My Story (Favorite Perfume)

!Hello dear translators

I read Sima's discussion about her nice story and it made me interested to add my simple story here to be translated too


عطر دلخواه

        تنها گلدونش رو گذاشت لب پنجره تا خوب نگاهش کنه. آب دادن و تميز کردن برگها همونطورکه مامانش يادش داده بود کار هر روزش بود ولی امروز ميل عجيبی داشت که گلدون گلش رو بغل کنه. به‌نظرش قشنگتر از روزای قبل می‌اومد. بغلش کرد. صورتش با قطره‌های ريز روی برگها خيس شد. گل سرخ کوچکی رو که لای برگها پنهان شده بود رو استشمام کرد. کاش گلش عطر خوبی داشت. عميقتر نفس کشيد تا شايد کمی بوی عطر رو احساس کنه. همون کافی بود تا گلش بهترين باشه. گلش رو که دوباره نگاه کرد دلش سوخت. در شيشه‌ی عطر هنوز باز بود. حالا ديگه گلش بهترين بود. بوی مامان رو می‌داد. صورتش رو که روی برگها می‌کشيد ياد نوازشهای مامان می‌افتاد. تو بغل مامان بود و اشک می‌ريخت و می‌شنيد که مامان برای چندمين بار گفت: «عيبی نداره، يکی ديگه برات مي‌خرم.» و دوباره به گل پژمرده‌ی پشت پنجره نگاه کرد.


After posting the story sara translated it to English, that I must thank her due to her great work and kindness. Really thanks dear Sara, please let me put her good job here


The Favorable Scent

She put her only flowerpot in the window so that she could watch it closely. Watering and cleaning the leaves as her mom has taught was her usual work every day but today she felt the impulsion to hug her flowerpot. It seemed more beautiful than other days. She hugged it. Her face became wet with the tiny drops over the leaves. She smelled a little rose hidden among the leaves. For her that was enough for the flower to be the best. As she looked again at the flower, she felt pity for that. The perfume bottle was still unlidded. Now her flower was the best. It smelled her mother’s scent. As she touched with her face the leaves she remembered her mother’s caress. She was in the arms of her mother shedding tear and herd her mother saying once again: “No problem, I will buy you another one”. And again she was looking at the faded rose behind the window.

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  • wow babies!

    Thank you all , I enjoy it.

    • Oh!


      Mahgol is hear!

      Thanks dear :)

  • This reply was deleted.
    • Thanks dear Sara ,

      and Sahar jan could you please copy the translation and transfer it to the main body of your discussion?

    • It is done!

    • dear Sara,


      I only thanked you for your great job.

      and then I asked Sahar to convey your translation beside her story in Persian.

    • Thanks dear Sara!

      It is great!

      It was very nice of you and it is a big pleasure to have your translation as a skilful one for my story.

      I am so happy that you are here :)


  • sorry i had lots of wrong words in my comment

    • Hello Sima :)


      Your nice words and warm encouragement are really great comfort :)

  • HI dear I 've heard long time ago that all of us were born such artistic and GOd create us as creator .if u don't believe look at your painting when you were a child or remind your dreams and making story about different thing that we never heard of them when we were children .but with passing time we think that simple thing is more important than our power for creating .keep doing your way. your story is fantastic and full of emotion .

  • Hello Sima!

    Thanks for the like :)

    And thanks for your nice idea of translation your stroy in English which leads to creating this discussion.

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