Words of chapter 2 Part 9

persistent adjective/pəˈsɪs.tənt/ /pɚ-/ adj•lasting for a long time or difficult to get rid ofa persistent smell/skin rashSymptoms of the illness include a high temperature and a persistent dry cough.There have been persistent rumours that the managing director might take early retirement.•Someone who is persistent continues doing something or tries to do something in a determined but often unreasonable wayBe persistent - don't give up.He has been a persistent critic of the president.She is a persistent offender and has been arrested five times this year for shoplifting.persistently adverb/pəˈsɪs.tənt.li/ /pɚ-/ advThey have persistently ignored our advice.decipher verb/dɪˈsaɪ.fər / /-fɚ/ v [T]to discover the meaning of something written badly or in a difficult or hidden wayCan you decipher the writing on this envelope?

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  • persistent rumours
    persistent headaches
    a persistent problem
    persistent rain

    persistently low rainfall

    She studied the envelope, trying to decipher the handwriting.
  • yes I got it lol , its funny story :D
  • lol that crazy I cant help my self of laught hahhah
  • WOW ! dear friends !
    You are handling those words very well .
    Thank you !
  • at first time when i start learn english i was going to give up , so if i was not persistant i can never improve my english

    oh I always wonder how the pharmacist could decipher the doctors writing :O
    • The first thing for learning English is interesting in my idea. when we are in here it means that we are interested in learning and all of the other things can come following it.

      "So that those who have the responsibility for understanding can understand"...
      the pharmacist can read the prescriptions because they have responsibility for understanding.
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