
  • Think about an American, Spanish ,French or any other nations' person who is speaking in your language ,naturally the  basic structure of  his speeches have got problems and also his pronunciation  . But he persists on using colloquial style of speaking and idioms or proverbs . It comes to my mind somehow strange.

    Over all as you know these kinds of phrases are different from place to place in a vast country. For example people in North  can't understand all idioms which people of South are using. It could be exactly the same problem in other countries.

    • But I can understand all idioms which Sinderellasal is using!!

  • What about culture ??? Doesn't it mean we are using statements which are not a part of our culture? We are trying to learn English but a new culture.As you know we have got our sweet proverbs which most of them are originated from our sweet literature or history and we are familiar with them.

    I feel with using those idioms and proverbs we are following a blindly imitation. What's your idea ??

    • I disagree with you Darius.
    • What part of Darius do you disagree with ?


    • With its "S"!




      The "last line".

    • Its "S" is one of the most important parts of him. It refers to his mustache( Sibil ) and you never can omit it . Maybe you can omit any other parts but its S .
    • Omitting “S”!!!
      Oh! My God!!
      Who said that you should delete it?!
      “S” is the best word in alphabet, because my name is started with it!
      I meant adding “H” after it.
      Let me say my idea in the other way:
      Why “Darius” and not “Dariush”?
      You can see that you are obeying English structure there.
  • Thanks Sindy, I love Iranians!!

  • Sinderellasal, what do you mean by....we are iranians, used to "Extremes meet"!!



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