Words of chapter 27

daybreak person, place, idea, event or thing.""> noun

hear the UK pronunciation of this word"">/ˈdeɪ.breɪk/ n ['a', 'an', or 'one'."">U]

dawn event or thing.""> noun

hear the UK pronunciation of this word"">/dɔːn//dɑːn/ n [plural forms."">C or noun with no plural form. Cannot be used with 'a', 'an', or 'one'."">U]
the period in the day when light from the sun begins to appear in the sky
We woke at dawn.
We left as dawn was breaking (= starting).
We left at the break of dawn.
Twenty-three people were arrested and large quantities of heroin were seized in a dawn raid "">(= when police officers suddenly enter a building, in an attempt to catch people involved in illegal activities).
the dawn of sth
conversation."">literary the start of a period of time or the beginning of something new
The fall of the Berlin Wall marked the dawn of a new era in European history.
from dawn to dusk
from early morning until night
We worked from dawn to dusk, seven days a week.

preceding or pronoun.""> adjective

hear the UK pronunciation of this word"">/prɪˈsiː.dɪŋ//priː-/ adj [before noun]
existing or happening before someone or something
The paintings are a development of ideas she explored in the preceding decade.
In conclusion, I hope the preceding arguments have convinced you of the need for action.

precede experience.""> verb

hear the UK pronunciation of this word"">/prɪˈsiːd//priː-/ v [T]
to be or go before something or someone in time or space
Boutros Boutros-Ghali preceded Kofi Annan as the Secretary-General of the UN.
It would be helpful if you were to precede the report with an introduction.

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