In our modern life, social evils are widespread, which poses a big threat to people. One evil that causes a big concern to the whole society is drug-taking, for the number of young addicts is increasing. In my opinion, there are three urgent actions which should be done to prevent young people from using drugs.

        Firstly, it is necessary to create a good living environment for the young. In order to do that, parents should take care of their children so that they can feel the warm atmosphere of their family. Schools should also create exciting extra-curriculum activities such as sports, music contests, etc involving students’ attendance and interest. With good care of their parents and schools, the young can avoid the temptation of drugs.

       Secondly, there must be strict punishments set for both drug sellers and buyers. A good living environment alone cannot work effectively because evildoers have various tricks to seduce young people to get addicted to drugs. However, for fear of incurring punishments, fewer people will involve themselves in illegal drug-selling and taking. As a result, strict punishments obviously lessen the severity of illegal drug-taking.

       Lastly, the operation of entertaining places where the young often gather such as bars, dance floors, etc should be paid close attention to because bad people often take advantage of these places to sell drugs. If we keep a keen eye on their operation, drug sellers will be detected, and they will have no chances to entice young people. Therefore, that young people take drugs is avoidable.

       In general, creating a good living environment, setting strict punishments and controlling the operations of entertaining places for young people are essential if we want to protect them from harmful effects of drugs. It will not only help young people lead a healthy life but also eliminate the whole society’s big concern.


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  • This is an excellent essay. I have no corrections! Keep up the good work!
  • Hi My,

    I hardly tried to find a mistake... But there is no one! :(  hihihi ;) Also drug sellers have no chances after such a persuasive essey! :)

    On occasion, I would like to say thank you for the highly demanded group. =)



    • thank you. but our group is not highly-demanded, Oksana. You can post any imperfect writing here. We aim at perfection in writing, which does not mean that all of us have to be perfect writer right at the moment.

      hope to see your new posts

    • Thank you, My, for your invitation! I will try :)
  • nice work! i have read your essay twice carfully, there is no mistake ,I think.

    you have clear standpoint, significant support.


    thank you MY. :) i hope i could do better some day! hehe

    • thanks for your compliment! because it is my assignment, i hope that the teacher will appreciate my writing as highly as you. hihihi.
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