make story


 could you make short line stories by using these idioms .

1. add insult to the injury

2. get up from the wrong side of the bed

3. lend someone an ear

4. make someone's blood boil

5. be at someone's elbow a snail pace down to earth

8. bite off more than one can chew

9.hold one's tongue

10. paddle one's own canoe

12. be out to lunch ticked pink

14. beat the odds until one is blue in the face

15. rock the boat

and any other idioms you are familiar with.

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  • He saw Mary beside himself in no time. When Mary asked about the result, he was hot under collar, gritted his teeth and tried to be friendly.

    He hemmed and hawed and skirted the issue.

     Mary's insistence was a hit below the belt. He remembered school final exam what Mary said left a bad taste in his mouth, but finally he decided to lay his cards on the table and held his temper. He took the bull by the horns and told it like it was.

    -"Oh!! Me, too!!" Mary said!

    He was all at sea and sat up and took notice of her words.

    -"How?!! You were in the big time in School!" He said surprisingly.

    -"Yeah! But it seems that we both brought up the rear" Mary said with a smile keeping her chip up.

    His heart went out to Mary.

    Mary continued:

    "Now it's the time to put heads together and pool our resources. It's very good to join forces. Tow hands are better than one."



    Now what do you think?!

    Is Mary a good sport?


    • yes, two hands are better than one.

      Thanks sahar jan!

      -might Mary is a good artist?!

    • Yes!

      She is!!


  • You needed it for Sunday and add it here on Saturday night?!
    What do you think about EC members?!!
    Yes! I've finished it today and,God Willing,I will send it tomorrow by computer because mobile does not have bold option to make idioms bold as you said.
  • Thank you sahar jan,
    If you liked, make its end. But I wanted the story for sunday class and I shared it . Now I need a new one for the next sunday with other idioms. :)
  • When he was a child always fell down and some called he had two left feet, now he had worked like a dog and hit all the books and spent money like water on institutes , books,.. he was determined to cut the apron string and stand on his own two feet . had studies hard and burned the midnight oil to enter the university and reach his goals. just was waiting by the newsstand , was ready to see the result. as papers delivered; he in a flash had bought and looked for his name, but...


    • to find hi name was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Oh! His name wasn't there!

      He became so upset that he lost his head. But worse he saw Mary and looked her in the eye. He flipped out and at first he couldn't speak then he pulled himself togetherb.

      Mary was his classmate. She whipped the pants of the other students and stole the show from every body in the class in a way that other students do not hold a candle to her.

      She had a lot on the ball and everyone sat up and took niotice of her clever mind. Teachers took their hat off to her but she thought that she is God's gift to the mankind and had a heart of stone that always added insult to injury.

    • thank you sahar jan!

      then what happened to him? :)

    • :)

      Please be patient!

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