
  • I was really wondering why you have thought of this question. It's kinda cute though.
    I think, God had seen this imbalance already before us that's why God had decided to create the first man and woman. I hope my reply is alright.
    Good day!
  • hello every body
    nature is made for human being but people are selfish they destroy the nature by cutting the trees . the cars made a dirty gazes called COV . people throw the rubbish in the street especially in morocco . the companies throw the very dirty rubbish in the water . there are many wars all over the world ... by this way the new generation will not be healthy because of our crimes with nature .
  • hi mazigh
    yes i think.. do you know why??
    because GOD creat the earth including nature for human to enjoy these blessings..

    What does the nature of the non-humans?
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