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بر اساس فرهنگ لغات  وبستر


salute verb \sə-ˈlüt\ to give a sign of respect to (a military officer, flag, etc.) by moving your right hand to your forehead: to give a salute to (someone or something)

سلام دادن / احترام نظامی

Colonel noun \ˈkər-nəl\ an officer of high rank in the army, air force, or marines : a military officer who ranks above a major


major adjective \ˈmā-jər\   سرگرد

bustle verb \ˈbə-səl\   to move briskly and often ostentatiously      عجله / شلوغی/ تقلا

amiable adjective \ˈā-mē-ə-bəl\ friendly and pleasant   دوست داشتنی / دلپذیر

wig-wag verb \ˈwig-ˌwag\ to send a signal by or as if by a flag or light waved according to a code ارتباط ، مخابره، علامت دادن با پرچم /

shoestring noun \ˈshü-ˌstriŋ\ narrow and long  باریک و بلند

put off :  to hold back to a later time  به بعد موکول کردن

clipper noun \ˈkli-pər\ a very fast type of sailing ship کشتی

(with) hat in hand

the image of someone standing, respectfully, in front of a powerful person, asking for a favor She stormed off but came back with hat in hand when she ran out of money.بدست کاسه گدایی

pal noun \ˈpal\ a close friend   یار / رفیق / شریک

jerk noun \ˈjərk\ a stupid person or a person who is not well-liked or who treats other people badly آدم احمق و نادان

I was baiting you   داشتم اذیتت می کردم

I have it coming to me / proverb / سزاوار تنبیه هستم

Water under the bridge / Idiom / همه چیز عوض شده

Racquet noun \ˈrakə̇t\ راکت / سروصدا / جنجال

Cordial noun \ˈkr-jəl\ a sweet alcoholic drink  نوشیدنی الکل دار

ویسکی اسکاتلندی Scotch noun \ˈskäch\a kind of whiskey that is made in Scotland


keep one's fingers crossed (for someone or something) /Idiom/ 

to wish for luck for someone or something, sometimes by actually crossing one's fingers; to hope for a good outcome for someone or something. I hope you win the race Saturday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. آرزوی موفقیت داشتن برای کسی







Monsieur noun \məs-ˈyə(r), məsh-; mə-ˈsir\ a Frenchman of high rank or station —used as a title equivalent to Mister موسیو / آقا / جناب

Mademoiselle noun \ˌmad-mwə-ˈzel \ used like Miss as a title for a Frenchwoman who is not married مادمازل / دوشیزه

Wont noun \ˈwȯnt, ˈwōnt also ˈwənt, ˈwänt\ a usual habit or way of behaving عادت / خو

antiphon noun \ˈan-tə-fən, -ˌfän\  verse sung responsively با  احساسات آهنگی را خواندن

wall-eye noun \ˈwl-ˌī\  a large North American fish that lives in fresh water and that has large eyes

چشم درشت

Furtive adjective \ˈfər-tiv\ done in a quiet and secret way to avoid being noticed رمزی / مخفی

Temple noun \ˈtem-pəl\ one of the side supports of a pair of glasses jointed to the bows and passing on each side of the head شقیقه 

چین و چروک دور چشمCrow's foot on temple / phrase/     

Unctuous adjective \ˈəŋ(k)-chə-wəs \ —used to describe someone who speaks and behaves in a way that is meant to seem friendly and polite but that is unpleasant because it is obviously not sincere چرب زبانی / چاپلوسی/ نرم

Scant adjective \ˈskant\ very small in size or amount اندک / قلیل/ کم پشت

Litany noun \ˈli-tə-nē, ˈlit-nē\ a prayer in a Christian church  مناجات

Liturgy noun \ˈli-tər-jē\ a fixed set of ceremonies, words, etc., that are used during public worship

مناجات / آیین

Trifle noun \ˈtrī-fəl\ something that does not have much value or importance

بی ارزش / کم بها

Expound verb \ik-ˈspand\ to explain or state (something) : to give details about (something)

شرح  /  توضیح داد / تفسیر کرد

Groove noun \ˈgrüv\  a situation suited to one's abilities or interests

مهارت / عادت زندگی

Nurseryman noun /one whose occupation is the cultivation of plants especially for sale

                                                                                              باغبان / کسی که کارش پرورش گل و گیاه است

Reproachfully adverb  \ri-ˈprōcfəlē, -li\in a shameful or disgraceful manner

ننگ آور/ سرزنش آمیز

 Peculiar adjective \pi-ˈkyül-yər\ characteristic of only one person, group /not usual or normal

عجیب و غریب / خاص / ویژه

Manor noun \ˈma-nər\ a large country house on a large piece of land

ملک اربابی / خانه ی بزرگ  

Ill-bred adjective \-ˈbred\ rude and impolite : having or showing bad manners

بی تربیت / بی نزاکت

Contrive verb \kən-ˈtrīv\to form or create in an artistic manner/ to form or think of a plan, method,

تدبیر کردن / درست کردن

Rebellion noun \ri-ˈbel-yən\ open opposition toward a person or group in authority


Revolt verb \ri-ˈvōlt also -ˈvlt\to fight in a violent way against the rule of a leader or government/to experience disgust or shock

شورش کردن / اظهار تنفر کردن

Dissimulate verb \(ˌ)di-ˈsim-yə-ˌlāt\ to hide under a false appearance

پنهان کاری / به روی خود نیاوردن

Fib noun \ˈfib\an untrue statement about something minor or unimportant


Whooping-cough (/ˈwpɪŋ/, /ˈhpɪŋ/ is a highly contagious bacterial disease

سیاه سرفه

Enjoin verb \in-ˈjin, en-\ to direct or order (someone) to do something

امر/ سفارش کردن  

Plausible adjective \ˈpl-zə-bəl\ possibly true : believable or realistic

باور کردنی / پذیرفتنی

Extremity noun \ik-ˈstre-mə-tē\ the farthest limit, point, or part of something

نهایت / حد آخر

Wilderness noun \ˈwil-dər-nəs\ a wild and natural area in which few people live

بیابان / بی آب و علف

Spindle-tree noun any of various often evergreen shrubs, small trees, or vines

بوته ی گیاه

Lilac noun \ˈlī-ˌläk \ a type of bush with purple or white flowers that bloom in the spring

یاس / بنفشه

Pruning-hook noun a pole bearing a curved blade for pruning plants

دسقاله / بیل

Cast/run your over something to look at something quickly without looking at the details

نگاه گذری انداختن

Patch noun \ˈpach\  a small piece


Impudent adjective \ˈim-pyə-dənt\ failing to show proper respect and courtesy : very rude

گستاخ / چشم سفید / پررو

Disconcert verb \ˌdis-kən-ˈsərt\ o make (someone) upset or embarrassed

دستپاچه /مشوش / مبهوت کردن

Disinclined adjective unwilling because of mild dislike or disapproval

با بی میلی / بدون تمایل


Loafer noun \ˈlō-fər\ a person who does not work hard


Vagabond adjective \ˈva-gə-ˌbänd\ moving from place to place without a fixed home


 Mould \ˈmōld\ a fixed pattern / design

الگو / قالب

Sublime verb \sə-ˈblīm\ to elevate or exalt especially in dignity or honor

والا / رفیع / عرشی

Deem verb \ˈdēm\ to come to think or judge / to have an opinion

گماشتن / پنداشتن

Grandeur noun \ˈgran-jər \ a great and impressive quality

ابهت / عظمت

Imprudence noun \im-ˈprü-dən(t)s\lacking discretion, wisdom, or good judgment

عدم بصیرت / نابخردی 

Wager noun \ˈwā-jər\ risk / bet

شرط بندی کردن

Trim verb \ˈtrim\ to cut (something) off something else : to remove ; to make (something) neat

آراستن / هرس کردن

Yew  noun \any of various coniferous plants

Yew tree

Outlay noun \ˈat-ˌlā\ an amount of money that is spent

هزینه / مخارج

Erratic adjective \ir-ˈat-ik\ not consistent or regular

نامرتب / بی نظم

Beguile verb \bi-ˈgī(-ə)l, bē-\ to trick or deceive (someone)

فریب دادن

Ratify verb \ˈra-tə-ˌfī\ to make (a treaty, agreement, etc.) official by signing it or voting for it

تصویب کردن

Impartial adjective \(ˌ)im-ˈpär-shəl\ treating all people and groups equally : not partial or biased

بی طرف / بیغرض

Posterity noun \pä-ˈster-ə-tē\ people in the future


Malevolent adjective \mə-ˈle-və-lənt\ having or showing a desire to cause harm to another person

بدخواه / بد نهاد

Road surveyor / land surveying is the technique, profession, and science of accurately determining the terrestrial or three-dimensional position of points and the distances and angles between them.

 مهندس نقشه برداری  / راه ساز /پیمانکار

Infallible adjective \(ˌ)in-ˈfa-lə-bəl\ not capable of being wrong or making mistakes : not fallible

مصون از اشتباه

Delinquent noun \-kwənt\ a young person who regularly does illegal or immoral things

متخلف / مجرم / مقصر

Sergeant noun \ˈsär-jənt\ an officer of low rank in the army or marines


Perpetrate verb \ˈpər-pə-ˌtrāt\ to produce, perform, or execute

مرتکب شدن

Fortnight noun \ˈfrt-ˌnīt\ a period of 14 days : two weeks

دو هفته

Audacious adjective \-ˈdā-shəs\ very confident and daring : very bold and surprising or shocking

بی شرم  /  بی پروا  /  بی باک

Malicious adjective \mə-ˈli-shəs\ having or showing a desire to cause harm to someone

بد اندیش / از روی عناد / بدخواه

Ubiquity noun \yü-ˈbi-kwə-tē\ presence everywhere or in many places especially simultaneously

حضور همزمان در چند مکان






























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