as their own, it’s really not.  The fact is, cheating and plagiarism have always been a part of the college world and knocking out these sites won’t change that.  

However, turning in another’s work isn’t necessarily the reason students go to the best writing websites anyways.  There’s a ton of value in having another student’s well-written paper to use as a learning resource, and so in this case, a purchased essay is no more than a simple study aid.  In fact, purchasing a paper from an online site is effectively no different than searching for papers online in order to learn from them and obtain referencing sources. 

Here're a few sites where you can upload and sell your academic essays:

  • Gazhoo
  • SmartEssay
  • Constant Content

All of these sites let you price your work as you see fit, which in turn can get you a nice little chunk of change. 

3)  Take An Online Survey

Although a lot of online surveys don’t reward you with actual money, PaidViewpoint is one site that does and additionally guarantees you won’t be cut loose from the group once you’ve been invited in and started working on a survey. 

Other online sites that pay you to take surveys include:

  • Cash Crate
  • American Consumer Opinion
  • Palm Research
  • NPD Online Research
  • Toluna
  • Squishy Cash

One thing to note is that some surveys might compensate you with points that can be used to acquire gift cards; however, it’s fairly easy to just go ahead and sell your cards on a website such as Cardpool.

4)  Knockout Some Microjobs

Thanks to freelance platforms like Fiverr, you can offer your talents to various clients and pick up some pretty decent case while doing so.  In fact, a lot of people are actually building careers by freelancing on these sites.  Some of the services offered on these platforms include:

  • Writing articles
  • Audio transcription
  • Designing logos, book covers web pages…etc.
  • Performing research
  • Offering social media marketing

In addition to freelance sites like Fiverr, there is task running sites such as TaskRabbitt where you can get paid to do things like dog-sit, run errands, or even stand in line to purchase tickets for a concert. 

5)  Sell Stuff

If you’ve got a talent for such things as graphic design or coming up with clever sayings, you can sell your creations online.  There’s a wide range of design items that can be put to market, and whether it’s coffee cups, shot glasses, or t-shirts, if you’ve got the skill, the buyers are there.  Additionally, if you’ve got the ability to not just create a design, but the actual item yourself, sites like Bonanza and Etsy are great places to put them up for sale.

One final nice thing about these sites is that although there could be a small fee associated with using them, you’re allowed a 60-day window (or sometimes even longer) to sell your items.  This is comparatively far better than the 7-days Ebay allows you and it makes it much easier to develop a loyal consumer base for your goods. 

Summing Things Up

So there you go.  Being in college doesn’t have to mean you’re always scrounging around for  empty cans or bottles to take to the store or calling mom and dad for a little financial boost.  These sites are not only a great way to earn a few extra bucks but can also be a monthly source of consistent side income.  Now go make some money!



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Whether you already have some knowledge of English language or you’re just getting started with all the wonderful lessons that will bring you closer to using it, there’s no better way to learn than learning by yourself.

Even though it might come as a surprise, self-studying is the go-to method of learning for the simple fact of working at your own pace. That being said, here are a couple of tips and tools that you can use in order to boost your English self-study process.

1) Listen, watch and read: The best way to learn a new language is to expose yourself to it. Even though you may not have any native English speakers around you, listening to music and watching movies with English voices is a great way to learn a few things. The same rule applies for reading books or even comics, because not only will you learn how to say words and name objects, you will also learn how to spell and write. This is a must when it comes to learning a language.

Once you get ahead and become more confident of your English skills, you can try creative online writing or a similar task to see if you remember anything. Repetition is the Mother of success, and this goes double with self-study.

2) Join an online forum: Once you get a hang of using English a bit more confidently, you can apply what you learned on an online forum. Whatever you are studying or doing for a living, there is bound to be a forum dedicated to your interests. This is a perfect opportunity to practice and expand on what you learned so far. Visiting one of the blogs that offer writing challenges is also a good way to start practicing.

Keep in mind that people you chat with will always be helpful when it comes to correcting your mistakes and this is a great way to communicate with someone online and practically use the words you just learned. Even if you are not into forums, you can always play an online game that requires cooperation with other people. That way you will start communicating with them without even realizing that you are putting much effort into it.

3) Use online tools to learn: Watching movies and chatting with people online will only get you so far. This is why it’s important to realize that there are numerous online tools out there that offer help with English self-studying. These tools will not only teach you English but also track your progress and give you clear direction of study.

Resumes Expert – One of the best ways to learn English is through writing, and what better way to do so than by using one of the best online writing services out there? Resume Expert has been around for a long time, and in that time, they have built a reputation for themselves.

The service works with some of the best writers on the market, offering services such as CV writing or making and editing a cover letter. This means that you will always have a place to go when it comes to editing and advising you on your written materials. This is a good practice when writing something for the first time, especially while learning English by yourself. Give Resume Expert a shot and take a look at what they offer.

FluentU – Remember what we said about listening to music and watching movies? FluentU is a tool that selects what type of sound or video you should use according to your current knowledge of English language. Not only that, but you can use this tool to learn other languages as well.

How it works is that it shows you a video and then asks you to spell or recognize certain words or phrases used in that same material. In turn, FluentU uses this data to choose the next viable learning material selected just for you. Considering that visual learning is the best way of remembering things, there really is no reason not to give FluentU a go.

With all being said, English self-studying is not as impossible as some might think. All it takes is some personal discipline and patience. Take an hour or two during each day and dedicate it to specifically trying to learn new things about the language.

Whether by watching videos online or actively listening to music, make sure that you are always aware of “why” you are doing it. You will be perfectly capable of putting together thoughts and sentences using the English language before you know it.

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